Ono Said Xbox Owners Will Need to Purchase A PS4 to Play SFV

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#101 SecretPolice
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Pffft, KI poops all over this trash. forgetaboutit. :P

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#102 StrongBlackVine
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@i_p_daily: You say the game sold pporly, I dispute that then you move the goalposts and ask ME to provide evidence of full price sales? I think the onus is you since you are basically claiminh SFIV was some kind of failure.

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#103 tormentos
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@RR360DD said:


“We see a lot of this online. It’s not coming to PS4 or PC.”


I give SFV a year before its on Xbox

DR3 is not on PS4 so what is your point,? Because SF5 will be on PC,if you show me DR3 on PS4 you have a point on PC na you don't even MS did that and claim they would not sell a kinectness xbox one.

@FastRobby said:

Killer Instinct is better than nothing at all.

Fixed for you.

@blackace said:
@mems_1224 said:

or they could just play on pc.

That's what I was thinking. I have an even a better answer for Mr. Ono though. Xbox owners should just not buy it for any platform. Continue to play SFIV or any of the other multiple SF games that exist on other platforms. I'd rather play Mortal Kombat X or Killer Instinct anyways. SFV beta was a disaster. Mr Ono may want to concentrate on that instead of worrying what XB1 gamers will be playing or buying. lmao!!!


@ladyblue said:

Not like it matters. Xbox owners have the superior fighter in Killer Instinct Season 4... hahaha lol couldn't keep a straight face. That's one of the weakest fighters in the market right now. Thank goodness for Guilty Gear Xrd, & in a couple of months SFV. :)

You've never played Killer Instinct so do us all a favor and STFU. lol!! KI is an awesome fighting game. If you've played SF IV, then you've played SFV. lol!!

And you don't need an xbox one for Tomb Raider either,or FH2,MCC or Gears Ultimate yet you lemmings have hype every single one over the PS4 lemming.

Those 2 bold parts show hot butthurt you are but but but no xbox fan should buy it on any platform but but i prefer Mortal Kombat X (Multi) and Killer Instict....lol Pathetic dude.

Na KI is a ok game it was good 50 years ago when Rare was Rare.

@blackace said:

I own an PS4 as well, dumb dumb. lol!! Still not buying it. I already own SF IV. No real reason to get it. Plus Mortal Kombat X and Killer Instinct are more fun for me. I'd get Guilty Gear on the PS4 before SFV.

Doesn't stop you from beaing the most butthurt lemming here,,owning a PS4 doesn't make you unbiased dude you are Blackace basically you are recognize here as the king of all lemmings.

Man the more you say MK and KI are more fun to you the more you look like a sour and very bitter fanboy oh nice that is another Fighitng game the xbox one doesn't have Guilty Gears came last year around holidays you know the time you claimed the PS4 had not games it has 84%...hahahahaaa That is the same score Halo 5 has now on Meta..lol

@kingtito said:
@flyincloud1116 said:

Still doesn't negate the stupidity coming from your cow ass in this thread. Nice try and deflecting but you're still a moronic cow and quickly getting into the ranks for those mentioned in my previous post.

Again, congrats cow.

I see his joke caused you some pretty big anal discomfort..hahahaaa

@kingtito said:

Aside from indie games none of the big devs will make games exclusive unless Sony does have something to do with it ala SF5.

Why would devs miss out on potentially 15million+ consoles? It wouldn't take much effort to port over to the X1 or PS4.

He say many more games not comming he didn't say anything about BIG games, which mean shit considering Ori and the blind forest a damn indie game still is the highest rated game on xbox one not on PS4,has 88% on meta higher rated that BIg budget games like.

Halo,Tomb Raider,Forza,Gears which is funny isn't it, that pathetic burn out routine of downplay indies because they are from smaller studios is a joke,i just proved how this year the highest rated game on xbox not on PS4 is Ori an Indie which came early this year and the only thing lemmings had Until Rareplay landed.

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#104 DaVillain  Moderator
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Seriously you Xbox One owners are really piss-off the fact that Sony dish you out over a lousy comment to buy a PS4? Let me remind you that Sony also said the same thing on Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot last-gen. Wanna play Guns of the Patriot, buy a PS3 which was a legit statement. A simple Xbox fanboy can easily play SFV on a PC.

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#105 tormentos
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@lamprey263 said:

First let's see if it's something worth playing (hopefully not launch broken like Ultimate Street Fighter IV), it turns out Capcom really wasn't lying that they couldn't afford to make the game, largely from horrible publishing decisions that involve isolating their market and release strategy to their domestic territory only which really has been limiting their cash flow, and they've lacked the revenues to remain a larger international multiplatform publisher. Sony came along to pick it up, they get to horde it. Frankly I wouldn't get this if it did come to Xbox One but I hope to god it takes Capcom out of its slump as I do like other things Capcom does... kind of, I mean people thought RE6 was shit I at least enjoyed it, RER2 though it utter trash and people pretentiously praise it. Sadly the only RE games I look forward to are the RE0 and RE2 HD remakes and fingers crossed RE4, RE5, RE6 get Xbox One BC, as well as their Dead Rising and Lost Planet games. But it really does all signal to me an end to their abilities.

I just hope another publisher is able to come along and rescue their Capcom Vancouver studio and the Dead Rising IP before they start laying off staff with all the knowhow of making awesome Dead Rising games. Right now all their doing is sentimentally reminiscing on their Twitter like they had a good run of it and they're all about to get fired.

I hope in the end though, Platinum Games with the backing or merger of another publisher to acquire Capcom's IPs and continue them under a different publisher. They were really the brains behind Capcom in their former glory, it can be that way again.

The best line there...lol

Sony did what MS did before them,the only difference is sony was smarter and pick up SFV instead of DR which is not a bigger series or close to SF,part of the reason for the decline in revenues was that giving exclusivity of DR 3 to MS when on PS4 it would have sold better,those are loss millions.

So at least if they have the exclusivity with sony at least the user base is way bigger and there is more room for more profits.

Is obvious that what you like of Capcom is what support the xbox one,so you would not get SFV even if it came on xbox one,but some how you are defending DR.? lol

@kingtito said:

Hey cow, I just said it was a stupid comment. That obviously caused much butthurt but truth is truth. Get over it

I game on PC more so than my PS4 or X1 so I guess you could say I like gaming over 900p on EVERY game. Something you can't say cow.

The only butthurt fanboy here is you it is obvious that you went totally anal with his joke,so he is not butthurt at all it is you who are,preteneding you own some one or that some one is butthurt about you being butthurt is stupid man and like i have told you countless time it doesn't work that way just because you claim what i say is wrong it really is fanboy.

I don't think you game dude,again every time i see you here is picking a fight over the xbox one honor,and even the smallest thing is enough to get an anal rant from you..lol

So is obvious that the whole 900p joke really touched you...lol

@Phazevariance said:

Lol, and cows gotta buy an xbox one to play Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Both games will eventually be on both platforms in some form or another eg: Super Street Fighter 5

No and no one need to do that because first Tomb Raider is on 360 as well a console many PS4 still have,and second it is coming to PS4 CONFIRMED,unlike SF5 which the developer is saying that is not coming,so far i haven't see Dead Rising 3 on PS4 so i think the developer has a point here.

