When one trolls, it's better to make them look even more ridiculous than they were trying to be. By that point most trolls start to lose their cool.
Tis true. You as always remain a beacon of intelligence, common sense and courteous posting. On the other hand we have grown men like Kinthalis painting themselves out to be aschoolyard bully. I don't place this board much higher than YouTube or 4ch anymore.
Well,Kinthalis may exagerate quite a bit but that´s usually when you see console gamers around making ridiculous claims as well.I don't exaggerate. I'm just blunt when it comes to consolite idiocy.
i see it. I clal it out. People don't like that. They think I should be diplomatic about some imbecile cosole fanboy claiming PC gmaing is dead, a Pc costs 10,000 dollars, there are no good game son it anyway, etc, etc, etc
Why, is it up to PC gamers to be the diplomats? Why aren't console gamers who say this nonsense DAY IN AND DAY OUT in SW, EVER called to task for the same behaviour?
At least I DON'T make crap up. I back my up arguments with facts.
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