[QUOTE="mismajor99"][QUOTE="Mystikef"][QUOTE="mismajor99"][QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="mikasa"][QUOTE="THETRUEDOZAH"] As someone who's gamed on pads just about their whole life, I can tell tell you for a fact that I have performed headshots as accurately and as quickly as could possibly be done on any input device. Auto-aim or no, if the game is designed to be balanced around both kb/m and controller, the end result in playing is nearly the same. I don't understand how Hermits can even move around by using keys, I certainly can't. That part in HL2 where you have to skirt the rooftops took me like 10 tries on PC and only one on Xbox. I'd take a gamepad over m/kb anyday.
Exactly. Hermits focus on the mouse being better and ignore the keyboard as a crappy way to move in a 3d environment. I guess if it was a 2D game it would be ok, but not for 3D. And any attempt to tell them that is quickly dismissed as if it doesn't matter. But if you do the same about the mouse...it's all about how unfair autoaim is (even if it's not in use).
Perhaps it's because, despite your perception of it's faults, the WASD movement configuration has never been so bad developers have had to explicitly make allowances for it in their software.
The inaccuracy of the analogue stick compared to the mouse however, has been written into software in the forms of the auto aim.
If the WASD configuration is a problem comparible to the levels of the controller's aim, why don't we have auto-movement?
Exactly, good point. And I would also argue that the WASD keys, or since I'm a lefty, it's the arrow keys are near perfect for movement. People that don't have the slightest clue what they are doing on a PC would say such a thing like "the keyboard is terrible...". The mouse is way more precise, and THAT is what drives the movement keys. Wherever I point my headlook, that is where I move, forward, backward, and strafe, that is THE ONLY directions you need, as the mouse provides the angle you turn. Gamepad only users(99% Console Users) don't understand the mechanics of the K/M. It just seems alien to them.
Auto-movement? What the heck are you guys talking about? I hope you know that was an very bad comparison and a useless point. Auto-aim works becasue the computer can tell what you are aiming and firing at. How the heck is it supposed to know where you are trying to go to?
Anyway... Using the keyboard for movement is like using a D-pad on a controller. Except, the D-Pad is still better. An analog stick is a vast improvement, and it is useless to argue about this no matter what you prefer. 4 to 8 directions with 1 to 2 speed, using 2 to 4 fingers to manuever is never going to be as good as hundreds of speeds in hundreds of directions using 1 thumb to do it all.
You aren't an M/K user obviously. Your mouse is the driving direction, the arrow keys or wasd keys are just the engine. You can do a lot more with a M/K than you could ever do with a controller(Strafe circle jumpng? I don't think so, not with a controller you aren't! lol) . Heck , just turning around in an FPS with a controller is lame compared to M/K.
Like I said, console only gamers haven't a clue. There is a reason why PC Gamers choose to use a M/K over a controller when they have always had the option for both. I'm a PC gamer and a console gamer, I speak from both sides.
I PC game and console game both, but because of the weakness of the movement on a keyboard, I tend to like FPS on consoles. I use a mouse all day at work... don't need it to play games with it too.
I understand the concept of forward being whichever way the mouse is pointing. But with a controller, it does not matter which way you are looking. You can still move ANY direction, not 4 directions, not 8 directions, ANY direction. You "exclusive Keyboard" users do not get how handy it is for slipping around corners, manuevering objects, dsancing around in firefights, or turning and shooting without missing a step in the direction you are travelling [something that is impossible with a K/m - you zig-zag.]
I get that some of you REALLY LOVE k/m, and I do understand the mouse is more accurate... but you have to understand an analog stick is much more accurate than four buttons. I am amazed how stubborn some of you are. Spock would phaser you in a second if he heard the illogic you guys are trying to convey. You really think four buttons is more accurate than an analog stick with millions of different positions?
I can move in any direction I want using a M/K, just as easy as a controller, and with superior aim. You still haven't adressed my point, if a conroller is that much better, why aren't PC Gamers using it? Why are they using a M/K? Â
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