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#106  Edited By lamprey263
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@tormentos: I said I don't care enough for Street Fighter to get it if it hypothetically was on XBO but said I hope it does well anyways so Capcom remains a healthy, but I feel their precarious financial situation is signalling troubling times for the studio that threatens both Capcom and their IPs I like. I'm consistent on this, I loved the Dead Rising IP last gen and two of the three games ended up on Sony systems all the same. I actually follow Capcom Vancouver on Twitter and check in from time to time and am under the impression they're going under, that's why I'd like to see that series get rescued by somebody, be it Microsoft since they've had two of the four Dead Rising games as console exclusives, or any other publisher willing to finance the games and keep the studio afloat, nothing good could be had watching Capcom go bankrupt... except maybe if Platinum comes along to walk on their ashes and take ownership of Capcom's IPs, but that's it

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#107 tormentos
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@BigShotSmoov007 said:

That's the same arrogant B.S. that Sony said to people when they was asked if they think the PS3 was priced to high for gamers and they said gamers should just get a second job smh. That's why I'm not a fanboy to any of these companies cause they all are arrogant jackasses at the end of the day. Just make the games I want to play and that's all.

This ^^ is some low down crap sony didn't say that in an arrogant way you blind fanboy,in was freaking fanboys like you and the media trying to get hits.

"for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else." In other words: Get a job! Get two jobs, ya lazy bums! Seriously though, is that their marketing plan?


The head of Sony games Ken Kutaragi said to Japanese economics publication Toyo Keizai today that Sony's PS3 strategy is "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."


Sony Never told people to get a second job,it was unprofecional sites like Kotaku,engadget,jostiq and other which introduce the whole get 2 job crap and like always Morons over the internet believe headlines and stupidity without actually reading,is the reason why MS fooled so many lemmings with the whole $400 million Halo crap which was total fake and sold to retailers,.

Want a PS3? Get a Job!

Sony's Ken Kutaragi wants the PS3 to motivate lazy gamers.

Look at 1up title for the article ""Want a PS3? get a Job!"" ""Sony Ken Kuturagi wants the PS3 to motivate Lazy Gamers""

This ^^ is a completely inflamatory and poorly written tittle done with no other intentions but to get hits.

But what is more pathetic is that there is not a fu**ing quote of Kuturagi in the article telling people to get a second job,worse he doesn't cal lazy any one that is totally make up by 1up.

The head of Sony games Ken Kutaragi said to Japanese economics publication Toyo Keizai today that Sony's PS3 strategy is "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."

This ^^ is the quote they have from an interview which was done on Japan for the Japanese community did you see Japan o in an uproar about Kuturagi comment.? No it was western sites like acting like news stand fake tabloids actually claiming false shit and and hurting a company with bad publicity on purpose without anything more than a single line sentence on an interview done in Japan who gods only knows if it was even translated right.

So powerful are this comment that people like you 10 years latter still cling to that shit as if it really happen when in reality all sony was doing was basically telling people yeah the PS3 would be expensive,Kuturagi never told people to get a second job that is something sites like Jostiq did and i have a quote up there proving so.

And yes and you are a fanboy a hypocrite one to, what he say is not even arrogant he is stating the damn truth about a game coming to PS4 want the game buy a PS4 because is not coming to XBO,what is so freaking arrogant about that.?

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said that a deal has been made with MicrosoftMSFT +1.63% to ensure that Respawn Studio’s Titanfall will indeed not be released on PS4, ever. How does something like that happen? Money, and lots of it.


So EA was arrogant when they told people Titanfall would never release on PS4 EVEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRR.

Now i hope you can link me to were you called EA arrogant as sony was falsely accuse to be.

@nyadc said:

I have a PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One, I honestly don't care what it releases on....

Do not want, at all.

You are not fooling any one B4X for the 100 time your are a lemming,and see you defend fu**ing Tomb Raider because it is not on PS4,and downplay this game because it is not on xbox one is a joke and show how much of a fanboy you really are irrelevant of how many platforms you own you are a LEMMING.

The only reason you don't want it,is because it will not be on your precious xbox one but i am sure you will secretly get it for PS4..lol

@nyadc said:

We'll see how long this "exclusive" lasts, it's Street Fighter and it's Capcom, this isn't a PlayStation franchise and it never was. This isn't like a Dead Rising scenario where this game launched only on Xbox 360, it will come to Xbox One at some point in some incarnation, likely a Super Street Fighter V or something.

I wouldn't put too much bank on Capcom's exclusivity deals, what they say doesn't hold much weight.

We'll see.? Din't you just say a few post up that you didn't want it at all.? So why you care and why you will see how long it last.

Let me ask you this is DR3 on PS4.?

And it has being 2 years what make you think SFV will hit the xbox one when lesser DR3 hasn't hit the PS4.?

Well when you show me DR3 on PS4 you will have a point.

@rektmuhface said:

OH NOES I WILL BE LEFT OUT FROM PLAYING A 2D FIGHTER!!! Wut is this the 90s? Who plays fighting games anymore?

All those lemms who hyped Killer Instintc and still do.?

@rektmuhface said:

@StrongBlackVine: are you implying that TMNT was ever good in any medium?

Not only it was good it was great and i did play those on arcades many times,pretty porpular games back then and in consoles to,specially when Snes were closer to the 80's were the cartoons were alive and movies to.

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#109 tormentos
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@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head.

You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

Wait so you falsely bring something that Sony never stated,which has absolutely nothing to do with Capcom,SFV or any game,out of context and you call the person who call you out troll and dummy.?

In what are the same those 2 situations.? For once i already proved sony crap was fake,sony never stated that,and second capcom claims are no different that when EA came and claim Titanfall would never EVER arrive on PS,did you call EA arrogant for that.?

Bullshit that if you cleaning your mess now,you never mention MS at all it was sony and capcom so no your whole all companies crap doesn't include MS.

Fact is link me to you flaming EA or MS executives for Titanfall never coming to PS4.

@i_p_daily said:

Lets face it the only reason people are talking about SF5 at all is because it's an exclusive. If it weren't no one would give a shit about the game. SF hasn't been relevant for years, the way SF4 sold poorly last gen proves that.

Come on Sega bring out VF6 so we can get a decent fighting game this gen.

Wait so you claim the only reason people are talking about SF5 is because it is exclusive,then you claim SF4 sold poorly and that no one care and then you call sega to bring and even nichier franchise which sold even worse than SF did last gen.? And you aren't a lemming right.? What is your other account Tuchar dude.? Man you don't even make effort to differenciate your accounts any more.

@StrongBlackVine said:

@nyadc: And you in denial. You said ROTR would never appear on PS4 and now you are certain SFV will appear in Xbox One in some fo despot Sony and Capcom constantly saying it will not. Just face it your favorite platform got the short end of the stick in 3rd party deals.

