I remember hermits also saying Bioshock was dumbed down console trash yet they praise it when its in their favor.Pretty desperate tactics, these PC fanlads use.Cecil7How on earth did I praise Bioshock? I stated a fact -_-
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I remember hermits also saying Bioshock was dumbed down console trash yet they praise it when its in their favor.Pretty desperate tactics, these PC fanlads use.Cecil7How on earth did I praise Bioshock? I stated a fact -_-
NPD had the proper figure of only 14% total max possible market share. PCGA is biased and uncredible. Cecil7Maybe you should try reading the statistics? The NPD "Does not include digital distribution". The 14% is without digitial distribution, which according to the PCGA, accounts for over half of PC sales in the year 2007, bringing the total number to 30%.
[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]You realize the UK PC Bioshock version practically basket tossed the 360 one right?[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]Look at the software sales between the two...Cecil7
Really? By how much?
If it did, then that's probably the best argument I've ever heard in the history of System Wars...
I remember hermits also saying Bioshock was dumbed down console trash yet they praise it when its in their favor.
Pretty desperate tactics, these PC fanlads use.
Bioshock was dumbeed down from it's original promised vision. But the PC version is better than the console version. How is that desperate tactics? It's fact. It may be better than the console version, but I'd still play System Shock 2 (a game from 1999) over it any day.
TC really has a way of contorting words.
Without PC's to make the games, true. But it wouldn't matter if there were no PC's for Gaming.
Bioware, who made Baldur's Gate, as well as a slew of xbox hits grew on the pc from nothing. Valve, who made arguably the greatest first person shooter, grew from the pc from nothing. Epic who are about to release the highly anticipated Gears Of Wars 2 to an audience of volatile boys wanting to cut heads off, originated from the pc. Bioshock, critically acclaimed, wouldn't have existed at all if it weren't for a 1999 pc game, many uneducated console players haven't played, called System Shock 2, which in actuality is better, due to it not being streamlined. Fallout 3 wouldn't exist if not for the pc. If you want mainstream games which are casual in comparison to pc, with little depth or input, designed to appeal to the widest audience possible rather than a game designed to appeal to a select few or are into Japanese crap then no, it wont. However, these people and future people, if they were gone or become gone, you will notice.
The PC is getting Quake Live this year, John Carmack has always stated it was favoured game and also stated that if it picks up, that could lead on to better things. I dont think he's lashing out, I think he's just being honest about it, multiplat makes more money,
[QUOTE="angryfodder"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"] According to the PCGA, the PC accounted for 30% of the entire software sales industry, which includes over five platforms in the year 2007.Cecil7
again though, i'm thinking that might be a handful of PC titles shifting ALOT of software units - so a handful of companies making alot of money. Where as devs as a whole as selling more units on console?
Again this is just a theory. I just don't know why a guy would say this, if he didn't think it. What does he have to gain? unless he is a secret system wars lemming/cow? It just doen't have sense to me. He just think think this/know this to be true?
\Thats the thing, there is no PC Gaming market, just a 'software' market. WoW and Photoshop sales for example are included into one number.
If I remember correctly that 30% was just game sales, in USA, and didn't even include "casual games" whatever they mean with that. Not to mention in many statistics console hardware and software sales are lumped together.[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]You realize the UK PC Bioshock version practically basket tossed the 360 one right?[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]Look at the software sales between the two...Cecil7
Really? By how much?
If it did, then that's probably the best argument I've ever heard in the history of System Wars...
I remember hermits also saying Bioshock was dumbed down console trash yet they praise it when its in their favor.
Pretty desperate tactics, these PC fanlads use.
... Nice Twist there.. :roll:
I remember hermits also saying Bioshock was dumbed down console trash yet they praise it when its in their favor.
Pretty desperate tactics, these PC fanlads use.
[QUOTE="angryfodder"]Maybe the numbers are higher on pc but falling year by year, where as console is a lower number but increasing year by year? Its just this is not the first report I have heard about dropping PC sales.VandalvideoNope, PC sales have been increasing year by year for quite some time. http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=13654
Doesn't that article say that it dropped 14% overall though and that console sales have increased? Did I read it wrong?
