@Celtic_34: I wouldnt call it terrible but FAR from what Blizzard used to release in their golden era. Blizzboys beg to differ but facts are facts.
Especially when this game willl cost as much as 60$ when it offers nothing extraordinary vs other F2P arena shooters , let alone full priced ones that offering lengthy single player campaigns , story , voice acting , cutscenes etc,,,, with Blizzards official excuse of OVERWATCHERs full price being that of game will be missing tactical approach if it doesnt offer all characters at once . epicly pathetic excuse.if you ask me Its like they admitting this game is a F2P caliber in the first place.
And ill laugh my ass off to the defenders that calling Overwatch a classical B2P game when Blizzard will implement a SHOP soon or later , that of F2P model. Just mark my words.
Anyways , as i said before to butthurt blizzboys , if this game was coming from other developer than Blizzard , 9 out of 10 of current fans wouldnt even know about it or wouldnt give a shit even.
Its really sad that the same Company that used to release one of a kind legends of Diablo/Starcraft / Warcraft series and WoW is now releasing games like Diablo3/HS/Heroes of the storm and Overwatch. F2P caliber games similar to so many other OR B2P games that are either nothing special or there are better alternatives / as good out there ...for free ( Everyone remembers Diablo 3 first 2 years vs Path of Exile for example or LoL-Dota2 vs HOTS when blizzboys were calling HOTS the LOL/DOTA2 killer)
And if you beg to differ big time to what im saying , feel free to use GOOGLE , compare awards between games yourself , legacy left behind , criticism , GOTYs , what PROs have to say for games like Starcraft vs Starcraft 2 even in 2016.
TIP : Blizzboys are so sensitive over facts that not only wont use google , not only will jump facts and will try to spin points but will keep talking for over a week. Just watch out !
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