I even quote him and make fun of him several times about that Tomb Raider SF5 crap,don''t mind NyaDC (Blackace-B4X) much he just pretend he isn't a fanboy yet anything about the xbox one make him anal,and he would use some pretty fu** up arguments,i guess blackace can't escape his posting style no matter who he tries to be.

@HalcyonScarlet said:

**** that, just get it on the PC lol, it'll be better. It looks like it'll run on a potato. I bet it would run on the Intel GPU built into their CPUs. It would certianly run on any new AMD APU.

Plus I heard the PS4 version is different, instead of the normal move inputs, everything is a quick time event. :-P

Fighters with keyboards lol or with the horrible xbox pad.

@i_p_daily said:

@StrongBlackVine: WTF does Tomb Raider & the XB1 have to do with anything? I thought we were talking about SF here, please stop trying to this shit into some sort of console fight.

Yes that is poor sales when you combine the PS3/360/PC and cant crack 10 million when there's over 200 million potential customers. Also you have to take into account that many of those sales were not sold at full price .

Din't see him complain when you bring Sega and VF..lol

Yeh now how much did the last VF sold on consoles did it outsell SF.? Stop playing dude we can smell you from a mile away dude,downplay SF,then bring more irrelevant fighting series into the table..Pathetic man that is fanboysm 101.

And i like VF more than SF in case your wondering.

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#110 suicidesn0wman
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@davillain- said:

Seriously you Xbox One owners are really piss-off the fact that Sony dish you out over a lousy comment to buy a PS4? Let me remind you that Sony also said the same thing on Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot last-gen. Wanna play Guns of the Patriot, buy a PS3 which was a legit statement. A simple Xbox fanboy can easily play SFV on a PC.

For me it isn't what was said as much as how it was said. No reason to laugh in the face of an entire fanbase, many of whom have a PS4 and/or a PC already. The entire response was contentious at best.

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#111  Edited By DaVillain  Moderator
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@suicidesn0wman said:
@davillain- said:

Seriously you Xbox One owners are really piss-off the fact that Sony dish you out over a lousy comment to buy a PS4? Let me remind you that Sony also said the same thing on Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot last-gen. Wanna play Guns of the Patriot, buy a PS3 which was a legit statement. A simple Xbox fanboy can easily play SFV on a PC.

For me it isn't what was said as much as how it was said. No reason to laugh in the face of an entire fanbase, many of whom have a PS4 and/or a PC already. The entire response was contentious at best.

I agree that Sony's words were harsh, but the way I see it, this is payback for MS Rise of the Tomb Raider timely exclusive deal, so it's fair game to them. But in another way, I rather MS just focus on Killer Instinct season 3.

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#112 HalcyonScarlet
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@tormentos said:

@HalcyonScarlet said:

**** that, just get it on the PC lol, it'll be better. It looks like it'll run on a potato. I bet it would run on the Intel GPU built into their CPUs. It would certianly run on any new AMD APU.

Plus I heard the PS4 version is different, instead of the normal move inputs, everything is a quick time event. :-P

Fighters with keyboards lol or with the horrible xbox pad.

What are you talking about? I use a SF4 controller on my PC, which is VASTLY superior to the All Xbox and Playstation controllers past and present for fighter.

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#113 HalcyonScarlet
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@davillain- said:
@suicidesn0wman said:
@davillain- said:

Seriously you Xbox One owners are really piss-off the fact that Sony dish you out over a lousy comment to buy a PS4? Let me remind you that Sony also said the same thing on Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot last-gen. Wanna play Guns of the Patriot, buy a PS3 which was a legit statement. A simple Xbox fanboy can easily play SFV on a PC.

For me it isn't what was said as much as how it was said. No reason to laugh in the face of an entire fanbase, many of whom have a PS4 and/or a PC already. The entire response was contentious at best.

I agree that Sony's words were harsh, but the way I see it, this is payback for MS Rise of the Tomb Raider timely exclusive deal, so it's fair game to them.

But that doesn't make sense. MS weren't pricks about it, they ONLY got it timed exclusive and they helped with development.

I don't even care about timed exclusive games or content. Am I getting access eventually? Yes, fine. Apparently the remake of Final Fantasy 7 is timed exclusive to the PS4 and then it should come to the PC. Who cares about that?

Depriving a section of gamers permanently, is a real dick move. I thought with SF4, we moved on from that BS and everyone would be able to enjoy all fighters.

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#114 clone01
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@kinectthedots said:
@clone01 said:

Eh, marketing speak. It wouldn't surprise me if it ends up on the XBox One eventually.

You chose the wrong console this gen bud, just accept it. No one wants to make games on xbone and not many developers even like doing business with MS having to dealing with their draconian policies.

Capcom is happy to say they won't bring this to MS's console and you can tell that from their language It's not simply a business deal, they don't really want to work with MS.

Unlike Tomb Raider, Street Fighter V is never going to xbone and it's on track to be the biggest fighting multiplayer game of the generation.

Accept it..deal with it...buy a PS4 or miss out on even more great games.

I have a PS4. Its in my sig. What are you even talking about? I hope you're not like this in your real life, because that level of fanboyism is a little sad.

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#115 deactivated-5a44ec138c1e6
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@RR360DD said:


“We see a lot of this online. It’s not coming to PS4 or PC.”


I give SFV a year before its on Xbox

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#116 Flyincloud1116
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@suicidesn0wman said:
@davillain- said:

Seriously you Xbox One owners are really piss-off the fact that Sony dish you out over a lousy comment to buy a PS4? Let me remind you that Sony also said the same thing on Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot last-gen. Wanna play Guns of the Patriot, buy a PS3 which was a legit statement. A simple Xbox fanboy can easily play SFV on a PC.

For me it isn't what was said as much as how it was said. No reason to laugh in the face of an entire fanbase, many of whom have a PS4 and/or a PC already. The entire response was contentious at best.

I mean the X1 fan feels first class, but can't say the same thing about TR. However, they can say if you want TR now you need to by an Xbone.

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#117 suicidesn0wman
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@HalcyonScarlet said:
@davillain- said:
@suicidesn0wman said:
@davillain- said:

Seriously you Xbox One owners are really piss-off the fact that Sony dish you out over a lousy comment to buy a PS4? Let me remind you that Sony also said the same thing on Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot last-gen. Wanna play Guns of the Patriot, buy a PS3 which was a legit statement. A simple Xbox fanboy can easily play SFV on a PC.

For me it isn't what was said as much as how it was said. No reason to laugh in the face of an entire fanbase, many of whom have a PS4 and/or a PC already. The entire response was contentious at best.

I agree that Sony's words were harsh, but the way I see it, this is payback for MS Rise of the Tomb Raider timely exclusive deal, so it's fair game to them.

But that doesn't make sense. MS weren't pricks about it, they ONLY got it timed exclusive and they helped with development.

I don't even care about timed exclusive games or content. Am I getting access eventually? Yes, fine. Apparently the remake of Final Fantasy 7 is timed exclusive to the PS4 and then it should come to the PC. Who cares about that?