Doesn't that article say that it dropped 14% overall though and that console sales have increased? Did I read it wrong?angryfodderYeah you read it wrong. Its not as high as it was in 2004, but it has been going up for the past few years. Its nearly impossible to match 2004 anyway, which was almost equal to 1998 in great PC games.
If I remember correctly that 30% was just game sales, in USA
Lol - USA is the whole world isnt it....to americans?
Is there any figures anywhere, that has world wide figures for major multiplay games this year compared to say 3 years ago?
[QUOTE="angryfodder"]Doesn't that article say that it dropped 14% overall though and that console sales have increased? Did I read it wrong?VandalvideoYeah you read it wrong. Its not as high as it was in 2004, but it has been going up for the past few years. Its nearly impossible to match 2004 anyway, which was almost equal to 1998 in great PC games.
It does backup my theory of a few major titles on PC doing well. aka WOW
However, the contrast sales are amazing
Again, maybe I read it wrong, but PC is selling alost 1 billion units...and console (all together?) sold like 5 million unilts? WTF?
It does backup my theory of a few major titles on PC doing well. aka WOW However, the contrast sales are amazing Again, maybe I read it wrong, but PC is selling alost 1 billion units...and console (all together?) sold like 5 million unilts? WTF?angryfodderSorry, but coincidence does not back up your theory. Its nothing more than conjecture at this point. The FACTS are clear, PC game sales have been consistantly going up for the past few years, exactly like I said a few posts ago. The PC accounts for 30% of the entire software sales industry, and is the single highest grossing platform. And that link I provided does not include digital distribution.
Other sources claim that PC Gaming has been growing much faster than console gaming as well as it making in much more revenue. I guess those statements have been pure Bull all along
You are going to have to explain the logical jump between sentences 1 and 2 for me. That didn't make a bit of sense, perhaps you could clarify it?
[QUOTE="angryfodder"]It does backup my theory of a few major titles on PC doing well. aka WOW However, the contrast sales are amazing Again, maybe I read it wrong, but PC is selling alost 1 billion units...and console (all together?) sold like 5 million unilts? WTF?VandalvideoSorry, but coincidence does not back up your theory. Its nothing more than conjecture at this point. The FACTS are clear, PC game sales have been consistantly going up for the past few years, exactly like I said a few posts ago. The PC accounts for 30% of the entire software sales industry, and is the single highest grossing platform.
Yeah but are they going up at a higher percentage than console? and is that 30% world wide or america.
Juat trying to seperate "fact" from "a version of fact"
I'm only asking because a few recent reports are backing up patterns that I have seen myself as a gamer of 20 odd years. Recently (last two ish years) I have noticed a large increase in console gamers.
Yeah but are they going up at a higher percentage than console? and is that 30% world wide or america. Juat trying to seperate "fact" from "a version of fact"'m only asking because a few recent reports are backing up patterns that I have seen myself as a gamer of 20 odd years. Recently (last two ish years) I have noticed a large increase in console gamers.angryfodderFine, I'll give you some more facts. According to official documentation on the PCGA website, in 2007 the PC grossed nearly 3Billion in sales, over double what was provided in the link I gave you, and worldwide managed to gross over 8 billion (PC Gaming Alliance Overview, page 6)
[QUOTE="angryfodder"]Yeah but are they going up at a higher percentage than console? and is that 30% world wide or america. Juat trying to seperate "fact" from "a version of fact"'m only asking because a few recent reports are backing up patterns that I have seen myself as a gamer of 20 odd years. Recently (last two ish years) I have noticed a large increase in console gamers.VandalvideoFine, I'll give you some more facts. According to official documentation on the PCGA website, in 2007 the PC grossed nearly 3Billion in sales, over double what was provided in the link I gave you, and worldwide managed to gross over 8 billion (PC Gaming Alliance Overview, page 6)
8 billion units? What were the big sellers? How many units did they shift?
