It's true. Best looking games on PC are still 360 ports. A gen ahead hardware. A gen behind software.
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It's true. Best looking games on PC are still 360 ports. A gen ahead hardware. A gen behind software.
@supergokublitz: "Lads on crack! my pc wastes my xbone and ps4 and its got a modest 680gtx, (looking to upgrade suggestions on which card? pc people)Lads on crack! my pc wastes my xbone and ps4 and its got a modest 680gtx, (looking to upgrade suggestions on which card? pc people)"
Discover card? Cash back with most purchases
Sell that GTX 680 and grab a GTX 970.
It's true. Best looking games on PC are still 360 ports. A gen ahead hardware. A gen behind software.
Riight........ totally ignoring BF4, Unity, and many other multiplats using same assets as PS4/X1 that the 360/PS3 arent.....
If I'm going to buy a PC rig it better be able to outperform my PS4. I mean I wouldn't buy a PC rig for its exclusives, because in my honest opinion PC exclusives don't appeal to me. Though, I am biased since I don't care for MMO's, or RTS games. I'm guessing the vast majority of people who buy PC rigs mostly play multiplats.
"larger selection of games with more variety of genres"
Where are all the Third Person shooters?
Well, like i said, PC is more than just the large selection of games. If you do not care for them, that's 100% fair, but to plain disregard them isn't smart at all.
Has for teh exclusives, if you want AAA games liek Halo and Uncharted, sicne nobody onws pc to buy and fund studios and games, there isn't. Still, nothing stops you from buying a console latter down the line whne it's cheaper, like me. The games are still there, but PC advantages start day 1. You don't have to wait 2 years for a ND game to come.
Regarding mostly playing multiplats, yeah no
Most popular steam games are pc exclusives.
"Where are all the Third Person shooters?"
? You mean Max Payne, Alan Wake, GTA, Tomb Raider? I mean, if you expect games like Uncharted and TLOU, obviously that's because they're owned by Sony, or MS for theirs.
Every multiplat TPS is on PC. Only a few like Vanquish or RDR aren't because back then PC gaming was different.
Sorry, I should have clarified. Third Person Shooters exclusive to the PC. Where is the PC's answer to Uncharted?
Where is the Sony's answer to Star Citizen? Or name one single rpg on PS4. Uncharted is a simple overhyped on rails third persona action game with zero replayability. I beat every Uncharted installment in 8 hours. 8 HOURS, having like 80% of all collectibles. If ever get stranded on an deserted island, I definitely wouldn't want to have Uncharted with me lol.
I'm speaking about my own personal tastes. The reason why I don't own a gaming rig is simply the fact that the exclusives don't appeal to me. Price is not a factor for me at all. I just care about who has the most exclusives that appeal to me.
It's true. Best looking games on PC are still 360 ports. A gen ahead hardware. A gen behind software.
You've been beaten like a little doggy so badly that delusion has set in.
Lies are all that spill from your tainted mouth.
Let the 24 fps on low @900p be your god now. Let the lack of games fuel your rage. 7 More years of 3rd place gfx.
Still mad you can't afford a pc?
You're one to talk, i've seen your setup
Please do tell me where? in your imagination? that same place where you also "have a pc" and where the "games don't look better"?
Jesus, youve been proven wrong before. Why are you still harping on about me not owning a PC.
Still waiting for an answer. Where did you see my setup? Oh wait obvious bullshit as always evaded by changing the subject. And yes, we do know you don't have a pc.
I don't want to embarrass you any further by posting your horrible setup. But feel free to prove me wrong. :)
Friendly reminder, still waiting for you to show us my horrible setup.
Stay jelly peasant.
Feel free to prove that it isn't horrible.... Mr Horrible Setup
@GioVela2010: This is the same guy who told us that his Plasma TV made PS3 games look better than anything on PC. And now he is calling people peasants while running a GTX 670..........
I just don't get it. I have a GTX 670 and PS4 games look just as good if not better. (Infamous, KZ)
I have now ordered a GTX 970 in hopes that I will finally notice the difference in graphics. I'm still happy with my PC tho, use it all the time for Plex, Amazon, and Netflix.
No one cares what you think. Go show pictures of your stuff to someone. We're all jealous, idiot.
Glad you are finally admitting it.
What makes you think graphics aFe worse at the end of a generation?
Clearly you don't think graphics from 2002 are better than now?
Those days are gone. As the the PS4 and X1 both prove you can have great graphics at a low price.
@lostrib: I know you don't believe me even though I used specific scenarios that actually happened on these boards.
