WOW...Hermits are easy to piss off!
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Was, dude. WAS. He hasn't been relevant for years, and anyone that thinks otherwise is clearly not a PC gamer.
Uhh, Quake4 = crap, Doom 3 = crap, almost all ID games except Quake 1+2+3 has been crap. And they havent released anything for years.
Anyways Carmack said that xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 and can do better graphics.
[QUOTE="ImOldGreg"]WOW...Hermits are easy to piss off!
because consolites are so quick to get ignorant..
The cows use what he said about their PC stance to point fingers yet they say Carmack is a morron when he says xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 and can do better graphics.
The lemmings say Carmack is lazy or stoopid for not being able to squeeze in all of Rage games data in 1 disc!
How you gonna have it console fans? ;)
[QUOTE="Cecil7"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]Who cares what John Carmack thinks? Hermits should only start worrying if someone like Will Wright says this.Planeforger
You obviously don't know how important Carmack is to the whole PC industry : (
Hmm...has John Carmack made a great game in the last decade?
Well, Doom 3 was pretty good imo
And here's why there really can't be any rational debate around here. You're all set in the mentality that console gamers are idiots, children, or poor people, not just people who have a different opinion than you. It's as though it's entirely inconceivable to you that someone could be aware of PC gaming and yet prefer something else - we "consolites" must all be defective.because consolites are so quick to get ignorant..
Here's a question for the "PC gamers are superior" crowd: how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?
how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?lowe0People that left for reasons that aren't really applicable anymore, and contribute to the slew of misconceptiosn out there.
Here's a question for the "PC gamers are superior" crowd: how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?lowe0
I knew a guy once who feel off a ladder while painting his house. Now he's in a persistent vegetative state. I'm sure it has something to do with that, some kind of major trauma.
Ha! Oh god, I slay myself!
[QUOTE="lowe0"] how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?VandalvideoPeople that left for reasons that aren't really applicable anymore, and contribute to the slew of misconceptiosn out there.Which gets back to the part of my post you didn't quote: that it's simply inconceivable that we'd be aware of PC gaming and not impressed. I have a modern gaming PC, I have Crysis, and I still said "meh" and went back to consoles.
Which gets back to the part of my post you didn't quote: that it's simply inconceivable that we'd be aware of PC gaming and not impressed. I have a modern gaming PC, I have Crysis, and I still said "meh" and went back to consoles.lowe0And you're more than enttiled to your opinoin, but lets keep it at that, an opinion. A lot of the PC gamers that have left for consoles did so when there was a lot of problems in the PC industry. But as the years have gone by, many of the arguements against PC gaming are simply not applicable any more. Heck, the price arguement, even though its practically dead already, will be buried six feet under in just a years time.
[QUOTE="lowe0"]Which gets back to the part of my post you didn't quote: that it's simply inconceivable that we'd be aware of PC gaming and not impressed. I have a modern gaming PC, I have Crysis, and I still said "meh" and went back to consoles.VandalvideoAnd you're more than enttiled to your opinoin, but lets keep it at that, an opinion. A lot of the PC gamers that have left for consoles did so when there was a lot of problems in the PC industry. But as the years have gone by, many of the arguements against PC gaming are simply not applicable any more. Heck, the price arguement, even though its practically dead already, will be buried six feet under in just a years time. Looking at the sales numbers, a lot of them left right around '00-01 or so - that's the point where console games started skyrocketing in sales compared to PC games, from what I could see. Was that the problem period?
John Carmack hasn't been relevant to gaming in years. Quake 4 was awful - anyone left betting on iD missed the memo. The industry shifted, PC gaming doesn't care about hallway shooters or monolithic, heavily shaded blood fests - and he hasn't moved on. Brilliant programmer, terrible game designer.subrosianAnd it's kind of surprising that so many people still haven't figured out that id wasn't behind Quake 4, even within this thread - we're pretty bad at informing ourselves. Quake 4 was Raven, aka the makers of the original Soldier of Fortune and the Jedi Knight games. Enemy Territory Quake Wars was... Splash Damage (iirc), people behind some of the good Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer maps and the awesome Enemy Territory free release. Raven's been owned by Activision for a while, Splash Damage is still independent.