Depriving a section of gamers permanently, is a real dick move. I thought with SF4, we moved on from that BS and everyone would be able to enjoy all fighters.

I don't even care that it won't be coming to the X1, the X1 has plenty of great games out or coming soon. I just don't like the whole laughing in Xbox One owners faces, bad enough to have fanboys running around the internet waving their digital pricks all over the place, don't need fanboys overseeing game projects for 3rd party studios. If the guy is such a fan of Sony, he should go work for them.

@davillain-: It wasn't Sony who said this, it was Yoshinori Ono, the producer for SFV.

What is your message to Street Fighter fans on Xbox One?

O: [Laughs] There’s plenty of time to save $300 before the game comes out. ThePlayStation 4 is at a very attractive price point at the moment. [Laughs]

No reason why they couldn't just say something along the lines of "We are only bringing our game to the Playstation 4" and leave it at that. It shows he has no respect for the people who pay his salary, and all the cows defending him, he couldn't care about you either, he's already cashed his check.

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#118 AM-Gamer
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@blackace: All characters weren't free on SFIV , you had to buy the next version of SF but perhaps you missed the dev REPEATEDLY saying that they are not releasing other versions of SFV and ALL characters can be earned on your own. How can you deny that's better then KI who charges you $30 everytime 8 characters comes out and calls them seasons? Yes I own a X1 and KI and while it is a enjoyable game MS dropped the ball on the delivery of the content. All characters should have been able to be earned with in game currency.

Also SFIV and SFV or not that much alike. SFV has more in common with SF3. The v skill and v trigger offer quite a bit new gameplay not to mention alot of returning characters play quite a bit different. The visuals and animations are also top notch. Fighting games are on of my favorite genres and this game is one of the best.

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#119  Edited By AM-Gamer
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@HalcyonScarlet: According to the dev they are free, so unless he's outright lying then yes I believe him. The only thing that would have to be purchased are SOME costumes.

All updates they make to the engine(balances, moves etc are free)

and all DLC characters can be either purchased or earned on your own.

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#120 N64DD
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Don't care. Want Tekken 7 and the new KOF.

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#121 NathanDrakeSwag
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@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

That's the same arrogant B.S. that Sony said to people when they was asked if they think the PS3 was priced to high for gamers and they said gamers should just get a second job smh. That's why I'm not a fanboy to any of these companies cause they all are arrogant jackasses at the end of the day. Just make the games I want to play and that's all.

Not a fanboy yet somehow you drag 2006 Sony into a 2015 Capcom topic lol. Stop pretending you're not a filthy lemming. You were one of the clowns defending m$ paying to delay Tomb Raider on other platforms.

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head. You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

You're mad because someone finally called you out on your mindless fanboy drivel. Almost every post you make is anti-Sony and then you defend m$ for doing the same thing and even worse things. You defend m$ for paying to delay the PS4/PC versions of games and then you still can't get over something an ex-Sony employee said a decade ago. You lemmings that pretend to be neutral just because you own multiple consoles that go out of your way to hate on Sony at every turn are the absolute worst and most pathetic people on this site. You cry over Street Fighter and then defend Timed Raider. Why don't you go play your precious xbone and stop shitting up PS4 topics with your hypocrisy.

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#122  Edited By deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
Member since 2010 • 3984 Posts

@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

That's the same arrogant B.S. that Sony said to people when they was asked if they think the PS3 was priced to high for gamers and they said gamers should just get a second job smh. That's why I'm not a fanboy to any of these companies cause they all are arrogant jackasses at the end of the day. Just make the games I want to play and that's all.

Not a fanboy yet somehow you drag 2006 Sony into a 2015 Capcom topic lol. Stop pretending you're not a filthy lemming. You were one of the clowns defending m$ paying to delay Tomb Raider on other platforms.

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head. You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

You're mad because someone finally called you out on your mindless fanboy drivel. Almost every post you make is anti-Sony and then you defend m$ for doing the same thing and even worse things. You defend m$ for paying to delay the PS4/PC versions of games and then you still can't get over something an ex-Sony employee said a decade ago. You lemmings that pretend to be neutral just because you own multiple consoles that go out of your way to hate on Sony at every turn are the absolute worst and most pathetic people on this site. You cry over Street Fighter and then defend Timed Raider. Why don't you go play your precious xbone and stop shitting up PS4 topics with your hypocrisy.

Dude you haven't called me out on anything and obviously you haven't looked at all my post cause not all my post are anti sony clown. It's fanboys like you that take any criticism of Sony or the Playstation as some negative comment towards you personally like you are a Playstation or Sony or you made the Playstation lol. Your a clown, period. Like I said and I've posted pics that I own ALL there consoles. None of these consoles are perfect, I don't drink the kool-aid of any of these companies like you fanboys do. You believe that the guys that made the Playstation is some kind of god and they say and do no wrong and you're dumb for thinking that. I've made comments on how MS completely screwed up their launch, how Mattrick is a dummy as well as how arrogant Sony was last gen but you only jump in when I make "anti-playstation" comment as you want to call it. This is gaming, it's about games and that's all I care about, I game on whatever console it providing it for me but you keep up the good work being a Sony fanboys and fight that good console war fight clown, let me know how that works out for you and if Sony gives you a cookie for being apart of it LOL.


When did I ever defend MS for paying to delay anything dummy? Not once have I done that, I don't think it was a bad thing that MS did but I don't think it's a bad thing what Sony did for SF or the Destiny content either. It's a business, Square got MS to help with publishing and pay for marketing, that's good business plain and simple, if you knew about business you would realize that but you too much of a fanboy to wrap your head about that. You keep saying I defended someone and you full of B.S. cause not once have I defending anyone of anything. It's all about business, learn how it works.

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#123 kingtito
Member since 2003 • 11775 Posts

Hahaha man you're pathetic

@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

That's the same arrogant B.S. that Sony said to people when they was asked if they think the PS3 was priced to high for gamers and they said gamers should just get a second job smh. That's why I'm not a fanboy to any of these companies cause they all are arrogant jackasses at the end of the day. Just make the games I want to play and that's all.

Not a fanboy yet somehow you drag 2006 Sony into a 2015 Capcom topic lol. Stop pretending you're not a filthy lemming. You were one of the clowns defending m$ paying to delay Tomb Raider on other platforms.

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head. You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

You're mad because someone finally called you out on your mindless fanboy drivel. Almost every post you make is anti-Sony and then you defend m$ for doing the same thing and even worse things. You defend m$ for paying to delay the PS4/PC versions of games and then you still can't get over something an ex-Sony employee said a decade ago. You lemmings that pretend to be neutral just because you own multiple consoles that go out of your way to hate on Sony at every turn are the absolute worst and most pathetic people on this site. You cry over Street Fighter and then defend Timed Raider. Why don't you go play your precious xbone and stop shitting up PS4 topics with your hypocrisy.

