[QUOTE="Mystikef"][QUOTE="mismajor99"][QUOTE="Mystikef"][QUOTE="mismajor99"][QUOTE="Mystikef"] Let me give an EASY example... even though there are thousands of examples where the precise control comes in:
You jump off a cliff and want to land on the tip of a rock... with a keyboard, you make one directional adjustment at a time... forward... now to the right a little, now diagnol... and landed! With a controller... push directly toward the rock and land. It's simple, faster, and more precise. You could actually run out of time making the jump using a M/K because you have to make one directional adjustment at a time.
I have no idea what you are talking about when you say who thinks "I want to turn 33.4 degrees." That makes no sense. It doesn't matter what the number is... you can just push the thumbstick in that exact direction and go directly there - no matter which way you are facing.
And for whomever asked why PC gamers don't use controllers... well, I do... not always, but I certainly have with certain games. Obviously others do as well or there wouldn't be 20 models of controllers available for PCs. Someone is buying them. But there are two other reasons: PC only players are stubborn, as all of you are proving with completely illogical arguments. But mostly, because the improved ease of aiming with a mouse is more important to them than the improved moveability of a controller.
Wrong answer. No PC Gamer uses a gamepad over a M/K for FPS games. Racing and Sports and Platformers, yes. That's why there is a market for them. Only console gamers that don't know how to use a K/M that end up on a PC, use a gamepad.
You have repeatedley stated that you have won the argument, yet I see nothing in any of you posts, just random hypotheticals. If gampads were truly better, PC Gamers would be using them for FPS. What you fail to realize is that the genre was created for the M/K, not the controller. It's a PC genre, brought to consoles with auto-aim and slower paced games for a reason.
Also, do youself a favor and look any professional gamer, what are they using for FPS on PC? Mouse and Keyboard everytime. Are they all stuborn? Stop lying to yourself. You can love the gamepad all you want, it's not a better solution.
Great... another closed minded PC gamer making every other PC gamer look bad. :roll:
The EXAMPLES I gave are correct. The thumbstick gives more accuracy for momevent. It is completely illogiccal to think 4 or 8 directions of movement at two speeds (maximum) can somehow be equally as accurate as complete omnidirectional movement at any speed. Denying that will just make you look foolish.
I know some PC gamers like to think that FPS is their precious little genre, but FPS's play great on consoles as well.
As for your comment about "Every FPS contest using K/M" well... you are correct if it is a PC contest. But if you check the rules I think you will find that you are nNOT ALLOWED to use a controller in those contests... therefore, every serious PC gamer MUST use a K/M in practice and for these contests. It has nothing to do with the K/M being better. Even though, many PC gamers think it is.
You are welcome to your opinion on what "you prefer" but don't try an tell anyone with a tad bit of smarts that 8 directions is as accurate as infinite directions, nor that infinite different speeds is less accurate than 1 or 2 speeds. It's ridiculous, and you are owning yourself everytime say it. Even second graders can do that simple math. How much it affects gameplay might be up for discussion, but the accuracy is all in the numbers. The examples I gave show how I think it affects gameplay, and my examples are technically correct.
Your points are mute as far as FPS's go. The conroller is definately better for certain genres, but not FPS. I never said you can't play FPS on console or with a controller, they are just better on PC with M/K. If you don't have a gaming PC, which I suspect to be the case, then I can see why you feel this way. I've always had a rig, plus every single console. I love consoles, and PC Gaming. I speak only from experience as a 29 year old. All of my friends, even the most hardcore console users, all admit that the M/K setup is the most ideal for FPS, although they prefer to play them on console. That's fine. I don't have a problem with that. But, I do have a problem when people try to say that the controller is better for FPS, this just isn't true. Just look at the games and it will tell you a whole lot. FPS games on PC are much different than on console. Console AI is not nearly as smart, it's slower paced, it includes autoaim and sticky aim. Why you ask? Because it is neccessary in order to have a more cohesive experience. Plain and simple. Just look at FASA. They had to tweak the controller and slow the mouse down in order to level the playing field. That should tell you something right there.
BTW, 8 directions is all you need for FPS, but in other genres it's different. The mouse points in the direction where you want to go, that is much more precise than anyting a thumb stick can do(Not to mention headlook which is another plus for a mouse). And don't try and tell me that you can run look and shoot at the same time, as you only have two hands. Get over it already.
I am not and have not argued that controllers are better for FPS. I have been simply arguing that movement is better - and no 8 directions is not enough.
It is so easy to move one direction while shooting in another with a controller that I can't even believe you said it isn't. Not only is it easy, but if you are good with a controller, you can run in a perfectly straight line while turning and shooting in ANY direction. THAT is the thumbstick advantage - you can make an EXACT adjustment to counter any turn in aiming/looking. Does it make it better than M/K overall? No. I am not saying that. But you CANNOT keep moving North, let's say, in a perfectly straight line while shooting SSW with a K/M. You would need 16 directions to do that. Besides jumping to an object... you know that you have to switch keys and make adjustments when you are looking or firing at someone. You don't need to with a controller. You push towards where you are jumping and that is exactly the direction you go. No need for adjustments.
I actually find it funny that so many of you take insult by the fact that a controller MIGHT be better at ONE THING where FPSs are concerned. Even though the numbers PROVE IT. The argument "8 directions is enough" would be like me saying pixel-point accuracy is not needed for aiming with a mouse... an area of 9 pixels is "enough." That's probably what the accuracy of a controller is, relative. So is that fine too?
You use a M/K very differently than a gamepad. They are not comparable. Headlook on a mouse is a lot faster, and that is used for movement.
Were you old enough to play Quake III back in the day? The dreamcast players got creamed by the PC Gamers when they allowed crossplatform, not gimped. That pretty much proved the whole idea was terrible, hence why FASA had to gimp the M/K and tweak the controller to make Shadowrun work.Â
As I said, movement is MARGINAL at best with FPS, and does not give you an edge with a controller, not even close. When you are firing, you have to look where you want to fire, ALWAYS, that's all that matters. You don't need 16 directions, not in an FPS. You only need headlook to turn and move, which is extremely quick with a M/K. If I am heading north, and I want to fire SSW, I spin the mouse to SSW while hitting the opposite up or down arrow and one of the left or right movement buttons. I can do it just as fast as with a thumbstick. A M/K user has many more options than a controller user, as a Keyboard user has five fingers all working seperately with one hand. Any quickness with the thumbpad is negated by this fact. Â
If you want to talk about movement, how fast does it take to turn around with a controller vs. a K/M? That's a simple one, the M/K is much much much faster. Play Halo 1 for PC , then play in on xbox to prove it or do a side by side comparison.Â
Thankyou for at least giving reasons and examples why you think movement is better on a k/m. You are the first to do that.
I guess as more and more games cross the PC-Console barrier, the answer to this question will be resolved once and for all. Of course... console players will need to turn off their auto-aim for it to be completely fair.
I have done both... k/m and controllers, though I prefer controllers now for FPS. I am not the only PC gamer to feel that way, though I am not a harrdcore PC gamer by any means. I spend about 60%-70% of my gaming on a console.
Though I am not by any means the best FPS player out there, I find it much easier to do subtle manuevering with a controller, and logic would seem to back me up with unlimited directions and unlimited speeds. But who knows.... maybe I am wrong. All I do know is I don't want to argue about it anymore since there is not any way to prove either side correct. I'd just rahter say you are all right, I am absolutely and utterly wrong, and I am going to move on to something else now. Thanks for playing.
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