[QUOTE="Cecil7"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]Who cares what John Carmack thinks? Hermits should only start worrying if someone like Will Wright says this.Freddie9027361
You obviously don't know how important Carmack is to the whole PC industry : (
Was, dude. WAS. He hasn't been relevant for years, and anyone that thinks otherwise is clearly not a PC gamer.
Wow, what a **** statement, especially from a fellow PC gamer. :roll: He may not have made a super successful game in four years but to say hes not relevant just denegrates his contributions to PC gaming. That's like saying Richard Garriot isn't relevant to the RPG genre when it was he who pioneered the genre, the same can be said for John Carmack. ;)
[QUOTE="Pinkyimp"]And here's why there really can't be any rational debate around here. You're all set in the mentality that console gamers are idiots, children, or poor people, not just people who have a different opinion than you. It's as though it's entirely inconceivable to you that someone could be aware of PC gaming and yet prefer something else - we "consolites" must all be defective.because consolites are so quick to get ignorant..
Here's a question for the "PC gamers are superior" crowd: how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?
Ummm ... no, his reference to ignorance is at the TC amking a false statement about this subject, the title is no suggested anywhere in the article, THAT IS IGNORANT.
Here's a question for the "PC gamers are superior" crowd: how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?lowe0
Are you serious?LOL!!!
Same goes opposite way, wth, that was weak man.
[QUOTE="lowe0"]Here's a question for the "PC gamers are superior" crowd: how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?Bebi_vegeta
Are you serious?LOL!!!
Same goes opposite way, wth, that was weak man.
Of course it does - I started on consoles, went to PC in 1994, and went back to consoles in 2004, so you don't have to convince me that people switch in both directions. But when it's a matter of simple preference, then console->PC is easily explained as someone changing his mind. But when it's a matter of console gamers being somehow defective (usually mentally or financially), how does someone stop being an "ignorant consolite" - brain surgery?Face it, the idea of superiority on the basis of gaming platform preference is laughable, and yet I see it here constantly. If I'm a poor, stupid child now, then what was I a few years ago when I was a PC gamer like you?
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="lowe0"]Here's a question for the "PC gamers are superior" crowd: how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?lowe0
Are you serious?LOL!!!
Same goes opposite way, wth, that was weak man.
Of course it does - I started on consoles, went to PC in 1994, and went back to consoles in 2004, so you don't have to convince me that people switch in both directions. But when it's a matter of simple preference, then console->PC is easily explained as someone changing his mind. But when it's a matter of console gamers being somehow defective (usually mentally or financially), how does someone stop being an "ignorant consolite" - brain surgery?Face it, the idea of superiority on the basis of gaming platform preference is laughable, and yet I see it here constantly. If I'm a poor, stupid child now, then what was I a few years ago when I was a PC gamer like you?
Why the heck are pulling this kind of crap out of your ass? Seriously... you take system wars like it was politics, serious business... There's fanboys on every plateforme and yes i'm talking about the extreme fanboy.
There's something for everyone out there, why do you think there's place for 4 system?
The PC is superior hardware wise... but games it's all a matter of preference, just like between 3 consoles.
John Carmack hasn't been relevant to gaming in years. Quake 4 was awful - anyone left betting on iD missed the memo. The industry shifted, PC gaming doesn't care about hallway shooters or monolithic, heavily shaded blood fests - and he hasn't moved on. Brilliant programmer, terrible game designer.subrosianQuake 4 wasn't terrible. It certainly wasn't groundbreaking but it was a fun sci-fi jog. And point aside, Raven Software made Quake4, not id. IMO the last ground-breaking game from id was Quake 1.
[QUOTE="lowe0"]Face it, the idea of superiority on the basis of gaming platform preference is laughable, and yet I see it here constantly. If I'm a poor, stupid child now, then what was I a few years ago when I was a PC gamer like you?
Why the heck are pulling this kind of crap out of your ass? Seriously... you take system wars like it was politics, serious business... There's fanboys on every plateforme and yes i'm talking about the extreme fanboy.