8 BILLION!? There are only 6.6 billion people on earth - soo thats some serious selling!?
(not taking the mickey...just its a hard number to swallow and I wonder how they get the figures)
8 billion units? What were the big sellers? How many units did they shift?8 BILLION!? There are only 6.6 billion people on earth - soo thats some serious selling!?(not taking the mickey...just its a hard number to swallow and I wonder how they get the figures)angryfodder$8 Billion grossed, not 8 billion units sold. The consoles, according to the link I provided earlier, grossed $5 Billioni n the US all combined, while the PC grossed 3 Billion.
Fine, I'll give you some more facts. According to official documentation on the PCGA website, in 2007 the PC grossed nearly 3Billion in sales, over double what was provided in the link I gave you, and worldwide managed to gross over 8 billion (PC Gaming Alliance Overview, page 6)[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="angryfodder"]Yeah but are they going up at a higher percentage than console? and is that 30% world wide or america. Juat trying to seperate "fact" from "a version of fact"'m only asking because a few recent reports are backing up patterns that I have seen myself as a gamer of 20 odd years. Recently (last two ish years) I have noticed a large increase in console gamers.angryfodder
8 billion units? What were the big sellers? How many units did they shift?
8 BILLION!? There are only 6.6 billion people on earth - soo thats some serious selling!?
(not taking the mickey...just its a hard number to swallow and I wonder how they get the figures)
Im siding with you for once... 8 billion? so much for them not including casual games?
[QUOTE="angryfodder"]8 billion units? What were the big sellers? How many units did they shift?8 BILLION!? There are only 6.6 billion people on earth - soo thats some serious selling!?(not taking the mickey...just its a hard number to swallow and I wonder how they get the figures)Vandalvideo$8 Billion grossed, not 8 billion units sold. The consoles, according to the link I provided earlier, grossed $5 Billioni n the US all combined, while the PC grossed 3 Billion.
So console outsold PC by 2 billion?
I've decided figures are confusing and boring
All I want to know is are console sales on a steep increase over the last few years lol
So console outsold PC by 2 billion?I've decided figures are confusing and boring All I want to know is are console sales on a steep increase over the last few years lolangryfodderAll consoles combined: 5 billion PC: 3 Billion. Percentage: 37% for PC excluding handhelds.
[QUOTE="Cecil7"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]Who cares what John Carmack thinks? Hermits should only start worrying if someone like Will Wright says this.Vandalvideo
You obviously don't know how important Carmack is to the whole PC industry : (
The old grandpa who can't keep up with the new climate?what hit game series have you developed?
[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"][QUOTE="primateface"][QUOTE="Cecil7"][QUOTE="primateface"]Console gamers are ruining gaming.PC360Wii
Consoles gamers actually buy their software, they're the ones keeping it alive.
bullcrap...people pirate xbox360 games all the time.
i actually bought all my pc games.
console gamers are killing gaming in general.
because the people dont even know how to pc game.
Look at the software sales between the two...
I'm seriously thinking the Hermits don't have any real arguments.
So the 360 has a HANDFUL of 5+ million sellers, so what? so does the PC in recent years, and dont go sprouting any "SIms and WoW are not games :lol: :lol: :lol:" crap because I will reply with "then what is Halo/gears?..." .
WOTLK , Starcraft, Spore and Diablo will break 5 million each, mark my words.
Name one PC game that sold 5 million copies besides WoW and Sims in recent time? I thought I heard there are over 100 million 8 series video cards sold so games should be selling a lot.
what hit game series have you developed?clone01What great new, refreshing title has he made in the last three-four years?
[QUOTE="LOXO7"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]Oh look, its another dinosaur of the industry who failed to adapt to the changing PC market space complaining about teh market. Waaaah Carmack, the PC is the single highest grossing platform.Vandalvideoyea, how is that related to gaming again? Do I r eally have to explain it? Carmack is lashing out at the PC industry because his games, which he hasn't put out a true game in quite some time, aren't selling well. The last they developed ,Doom 3, was their best selling title ever with over 3.5 million units sold.