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#124  Edited By deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
Member since 2010 • 3984 Posts

@kingtito said:

Hahaha man you're pathetic

@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

That's the same arrogant B.S. that Sony said to people when they was asked if they think the PS3 was priced to high for gamers and they said gamers should just get a second job smh. That's why I'm not a fanboy to any of these companies cause they all are arrogant jackasses at the end of the day. Just make the games I want to play and that's all.

Not a fanboy yet somehow you drag 2006 Sony into a 2015 Capcom topic lol. Stop pretending you're not a filthy lemming. You were one of the clowns defending m$ paying to delay Tomb Raider on other platforms.

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head. You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

You're mad because someone finally called you out on your mindless fanboy drivel. Almost every post you make is anti-Sony and then you defend m$ for doing the same thing and even worse things. You defend m$ for paying to delay the PS4/PC versions of games and then you still can't get over something an ex-Sony employee said a decade ago. You lemmings that pretend to be neutral just because you own multiple consoles that go out of your way to hate on Sony at every turn are the absolute worst and most pathetic people on this site. You cry over Street Fighter and then defend Timed Raider. Why don't you go play your precious xbone and stop shitting up PS4 topics with your hypocrisy.

Dude is a clown plain and simple. He's probably 12 years old and have no idea how dumb he sounds. He wants so bad to have someone a Xbox fanboy like he's a Playstation fanboy so he can have mindless arguments about nonsense lol.

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#125 NathanDrakeSwag
Member since 2013 • 17392 Posts

@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

That's the same arrogant B.S. that Sony said to people when they was asked if they think the PS3 was priced to high for gamers and they said gamers should just get a second job smh. That's why I'm not a fanboy to any of these companies cause they all are arrogant jackasses at the end of the day. Just make the games I want to play and that's all.

Not a fanboy yet somehow you drag 2006 Sony into a 2015 Capcom topic lol. Stop pretending you're not a filthy lemming. You were one of the clowns defending m$ paying to delay Tomb Raider on other platforms.

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head. You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

You're mad because someone finally called you out on your mindless fanboy drivel. Almost every post you make is anti-Sony and then you defend m$ for doing the same thing and even worse things. You defend m$ for paying to delay the PS4/PC versions of games and then you still can't get over something an ex-Sony employee said a decade ago. You lemmings that pretend to be neutral just because you own multiple consoles that go out of your way to hate on Sony at every turn are the absolute worst and most pathetic people on this site. You cry over Street Fighter and then defend Timed Raider. Why don't you go play your precious xbone and stop shitting up PS4 topics with your hypocrisy.

Dude you haven't called me out on anything and obviously you haven't looked at all my post cause not all my post are anti sony clown. It's fanboys like you that take any criticism of Sony or the Playstation as some negative comment towards you personally like you are a Playstation or Sony or you made the Playstation lol. Your a clown, period. Like I said and I've posted pics that I own ALL there consoles. None of these consoles are perfect, I don't drink the kool-aid of any of these companies like you fanboys do. You believe that the guys that made the Playstation is some kind of god and they say and do no wrong and you're dumb for thinking that. I've made comments on how MS completely screwed up their launch, how Mattrick is a dummy as well as how arrogant Sony was last gen but you only jump in when I make "anti-playstation" comment as you want to call it. This is gaming, it's about games and that's all I care about, I game on whatever console it providing it for me but you keep up the good work being a Sony fanboys and fight that good console war fight clown, let me know how that works out for you and if Sony gives you a cookie for being apart of it LOL.

Like I've said before I don't care what you own. That doesn't make you unbiased when all your posts reek of pro-m$ and anti-Sony nonsense. You can't defend Timed Raider and then get salty when Ono says you need to buy a PS4 to play SFV. His comment hurt you because you favor xbone plain and simple. He works for Capcom, a third party company, yet the first thing that popped in your head was comments a first party company employee said a decade ago. You realize how pathetic it is that comments from a decade ago are still that fresh in your mind and make you so angry. I don't know what Sony did to you. Maybe they kicked your dog or stole your chick for you to still be so bitter over a decade old quote that you still bring it up in totally unrelated topics.

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#126  Edited By deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
Member since 2010 • 3984 Posts

@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head. You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

You're mad because someone finally called you out on your mindless fanboy drivel. Almost every post you make is anti-Sony and then you defend m$ for doing the same thing and even worse things. You defend m$ for paying to delay the PS4/PC versions of games and then you still can't get over something an ex-Sony employee said a decade ago. You lemmings that pretend to be neutral just because you own multiple consoles that go out of your way to hate on Sony at every turn are the absolute worst and most pathetic people on this site. You cry over Street Fighter and then defend Timed Raider. Why don't you go play your precious xbone and stop shitting up PS4 topics with your hypocrisy.

Dude you haven't called me out on anything and obviously you haven't looked at all my post cause not all my post are anti sony clown. It's fanboys like you that take any criticism of Sony or the Playstation as some negative comment towards you personally like you are a Playstation or Sony or you made the Playstation lol. Your a clown, period. Like I said and I've posted pics that I own ALL there consoles. None of these consoles are perfect, I don't drink the kool-aid of any of these companies like you fanboys do. You believe that the guys that made the Playstation is some kind of god and they say and do no wrong and you're dumb for thinking that. I've made comments on how MS completely screwed up their launch, how Mattrick is a dummy as well as how arrogant Sony was last gen but you only jump in when I make "anti-playstation" comment as you want to call it. This is gaming, it's about games and that's all I care about, I game on whatever console it providing it for me but you keep up the good work being a Sony fanboys and fight that good console war fight clown, let me know how that works out for you and if Sony gives you a cookie for being apart of it LOL.

Like I've said before I don't care what you own. That doesn't make you unbiased when all your posts reek of pro-m$ and anti-Sony nonsense. You can't defend Timed Raider and then get salty when Ono says you need to buy a PS4 to play SFV. His comment hurt you because you favor xbone plain and simple. He works for Capcom, a third party company, yet the first thing that popped in your head was comments a first party company employee said a decade ago. You realize how pathetic it is that comments from a decade ago are still that fresh in your mind and make you so angry. I don't know what Sony did to you. Maybe they kicked your dog or stole your chick for you to still be so bitter over a decade old quote that you still bring it up in totally unrelated topics.

LOL you're a clown cause obviously you can't read. You keep repeating this me defending TR and like I said, when did I ever defend anyone? It's not pathetic dummy it's about having a good memory, maybe you can learn to achieve that someday. Like I said, keep drinking that Sony kool-aid and tell me how it taste and if Sony gives you a cookie for fighting that good fight in the console war.

Bottomline, when a company is telling you need to pay ANYTHING extra to play one of there games then it's arrogant and obnoxious. When Sony was telling their fans they need to work harder to make more money to afford the PS3, that's arrogant and obnoxious. Capcome telling Xbox fans to pay an extra $350 and buy a playstation and then go and buy their game if they really want to play, that's arrogant and obnoxious or even when Dan Mattrick was telling people that did want to buy a Xbox One but if you don't have a good internet connection then maybe you shouldn't buy it was arrogant and obnoxious but I'm sure you'll omit what I just said about the former head of Xbox and only focus on my first 2 examples fanboy lol. Sometimes it's best to just walk away from a conversation or a debate when you're out of ammo cause you repeating the same thing over and over. Learn to bow out gracefully.