Oh, pul-lease. Pulling it out of my ass? "What console noobs don't understand is" "Consolites are so quick to get ignorant" "console gamers are killing gaming" "kids are more sensitive nowadays" Take your pick; those are the ones I've seen today.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]Who cares what John Carmack thinks? Hermits should only start worrying if someone like Will Wright says this.Cecil7
You obviously don't know how important Carmack is to the whole PC industry : (
Just because he was a legend back in 1994 desn't mean he is a legend in 2008. He's still a great guy and I do thank him for creating the awesomeness called Doom, but I don't agree with every word that comes from his mouth.
[QUOTE="subrosian"]John Carmack hasn't been relevant to gaming in years. Quake 4 was awful - anyone left betting on iD missed the memo. The industry shifted, PC gaming doesn't care about hallway shooters or monolithic, heavily shaded blood fests - and he hasn't moved on. Brilliant programmer, terrible game designer.br0kenrabbitQuake 4 wasn't terrible. It certainly wasn't groundbreaking but it was a fun sci-fi jog. And point aside, Raven Software made Quake4, not id. IMO the last ground-breaking game from id was Quake 1.
iD put their name on the box and supervised the project, they should never have put their name on such a shoddy product.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="lowe0"] how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?lowe0People that left for reasons that aren't really applicable anymore, and contribute to the slew of misconceptiosn out there.Which gets back to the part of my post you didn't quote: that it's simply inconceivable that we'd be aware of PC gaming and not impressed. I have a modern gaming PC, I have Crysis, and I still said "meh" and went back to consoles.
You're proving his point. Crysis isn't all of "modern PC gaming" - it's not just about graphics, it's about content and depth. When someone says "I have Crysis" to demonstrate they're a PC gamer, they prove Vandal's point about misconception of the platform.
Wow, what a **** statement, especially from a fellow PC gamer. :roll: He may not have made a super successful game in four years but to say hes not relevant just denegrates his contributions to PC gaming. That's like saying Richard Garriot isn't relevant to the RPG genre when it was he who pioneered the genre, the same can be said for John Carmack. ;)
Richard Garriot didn't invent RPGs, nor should he be credited with the success of the genre. Yeah, Ultima, Lineage, City of Heroes - good job, really, but to give him credit for an entire genre is absurd. If you want to talk about RPGs, and what made them possible, look at D&D and GURPs, and their predecessors.
People that left for reasons that aren't really applicable anymore, and contribute to the slew of misconceptiosn out there.Which gets back to the part of my post you didn't quote: that it's simply inconceivable that we'd be aware of PC gaming and not impressed. I have a modern gaming PC, I have Crysis, and I still said "meh" and went back to consoles.[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="lowe0"] how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?subrosian
You're proving his point. Crysis isn't all of "modern PC gaming" - it's not just about graphics, it's about content and depth. When someone says "I have Crysis" to demonstrate they're a PC gamer, they prove Vandal's point about misconception of the platform.
I play FPS. What the hell else is there? I tried Stalker and didn't like it (movement felt awful). I played UT3, but preferred it on PS3. I have Quake Wars, but never got into it.Outside of FPS, I played RACE 07, but I really prefer production cars to race cars. I'll pick up GTR Evo to take an R8 around the Ring for a few spins, but that's about it.
I played World In Conflict, but never really got into it enough to finish. I played Comand & Conquer 3, with the same result. I played Company of Heroes, with the same result.
In fact, the only stuff I play on my PC anymore are all the old games I found when I moved my stuff out of my parent's house. So come on - what am I missing? What didn't I play? Where did I **** up and fall short of the "PC gamer" standard?
In fact, the only stuff I play on my PC anymore are all the old games I found when I moved my stuff out of my parent's house. So come on - what am I missing? What didn't I play? Where did I **** up and fall short of the "PC gamer" standard?lowe0Its perfectly fine if you don't like whats coming out, but dont for a second pretend that "what the hell else is there". Games like Sins of a Solar Empire, The Experiment, Space Siege, Europa Universalis 3, Audiosurf, Penumbra, The Witcher, are all great games.