Name one PC game that sold 5 million copies besides WoW and Sims in recent time? I thought I heard there are over 100 million 8 series video cards sold so games should be selling a lot. Jamex1987You're asking for the impossible. WoW didn't just up and sell 10 million copies on its first couple months. It took four years to get to this point. Thats how the PC industry works. They don't have the big block busters right away, but games sell well over longer periods of time.
[QUOTE="angryfodder"]So console outsold PC by 2 billion?I've decided figures are confusing and boring All I want to know is are console sales on a steep increase over the last few years lolVandalvideoAll consoles combined: 5 billion PC: 3 Billion. Percentage: 37% for PC excluding handhelds.
[QUOTE="PC360Wii"][QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"][QUOTE="primateface"][QUOTE="Cecil7"][QUOTE="primateface"]Console gamers are ruining gaming.Jamex1987
Consoles gamers actually buy their software, they're the ones keeping it alive.
bullcrap...people pirate xbox360 games all the time.
i actually bought all my pc games.
console gamers are killing gaming in general.
because the people dont even know how to pc game.
Look at the software sales between the two...
I'm seriously thinking the Hermits don't have any real arguments.
So the 360 has a HANDFUL of 5+ million sellers, so what? so does the PC in recent years, and dont go sprouting any "SIms and WoW are not games :lol: :lol: :lol:" crap because I will reply with "then what is Halo/gears?..." .
WOTLK , Starcraft, Spore and Diablo will break 5 million each, mark my words.
Name one PC game that sold 5 million copies besides WoW and Sims in recent time? I thought I heard there are over 100 million 8 series video cards sold so games should be selling a lot.
Guild Wars.
[QUOTE="clone01"]what hit game series have you developed?VandalvideoWhat great new, refreshing title has he made in the last three-four years?
answering a question with a question? well, he's doing a new wolfenstein...not exactly groundbreaking, but looks promising. rage is shaping up nicely. but as an aside, he says something that you don't agree with, and you attack his contributions? that's fine if you think he's full of it, but you don't need to resort to personal attacks.
answering a question with a question? well, he's doing a new wolfenstein...not exactly groundbreaking, but looks promising. rage is shaping up nicely. but as an aside, he says something that you don't agree with, and you attack his contributions? that's fine if you think he's full of it, but you don't need to resort to personal attacks.clone01Looks promising? Are you looking at the same Wolfenstein I am? It looks incredibly cliche. Besides, Rage isn't even out yet. PS: I'm not attackign his contributions, I'm attacking what he hasn't done yet. Hes a developer that used to make great titles, but he hasn't made one in quite some time, and is making statements based off of stuff that isn't all that grand.
What great new, refreshing title has he made in the last three-four years?[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="clone01"]what hit game series have you developed?clone01
answering a question with a question? well, he's doing a new wolfenstein...not exactly groundbreaking, but looks promising. rage is shaping up nicely. but as an aside, he says something that you don't agree with, and you attack his contributions? that's fine if you think he's full of it, but you don't need to resort to personal attacks.
Its more of a case that, hes complaining about a market that hes not even envolved in, when he was last involved in it, his game ( Doom 3 ) was his most successful... so where is the logic in what he writes?
[QUOTE="clone01"]What great new, refreshing title has he made in the last three-four years?[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="clone01"]what hit game series have you developed?PC360Wii
answering a question with a question? well, he's doing a new wolfenstein...not exactly groundbreaking, but looks promising. rage is shaping up nicely. but as an aside, he says something that you don't agree with, and you attack his contributions? that's fine if you think he's full of it, but you don't need to resort to personal attacks.
Its more of a case that, hes complaining about a market that hes not even envolved in, when he was last involved in it, his game ( Doom 3 ) was his most successful... so where is the logic in what he writes?
hey, that's fine...he can be dead wrong. i'm just saying that Vandal doesn't need to insult the guy to argue his point.
The only hermit who is correct is Carmack himself. All you other kids are just jealous : (Cecil7
Of what? Practically every-game since doom has been multiplat, the pc will still have the superior version and we pc users are getting Quake Live as Carmacks pet project, for free.