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#128  Edited By DressYouUp
Member since 2007 • 579 Posts

Remember last gen, for 8 years, when Cows insisted they'd get all 360/PC games on their "monster gaming PCs"?

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#129 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts
@HalcyonScarlet said:

But that doesn't make sense. MS weren't pricks about it, they ONLY got it timed exclusive and they helped with development.

I don't even care about timed exclusive games or content. Am I getting access eventually? Yes, fine. Apparently the remake of Final Fantasy 7 is timed exclusive to the PS4 and then it should come to the PC. Who cares about that?

Depriving a section of gamers permanently, is a real dick move. I thought with SF4, we moved on from that BS and everyone would be able to enjoy all fighters.


Titanfall will never ever be on PS4.


Same shit with Dead Rising 3 what Yoshi stated is no different is not coming to xbox one.

Last i remember lemmings here were dancing and celebrating for Titanfall and Dead Rising and never call MS,capcom or EA arrogant for confirming the games weren't coming to PS4.

I didn't see you slam MS for those 2 games that are not on PS4 and say to never come on ps4.

@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Dude you haven't called me out on anything and obviously you haven't looked at all my post cause not all my post are anti sony clown. It's fanboys like you that take any criticism of Sony or the Playstation as some negative comment towards you personally like you are a Playstation or Sony or you made the Playstation lol. Your a clown, period. Like I said and I've posted pics that I own ALL there consoles. None of these consoles are perfect, I don't drink the kool-aid of any of these companies like you fanboys do. You believe that the guys that made the Playstation is some kind of god and they say and do no wrong and you're dumb for thinking that. I've made comments on how MS completely screwed up their launch, how Mattrick is a dummy as well as how arrogant Sony was last gen but you only jump in when I make "anti-playstation" comment as you want to call it. This is gaming, it's about games and that's all I care about, I game on whatever console it providing it for me but you keep up the good work being a Sony fanboys and fight that good console war fight clown, let me know how that works out for you and if Sony gives you a cookie for being apart of it LOL.


When did I ever defend MS for paying to delay anything dummy? Not once have I done that, I don't think it was a bad thing that MS did but I don't think it's a bad thing what Sony did for SF or the Destiny content either. It's a business, Square got MS to help with publishing and pay for marketing, that's good business plain and simple, if you knew about business you would realize that but you too much of a fanboy to wrap your head about that. You keep saying I defended someone and you full of B.S. cause not once have I defending anyone of anything. It's all about business, learn how it works.

But i have call you out many times you are a sad lemming who pretend to be unbiased.

No wall of text will justify that you bring something that is not only false proven,but also which has no freaking thing to do or is similar to what Yoshi Ono did,Ken Kuturagi never told any one to get a second job the stupid biased media did showing how unproffesional some sites were handling the news.

Yoshi simple stated if you want the game get a PS4 period,not worse than MS gloating about Titanfall never touching the PS4 or EA excecutives doing the same,or Capcom it self for dead rising 3.

So the 2 situations have nothing in common 1 was fake and you looked quite like a derange lemm Blackace level on that post.

@kingtito said:

Hahaha man you're pathetic

Oh the king of shitty arguments telling some one that it is pathetic... lol

@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Dude is a clown plain and simple. He's probably 12 years old and have no idea how dumb he sounds. He wants so bad to have someone a Xbox fanboy like he's a Playstation fanboy so he can have mindless arguments about nonsense lol.

No dude you had a meltdown and brought something completely irrelevant to the thread like any other fanboys would have done.

The fact that MS EA and capcom have being vocal about xbox one exclusive not hitting the PS4 like Titanfall or DR3 prove how much of a fanboy you are because on those cases you say shit all the contrary.lol

@BigShotSmoov007 said:

LOL you're a clown cause obviously you can't read. You keep repeating this me defending TR and like I said, when did I ever defend anyone? It's not pathetic dummy it's about having a good memory, maybe you can learn to achieve that someday. Like I said, keep drinking that Sony kool-aid and tell me how it taste and if Sony gives you a cookie for fighting that good fight in the console war.

Bottomline, when a company is telling you need to pay ANYTHING extra to play one of there games then it's arrogant and obnoxious. When Sony was telling their fans they need to work harder to make more money to afford the PS3, that's arrogant and obnoxious. Capcome telling Xbox fans to pay an extra $350 and buy a playstation and then go and buy their game if they really want to play, that's arrogant and obnoxious or even when Dan Mattrick was telling people that did want to buy a Xbox One but if you don't have a good internet connection then maybe you shouldn't buy it was arrogant and obnoxious but I'm sure you'll omit what I just said about the former head of Xbox and only focus on my first 2 examples fanboy lol. Sometimes it's best to just walk away from a conversation or a debate when you're out of ammo cause you repeating the same thing over and over. Learn to bow out gracefully.

Funny thing is the $600 PS3 cost sony $800+ to make and was sold for less than half of what it was suppose to cost for what it was.

Sony telling people work harder to get one isn't arrogant when they were fu**ing losing $250 per unit,fact is on 2006 a blu-ray player was $1,000 dollars an xbox 360 $400 witht no wifi,no online play, no HDMI or even a damn set of rechargeable battery its HDD was 1 3rd the size of the PS3 60GB.

I can't still believe how sony was able to launch the unit for $600 and $500 the damn things was $50 more than the 360 with live and walked over the xbox 360 hardware wise and feature wise to.

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#131 NathanDrakeSwag
Member since 2013 • 17392 Posts

@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Dude your either the biggest troll and the biggest dummy in here. The reason why I brought up the Sony deal is because it's pretty much the same B.S. both companies said in 2 different ways but being a fanboy you are, that completely went over your head. You completely missed the fact where I said ALL companies said the same thing and that includes MS clown but that didn't go through your head cause you act like some dumb Sony PR person that wants to defend them in everything they do. I didn't mention or insult anyone in my comment but you come out of nowhere and want to call me a, "filthy lemming" so I take it you must be 12 years old cause I don't even know what that even means. Just sit down somewhere clown and play your playstation and shut up.

You're mad because someone finally called you out on your mindless fanboy drivel. Almost every post you make is anti-Sony and then you defend m$ for doing the same thing and even worse things. You defend m$ for paying to delay the PS4/PC versions of games and then you still can't get over something an ex-Sony employee said a decade ago. You lemmings that pretend to be neutral just because you own multiple consoles that go out of your way to hate on Sony at every turn are the absolute worst and most pathetic people on this site. You cry over Street Fighter and then defend Timed Raider. Why don't you go play your precious xbone and stop shitting up PS4 topics with your hypocrisy.