[QUOTE="lowe0"]In fact, the only stuff I play on my PC anymore are all the old games I found when I moved my stuff out of my parent's house. So come on - what am I missing? What didn't I play? Where did I **** up and fall short of the "PC gamer" standard?VandalvideoIts perfectly fine if you don't like whats coming out, but dont for a second pretend that "what the hell else is there". Games like Sins of a Solar Empire, The Experiment, Space Siege, Europa Universalis 3, Audiosurf, Penumbra, The Witcher, are all great games.Yes, but just because I'm not interested in those games doesn't mean I'm not aware of them (except for EU3 and The Experiment, I'll admit). So if I'm well aware of them and simply NOT INTERESTED, then where's the **** misconception?
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="lowe0"]In fact, the only stuff I play on my PC anymore are all the old games I found when I moved my stuff out of my parent's house. So come on - what am I missing? What didn't I play? Where did I **** up and fall short of the "PC gamer" standard?lowe0Its perfectly fine if you don't like whats coming out, but dont for a second pretend that "what the hell else is there". Games like Sins of a Solar Empire, The Experiment, Space Siege, Europa Universalis 3, Audiosurf, Penumbra, The Witcher, are all great games.Yes, but just because I'm not interested in those games doesn't mean I'm not aware of them (except for EU3 and The Experiment, I'll admit). So if I'm well aware of them and simply NOT INTERESTED, then where's the **** misconception? If you're aware of them, then don't make statements that tend to lead people to believe that there aren't other games out there. Atleast acknowledge them in your posts instead of saying something like, "Besides XXXX, what else is there"? It leads people to believe that there isn't anything else, which is patently false. I'm not going to argue against your opinion, you can keep your opinion, but atleast give people the capabilities to discern for themselves what the PC is or isn't lacking.
If you're aware of them, then don't make statements that tend to lead people to believe that there aren't other games out there. Atleast acknowledge them in your posts instead of saying something like, "Besides XXXX, what else is there"? It leads people to believe that there isn't anything else, which is patently false. I'm not going to argue against your opinion, you can keep your opinion, but atleast give people the capabilities to discern for themselves what the PC is or isn't lacking.VandalvideoExcept that so far, it's been one excuse after another for why it's impossible for someone to be aware of PC gaming and not interested. "Your reasons are old and are no longer valid." "You only played Crysis." What's the next excuse?
I'll concede and modify my statement, however: "What the hell else is there for me?" I really don't see anything that PC gaming has to offer me that I'm not already getting on consoles.
[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="lowe0"]Here's a question for the "PC gamers are superior" crowd: how do you explain people who were once PC gamers and switch to consoles?Bebi_vegeta
Are you serious?LOL!!!
Same goes opposite way, wth, that was weak man.
Of course it does - I started on consoles, went to PC in 1994, and went back to consoles in 2004, so you don't have to convince me that people switch in both directions. But when it's a matter of simple preference, then console->PC is easily explained as someone changing his mind. But when it's a matter of console gamers being somehow defective (usually mentally or financially), how does someone stop being an "ignorant consolite" - brain surgery?Face it, the idea of superiority on the basis of gaming platform preference is laughable, and yet I see it here constantly. If I'm a poor, stupid child now, then what was I a few years ago when I was a PC gamer like you?
Why the heck are pulling this kind of crap out of your ass? Seriously... you take system wars like it was politics, serious business... There's fanboys on every plateforme and yes i'm talking about the extreme fanboy.
There's something for everyone out there, why do you think there's place for 4 system?
The PC is superior hardware wise... but games it's all a matter of preference, just like between 3 consoles.
Consoles are more simple to use, thats why so many people like them. I was a big PC gamer when I was a kid, then switched to consoles, then switched back to PCs when I bought a high-end PC a few months ago.
Except that so far, it's been one excuse after another for why it's impossible for someone to be aware of PC gaming and not interested. "Your reasons are old and are no longer valid." "You only played Crysis." What's the next excuse?lowe0Look I never said that its impossible, I'm merely saying that so far, the only reasoning I've found we're heavily opinionated. Like I said, if you're well aware of these titles, atleast acknowledge them. Misconceptions stem from the absence of the facts.
I'm merely saying that so far, the only reasoning I've found we're heavily opinionated.VandalvideoOf course it is! We're discussing the relative value of platforms around here, which is entirely subjective! All I've been saying is that there can be no such debate so long as you have one side dismissing the other as being ignorant for having the **** audacity to disagree with them.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]I'm merely saying that so far, the only reasoning I've found we're heavily opinionated.lowe0Of course it is! We're discussing the relative value of platforms around here, which is entirely subjective! All I've been saying is that there can be no such debate so long as you have one side dismissing the other as being ignorant for having the **** audacity to disagree with them. *Shrugs* I'm not one of the ones propigating this "ignorant" theme.