The only hermit who is correct is Carmack himself. All you other kids are just jealous : (Cecil7
john carmack is saying pc isnt important...because he makes more money off developing console games than pc now.
because console gamers are killing pc gaming by not being pc gamers also aka manticores.
[QUOTE="Cecil7"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]Who cares what John Carmack thinks? Hermits should only start worrying if someone like Will Wright says this.heretrix
You obviously don't know how important Carmack is to the whole PC industry : (
He isn't as important as he used to be.. Yeah, I haven't really seen anything impressive from Carmack since the QuakeWorld client. QuakeII was more of the same with colored lighting added, and then Unreal came out and put id in the backseat.[QUOTE="angryfodder"]So console outsold PC by 2 billion?I've decided figures are confusing and boring All I want to know is are console sales on a steep increase over the last few years lolVandalvideoAll consoles combined: 5 billion PC: 3 Billion. Percentage: 37% for PC excluding handhelds.
do you have figure for say 3 years aog? I just want to see how the market is/isn't changing
[QUOTE="angryfodder"]on a side note - and i the ONLY person that thought doom and quake were crap?PC360Wii
I never liked Doom or Quake either.
I liked doom and doom 2 and some of the quakes but not the others where they tried to put to much of a story in and took the shooting and running and gunning that made it great .
on a side note - and i the ONLY person that thought doom and quake were crap?angryfodderQuake 1 was revolutionary online and started many trends that continue in games to this day, most importantly drop-in-anytime deathmatching and (with the QuakeWorld client) Client Prediction. Quake 1 was the first heavily modded online multiplayer game, sprouting such successes as Threewave Capture-The-Flag (the first CTF), Team Fortress, Rocket Arena and QRally. Plus, there was the revolutionary GLQuake client that sold millions of 3D cards. Quake 2 and 3 weren't nearly as impressive.
All consoles combined: 5 billion PC: 3 Billion. Percentage: 37% for PC excluding handhelds.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="angryfodder"]So console outsold PC by 2 billion?I've decided figures are confusing and boring All I want to know is are console sales on a steep increase over the last few years lolangryfodder
do you have figure for say 3 years aog? I just want to see how the market is/isn't changing
According to the PCGA's faq sheet, the PC has seen three straight years of growth at least starting in 2006. Who knows what 2005's was, but I'm sure it increase from there too.[QUOTE="Cecil7"]The only hermit who is correct is Carmack himself. All you other kids are just jealous : (primateface
john carmack is saying pc isnt important...because he makes more money off developing console games than pc now.
because console gamers are killing pc gaming by not being pc gamers also aka manticores.
Well consoles are better dedicated gaming platforms, PC's are nice, but for gaming its a bit of a pain.
[QUOTE="primateface"][QUOTE="Cecil7"]The only hermit who is correct is Carmack himself. All you other kids are just jealous : (Cecil7
john carmack is saying pc isnt important...because he makes more money off developing console games than pc now.
because console gamers are killing pc gaming by not being pc gamers also aka manticores.
Well consoles are better dedicated gaming platforms, PC's are nice, but for gaming its a bit of a pain.
Opinion's are great.
[QUOTE="primateface"][QUOTE="Cecil7"]The only hermit who is correct is Carmack himself. All you other kids are just jealous : (Cecil7
john carmack is saying pc isnt important...because he makes more money off developing console games than pc now.
because console gamers are killing pc gaming by not being pc gamers also aka manticores.
Well consoles are better dedicated gaming platforms, PC's are nice, but for gaming its a bit of a pain.
Depends..i love having the choice of costmizing my system to fit my need and making games look good..then getting mods that make me enjoy the game much longer than its supposed to..Consoles are good at what they do but i need a multimedia machine..not somthing that just sits there and plays games..i need to do alot more than that to justfity 400+ for a console..
on a side note - and i the ONLY person that thought doom and quake were crap?angryfodderI like Carmack and lot of his work including Keen, Wold3D, Doom1/2, Q3..not to mention the engines. But tbh I've never been that much into Doom and Quake either, gameplay vise they've usually been outdone by others.
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