Dude you haven't called me out on anything and obviously you haven't looked at all my post cause not all my post are anti sony clown. It's fanboys like you that take any criticism of Sony or the Playstation as some negative comment towards you personally like you are a Playstation or Sony or you made the Playstation lol. Your a clown, period. Like I said and I've posted pics that I own ALL there consoles. None of these consoles are perfect, I don't drink the kool-aid of any of these companies like you fanboys do. You believe that the guys that made the Playstation is some kind of god and they say and do no wrong and you're dumb for thinking that. I've made comments on how MS completely screwed up their launch, how Mattrick is a dummy as well as how arrogant Sony was last gen but you only jump in when I make "anti-playstation" comment as you want to call it. This is gaming, it's about games and that's all I care about, I game on whatever console it providing it for me but you keep up the good work being a Sony fanboys and fight that good console war fight clown, let me know how that works out for you and if Sony gives you a cookie for being apart of it LOL.

Like I've said before I don't care what you own. That doesn't make you unbiased when all your posts reek of pro-m$ and anti-Sony nonsense. You can't defend Timed Raider and then get salty when Ono says you need to buy a PS4 to play SFV. His comment hurt you because you favor xbone plain and simple. He works for Capcom, a third party company, yet the first thing that popped in your head was comments a first party company employee said a decade ago. You realize how pathetic it is that comments from a decade ago are still that fresh in your mind and make you so angry. I don't know what Sony did to you. Maybe they kicked your dog or stole your chick for you to still be so bitter over a decade old quote that you still bring it up in totally unrelated topics.

LOL you're a clown cause obviously you can't read. You keep repeating this me defending TR and like I said, when did I ever defend anyone? It's not pathetic dummy it's about having a good memory, maybe you can learn to achieve that someday. Like I said, keep drinking that Sony kool-aid and tell me how it taste and if Sony gives you a cookie for fighting that good fight in the console war.

Bottomline, when a company is telling you need to pay ANYTHING extra to play one of there games then it's arrogant and obnoxious. When Sony was telling their fans they need to work harder to make more money to afford the PS3, that's arrogant and obnoxious. Capcome telling Xbox fans to pay an extra $350 and buy a playstation and then go and buy their game if they really want to play, that's arrogant and obnoxious or even when Dan Mattrick was telling people that did want to buy a Xbox One but if you don't have a good internet connection then maybe you shouldn't buy it was arrogant and obnoxious but I'm sure you'll omit what I just said about the former head of Xbox and only focus on my first 2 examples fanboy lol. Sometimes it's best to just walk away from a conversation or a debate when you're out of ammo cause you repeating the same thing over and over. Learn to bow out gracefully.

Are you stupid? The game is not coming to xbone ever. What is Capcom supposed to tell them? Lie and tell them its coming to xbone? Tell them not to play it at all? Holy shit you are dumb. Maybe the dumbest person on this site and that is saying a lot.

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#133 blackace
Member since 2002 • 23576 Posts

@AM-Gamer said:

@blackace: All characters weren't free on SFIV , you had to buy the next version of SF but perhaps you missed the dev REPEATEDLY saying that they are not releasing other versions of SFV and ALL characters can be earned on your own. How can you deny that's better then KI who charges you $30 everytime 8 characters comes out and calls them seasons? Yes I own a X1 and KI and while it is a enjoyable game MS dropped the ball on the delivery of the content. All characters should have been able to be earned with in game currency.

Also SFIV and SFV or not that much alike. SFV has more in common with SF3. The v skill and v trigger offer quite a bit new gameplay not to mention alot of returning characters play quite a bit different. The visuals and animations are also top notch. Fighting games are on of my favorite genres and this game is one of the best.

We'll see what Capcom does after it's released. They will find a way to milk money from gamers, just like they have with ALL the other SF games. It's only $20 for the KI Season 2 (unless you get the Ultra Edition) - https://store.xbox.com/en-US/Xbox-One/DLC/Killer-Instinct-Season-2-Combo-Breaker-Add-On/a420fafe-e9d8-4401-b433-cd4971f133d29.

I'm still not buying SFV, especially after the rude comments Mr. Ono made. I own all the SF IV versions, so I can always play that if I need a SF fix. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice..... lol!!

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#135 NathanDrakeSwag
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@BigShotSmoov007 said:


Are you stupid? When did I say SF was coming to Xbox ever lol. Learn to comprehend what you read moron.

You called Capcom arrogant for telling xbone owners what they have to do if they want to play SFV. Stating simple facts is arrogance now? Is Capcom supposed to not encourage xbone owners who like Street Fighter to go buy the platform its on to play it? There was nothing arrogant about it. They were simply informing their fans where they can play the game at.

But of course all a lem like you sees is Ono attacking your precious VCR when if you could read his quote like a normal human being you would see that couldn't be further from the truth. Go cry to Phil on Twitter or something and ask him why xbone ain't getting the game.

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#136 deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
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@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:


Are you stupid? When did I say SF was coming to Xbox ever lol. Learn to comprehend what you read moron.

You called Capcom arrogant for telling xbone owners what they have to do if they want to play SFV. Stating simple facts is arrogance now? Is Capcom supposed to not encourage xbone owners who like Street Fighter to go buy the platform its on to play it? There was nothing arrogant about it. They were simply informing their fans where they can play the game at.

But of course all a lem like you sees is Ono attacking your precious VCR when if you could read his quote like a normal human being you would see that couldn't be further from the truth. Go cry to Phil on Twitter or something and ask him why xbone ain't getting the game.

LOL you must be 12 years old cause you love to use the word "lem". Grow up. Any company that tells you to buy a $350 console to play your game when they can easily buy it on the PC for a whole lot cheaper is arrogant and obnoxious, period. No company has the right to tell you what you should do with your money cause it will always come off that way, plain and simple. If Phil was to say something like that I'm sure you would be in here with a pitch fork raging against him. Hell, you keep bringing up tomb raider and how MS bought it away from Sony for a year so stop it with your fanboy logic dude lol.

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#137 deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
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@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:


Are you stupid? When did I say SF was coming to Xbox ever lol. Learn to comprehend what you read moron.

You called Capcom arrogant for telling xbone owners what they have to do if they want to play SFV. Stating simple facts is arrogance now? Is Capcom supposed to not encourage xbone owners who like Street Fighter to go buy the platform its on to play it? There was nothing arrogant about it. They were simply informing their fans where they can play the game at.

But of course all a lem like you sees is Ono attacking your precious VCR when if you could read his quote like a normal human being you would see that couldn't be further from the truth. Go cry to Phil on Twitter or something and ask him why xbone ain't getting the game.

It's been fun making a fool out of you but now I must leave work to actually play some games cause that's what GAMERS do. But you keep fighting that good console war fight and I'll be on Tomb Raider tonight, it's such a greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat game and so beautiful to look at, You'll be able to see how good it looks in about a year blahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Silly fanboys :)

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#138 NathanDrakeSwag
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@BigShotSmoov007 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:


Are you stupid? When did I say SF was coming to Xbox ever lol. Learn to comprehend what you read moron.

You called Capcom arrogant for telling xbone owners what they have to do if they want to play SFV. Stating simple facts is arrogance now? Is Capcom supposed to not encourage xbone owners who like Street Fighter to go buy the platform its on to play it? There was nothing arrogant about it. They were simply informing their fans where they can play the game at.