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="lowe0"]Of course it does - I started on consoles, went to PC in 1994, and went back to consoles in 2004, so you don't have to convince me that people switch in both directions. But when it's a matter of simple preference, then console->PC is easily explained as someone changing his mind. But when it's a matter of console gamers being somehow defective (usually mentally or financially), how does someone stop being an "ignorant consolite" - brain surgery?
Face it, the idea of superiority on the basis of gaming platform preference is laughable, and yet I see it here constantly. If I'm a poor, stupid child now, then what was I a few years ago when I was a PC gamer like you?
Why the heck are pulling this kind of crap out of your ass? Seriously... you take system wars like it was politics, serious business... There's fanboys on every plateforme and yes i'm talking about the extreme fanboy.
There's something for everyone out there, why do you think there's place for 4 system?
The PC is superior hardware wise... but games it's all a matter of preference, just like between 3 consoles.
Consoles are more simple to use, thats why so many people like them. I was a big PC gamer when I was a kid, then switched to consoles, then switched back to PCs when I bought a high-end PC a few months ago.
I'm a man of options... that's why simple will not cut it for me. But i'll understand why people will chose it if that's a big concern.
In paralle with games, are you sugesting that a game like the witcher could not sell well on consoles since it's not "simple"?
That really depends on your interests. I can turn it around: Flight Sims are my favorite genre and aren't even represented on consoles! I can't play Total War on consoles, nor can I play CoH or Guild Wars. I can't speak for other people, but the only things I debate here are factual misconceptions; The PC has no good games, PC is dying, consoles have more exclusives, etc. Perhaps PC has nothing for you...that's fine. Consoles have nothing for me, and that's fine, too. But there's a difference between saying 'PC has no good games' and 'PC has no games I'm interested in.' 'Good' without further definition (ie. 'good to me') states a factual statement and therefore must be compared to factual data. Since opinion is not factual data, then the line 'PC has no good games' cannot be taken as an opinion but only a statement of fact. An erroneous one, but nonetheless. You're not such an offender yourself. I've read your posts before, you clearly state what pertains to you individually and what is factual, but most people don't. They make factual statements as opinions and then both sides get crazy trying to prove the other wrong. I blame piss-poor education and lack of understanding of the English language and common logical-deduction. Opinions are like buttholes: everyone has one and they all stink but mine.I'll concede and modify my statement, however: "What the hell else is there for me?" I really don't see anything that PC gaming has to offer me that I'm not already getting on consoles.
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="lowe0"]Face it, the idea of superiority on the basis of gaming platform preference is laughable, and yet I see it here constantly. If I'm a poor, stupid child now, then what was I a few years ago when I was a PC gamer like you?
Why the heck are pulling this kind of crap out of your ass? Seriously... you take system wars like it was politics, serious business... There's fanboys on every plateforme and yes i'm talking about the extreme fanboy.
Oh, pul-lease. Pulling it out of my ass? "What console noobs don't understand is" "Consolites are so quick to get ignorant" "console gamers are killing gaming" "kids are more sensitive nowadays" Take your pick; those are the ones I've seen today.For every ignorant comment made by a PC gamer on these boards, there's 20 ignorant comments made by consolites. There is a VERY SIMPLE reason as to why that is. Most consolites do not game on a PC whereas most PC gamers also own consoles. It really is as simple as that. There are far more uninformed consolites than there are PC gamers and it's correlates directly to their lack of experience with PC gaming.
Now, for some reason you seem to be taking all this a bit personal and all I can say're not necessarily one of the "ignorant consolites" that we're referring to. When we say "ignorant consolites" it's a general statement. You don't expect us to "ignorant consolites except...." and then list all the consolites who aren't ignorant do you?
[QUOTE="PandaBear86"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="lowe0"]Of course it does - I started on consoles, went to PC in 1994, and went back to consoles in 2004, so you don't have to convince me that people switch in both directions. But when it's a matter of simple preference, then console->PC is easily explained as someone changing his mind. But when it's a matter of console gamers being somehow defective (usually mentally or financially), how does someone stop being an "ignorant consolite" - brain surgery?
Face it, the idea of superiority on the basis of gaming platform preference is laughable, and yet I see it here constantly. If I'm a poor, stupid child now, then what was I a few years ago when I was a PC gamer like you?
Why the heck are pulling this kind of crap out of your ass? Seriously... you take system wars like it was politics, serious business... There's fanboys on every plateforme and yes i'm talking about the extreme fanboy.
There's something for everyone out there, why do you think there's place for 4 system?
The PC is superior hardware wise... but games it's all a matter of preference, just like between 3 consoles.
Consoles are more simple to use, thats why so many people like them. I was a big PC gamer when I was a kid, then switched to consoles, then switched back to PCs when I bought a high-end PC a few months ago.
I'm a man of options... that's why simple will not cut it for me. But i'll understand why people will chose it if that's a big concern.
In paralle with games, are you sugesting that a game like the witcher could not sell well on consoles since it's not "simple"?
I haven't played the Witcher, so I cannot make any direct judgements yet, but I do believe that most console gamers prefer mainstream games where the learning curve is easier to get by. Consoles are plug-and-play devices that have 2 cable connections and one big power button, so of course there needs to be simplicity. Don't forget that the console gamepad is nowhere near as complex as the keyboard and mouse (which explains why the PC version of Mass Effect is so much better when it comes to item managements, party commands, etc).
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="PandaBear86"]Consoles are more simple to use, thats why so many people like them. I was a big PC gamer when I was a kid, then switched to consoles, then switched back to PCs when I bought a high-end PC a few months ago.
I'm a man of options... that's why simple will not cut it for me. But i'll understand why people will chose it if that's a big concern.
In paralle with games, are you sugesting that a game like the witcher could not sell well on consoles since it's not "simple"?
I haven't played the Witcher, so I cannot make any direct judgements yet, but I do believe that most console gamers prefer mainstream games where the learning curve is easier to get by. Consoles are plug-and-play devices that have 2 cable connections and one big power button, so of course there needs to be simplicity. Don't forget that the console gamepad is nowhere near as complex as the keyboard and mouse (which explains why the PC version of Mass Effect is so much better when it comes to item managements, party commands, etc).
Again it's all about the options... I can play with controler or with a keyboard. And hell I love having the option! I don't know who wouldnt' love it...
But heck, I guess there is people who like it simple and I got nothing against it.
[QUOTE="Pinkyimp"][QUOTE="ImOldGreg"]WOW...Hermits are easy to piss off!
because consolites are so quick to get ignorant..
The cows use what he said about their PC stance to point fingers yet they say Carmack is a morron when he says xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 and can do better graphics.
The lemmings say Carmack is lazy or stoopid for not being able to squeeze in all of Rage games data in 1 disc!
How you gonna have it console fans? ;)
The guys a stellar programer who knows his hardware and his opinion is unbiased
His credability>>>>>>>>>>>everyone on Gamespot.
Of coarse I wouldnt exspect any fanboy of any creed (Hermit, Coe, Lem, Sheep) to just accept that there may be somthing ''sub-par'' with there platform, because...well you know...fanboys are fools. :P
Pc will never die
thread debucked NEW YORK TIMES
Hardware companies would gang up consoles if their hardware sale ever dropped. Pc gaming never die
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: This guy again. To funny. He loves to hear him self talk doesn't he. Again who cares what he has to say.Bubblehash
He helped create the FPS. He knows more about what he's talking about than everyone here on this board. No...No one cares what he says. :|
Funny part is Pc came in the number 2 spot for EA's sales! Wow and sims are pc best sellers and no other game on console can top them. Mgs4 didn't sell as much as guild wars. Those are hard facts john carmack didn't talk about.
As for lead plat form that is his choice I am pretty sure rage is going to look really old compared to pc games when it comes out!
He's talking about pc having 2 disks well i am sure the tech for pc will befar beyond what the ps3 will handle by the time rage comes out.
I think Carmack will be has been just like Unreal toument 3 is a has been.
rage vs proget offset
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