But of course all a lem like you sees is Ono attacking your precious VCR when if you could read his quote like a normal human being you would see that couldn't be further from the truth. Go cry to Phil on Twitter or something and ask him why xbone ain't getting the game.

LOL you must be 12 years old cause you love to use the word "lem". Grow up. Any company that tells you to buy a $350 console to play your game when they can easily buy it on the PC for a whole lot cheaper is arrogant and obnoxious, period. No company has the right to tell you what you should do with your money cause it will always come off that way, plain and simple. If Phil was to say something like that I'm sure you would be in here with a pitch fork raging against him. Hell, you keep bringing up tomb raider and how MS bought it away from Sony for a year so stop it with your fanboy logic dude lol.

Not everyone has a gaming PC and they cost more to build from scratch than a $350 PS4 so it would be more arrogant to tell them to go build a PC don't ya think? Of course you don't because you're a pathetic lem that saw a quote of Ono telling Street Fighter fans they will need to buy a PS4 to play it and it pissed you off because its not on xbone. Go sit in the corner and cry over it.

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#139  Edited By QuadKnight
Member since 2015 • 12916 Posts

Dat Ono burn. Lems just have to face the truth at some point. The Xbone is a joke when it comes to fighting games or Japanese support. Do yourselves a favor and get a PS4 if you want to enjoy fighting games or get Japanese support. LOL @ KI being mentioned by lems as competition to SFV, dat desperation.

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#141 HalcyonScarlet
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@AM-Gamer said:

@HalcyonScarlet: According to the dev they are free, so unless he's outright lying then yes I believe him. The only thing that would have to be purchased are SOME costumes.

All updates they make to the engine(balances, moves etc are free)

and all DLC characters can be either purchased or earned on your own.

So Sony got Capcom of all publishers to cut off revenue streams from Xbox, updates and DLC? I'll believe it when I see it.

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#142 HalcyonScarlet
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@tormentos said:
@HalcyonScarlet said:

But that doesn't make sense. MS weren't pricks about it, they ONLY got it timed exclusive and they helped with development.

I don't even care about timed exclusive games or content. Am I getting access eventually? Yes, fine. Apparently the remake of Final Fantasy 7 is timed exclusive to the PS4 and then it should come to the PC. Who cares about that?

Depriving a section of gamers permanently, is a real dick move. I thought with SF4, we moved on from that BS and everyone would be able to enjoy all fighters.


Titanfall will never ever be on PS4.


Same shit with Dead Rising 3 what Yoshi stated is no different is not coming to xbox one.

Last i remember lemmings here were dancing and celebrating for Titanfall and Dead Rising and never call MS,capcom or EA arrogant for confirming the games weren't coming to PS4.

I didn't see you slam MS for those 2 games that are not on PS4 and say to never come on ps4.

Titanfall was a new ip. That really is fair game. Just like Gears of War when it came out. Established ips are not fair game, because people expect it. Just like everyone was pissed when they thought Tomb Raider was exclusive, because they had been expecting it and that would have been unfair.

And I don't know why anyone was celebrating Deadrising, I played it for a little bit and thought it sucked.

That's probably why I wouldn't have mentioned it.

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#143 kingsfan_0333
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Buying sf4 was one of my major regrets last gen. The game was ok, but I couldn't play it for more than a few days without losing interest. Traded it in quick. I'm tempted to make a move on SF5 but i'm not sure what more it offers than 4

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#144  Edited By deactivated-6092a2d005fba
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I wasn't talking to you so take a hike. As for the rest of your comments well I didn't read most of it, because even though I've only been here since February on 1 account (something that can't be said for you) I know not to take anything you write seriously, because you are one of, if not the most delusional person on here. Have a nice day.

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#145 deactivated-59d151f079814
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... It would be better to get it for the pc.. Your not forced to pay for online, and it opens you up to a far larger exclusive library than you would on the PS4 when you already have the XboxOne..

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#146  Edited By StrongBlackVine
Member since 2012 • 13262 Posts

Ono works for Capcom so why do see people talking about arrogant Sony? I guess it would help if some of you actually read the article. I guess that would be too much work though.

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#147 caryslan2
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@Pray_to_me said:

Capcom is doing the smart thing and not porting to a dead console, Halo 5 couldn't even sell a million on that brick of a System, Capcom is just letting Xbone die just like all third party studios are going to start doing soon.

Something you should read.


I'm willing to bet Microsoft sold at least a million copies of Halo 5 with the game making that kind of money in a week and with them claiming that it is the biggest Halo launch ever.

So, Halo 5 sold pretty good. As far as I'm aware only Black Ops III and Fallout 4 have made more money in their first week, and those games are multiplats(Black Ops III is on 5 systems,while Fallout 4 is on 3) while Halo 5 is only on the Xbox One.

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#148 Dark_man123
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Street Fighter is a nice game but not worth spending a whole system over it.

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#149 ronvalencia
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@flyincloud1116 said:

Street Fighter V producer Yoshinori Ono recently gave an interview with GameSpot in which he outright told Xbox One users they should go out and buy a PS4. The producer said this way, they will be able to play Street Fighter V when it finally comes out. While there was once talk the game will eventually be coming to the Xbox One, Capcom has come out and said the game will be exclusive to Sony’s console and the PC for the title’s lifetime.

The company has made a number of comments about why it chose to go with Sony over Microsoft and Ono laid out at least one more. In the interview, he hinted that putting the game on the PS4 has allowed Capcom to offer balance updates for free for the first time. “For the first time in franchise history we’re going to allow all balance adjustments to be available free of charge, so we’re treating it as a platform,” Ono said, discussing the benefits of working with the platform holder. “If you purchase the game, you’ll be able to upgrade to the content throughout its lifespan and you’re never going to be punished if you take a break from playing the game.”

While Ono said that gamers have plenty of time to go out and get themselves a PS4, time is actually running out if they want to play the game on launch day. Street Fighter V is due to hit the PS4 and PC on February 16, 2016, before the game hits read out our Wiki and study up on the game.


That is straight forward and direct. I for one is looking forward to this game just like I am enjoying Tomb Raider right now.

XBO owners can avoid Sony's PS4 via Wintel PC i.e. the other Microsoft DirectX platform besides XBO..

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#150  Edited By casharmy
Member since 2011 • 9388 Posts

@quadknight said:

Dat Ono burn. Lems just have to face the truth at some point. The Xbone is a joke when it comes to fighting games or Japanese support. Do yourselves a favor and get a PS4 if you want to enjoy fighting games or get Japanese support. LOL @ KI being mentioned by lems as competition to SFV, dat desperation.


Now that is funny. Are they serious?

If so, lol, you can't get any more delusional than that. SF is the greatest fighting game franchise in existence and KI is a foggy childhood memory that is better in nostalgia than realization; not even xbox fans care about KI.

The only time I see someone mention KI is when someone reminds xbox one fans that SFV is console exclusive to PS4, otherwise it's as if the game doesn't even exist on xbox one.