Go figure.
Oh're a troll no one knows is a troll.
The fact that I own a PS3 and games have been looking/running like garbage since 2010?
It's not a matter of perspective, graphics WILL get worse as the hardware gets outdated. It will happen to the new gen, faster than it happened to the PS3, since these consoles are just weak.
@GioVela2010: This is the same guy who told us that his Plasma TV made PS3 games look better than anything on PC. And now he is calling people peasants while running a GTX 670..........
I never said that. That must be what you're secretly thinking of everyone ITT
@GioVela2010: This is the same guy who told us that his Plasma TV made PS3 games look better than anything on PC. And now he is calling people peasants while running a GTX 670..........
Yeah, I remember that.
He does this every gen. He swore up and down Uncharted 2 had better gfx than anything on PC. Idiot.
@EducatingU_PCMR: false.
The second infamous looks and runs better than the first. You're full of shit.
@GioVela2010: This is the same guy who told us that his Plasma TV made PS3 games look better than anything on PC. And now he is calling people peasants while running a GTX 670..........
Yeah, I remember that.
He does this every gen. He swore up and down Uncharted 2 had better gfx than anything on PC. Idiot.
Prove I said that.
@GioVela2010: This is the same guy who told us that his Plasma TV made PS3 games look better than anything on PC. And now he is calling people peasants while running a GTX 670..........
Yeah, I remember that.
He does this every gen. He swore up and down Uncharted 2 had better gfx than anything on PC. Idiot.
Prove I said that.
"full HD is easily countered by the fact that most console gamers play on Plasma TV's than do PC gamers. Plasma easily makes my console games just as good if not better than PC games"
Also in that thread is proof that you are also M3Border32. You even say "I admited to it over a year ago lmao" in that thread.
Nice try
Prove I said that.
"full HD is easily countered by the fact that most console gamers play on Plasma TV's than do PC gamers. Plasma easily makes my console games just as good if not better than PC games"
Also in that thread is proof that you are also M3Border32. You even say "I admited to it over a year ago lmao" in that thread.
Nice try
jesus christ, Gio just got:
@GioVela2010: This is the same guy who told us that his Plasma TV made PS3 games look better than anything on PC. And now he is calling people peasants while running a GTX 670..........
Yeah, I remember that.
He does this every gen. He swore up and down Uncharted 2 had better gfx than anything on PC. Idiot.
Prove I said that.
"full HD is easily countered by the fact that most console gamers play on Plasma TV's than do PC gamers. Plasma easily makes my console games just as good if not better than PC games"
Also in that thread is proof that you are also M3Border32. You even say "I admited to it over a year ago lmao" in that thread.
Nice try
I'm looking for the quote that reads "Uncharted 2 has better gfx than anything on PC"
Nice try
And yes im m3Boarder32
Not sure what that has to do with the fact that I never said "Uncharted 2 has better graphics than anything on PC"
And yes im m3Boarder32
Not sure what that has to do with the fact that I never said "Uncharted 2 has better graphics than anything on PC"
Reported for alt account. Also reported for misquoting me. Now go fellate all those possessions that you like to dote over.
Kinda agree with TC, MGS:GZ looks very identical on both my PC and PS4.
That's funny my game has more lights, better shadows, better anti-aliasing and reflections... Are you looking at the same game I am?
Not to mention at 2560x1440 the clarity is above and beyond what PS4 will ever do.
I can see where the TC is coming from. Its all very subjective. I have a gaming PC with a GTX970 hooked up to the same HDTV as my PS4. When i play something like Drive Club or MLB the Show on my PS4 i sometimes wonder why i spent $350 on my GTX970. But then i play other games on my PC like Dragons Age Inquisition and Battlefield 4 at ultra settings and 60 fps and i see it was money well spent. Strangely enough, i play a golf game on PC called Golf Club and the graphics are extremely detailed and refined. I played the same game on PS4 and it was a horrible ugly mess like i could not believe. It just depends on the games and how well its been tuned for the platform.
If you are using a PC on a HDTV that would be why, PC games and PC in general look the best on PC Monitors and actually look worse on HDTV's.
I can see where the TC is coming from. Its all very subjective. I have a gaming PC with a GTX970 hooked up to the same HDTV as my PS4. When i play something like Drive Club or MLB the Show on my PS4 i sometimes wonder why i spent $350 on my GTX970. But then i play other games on my PC like Dragons Age Inquisition and Battlefield 4 at ultra settings and 60 fps and i see it was money well spent. Strangely enough, i play a golf game on PC called Golf Club and the graphics are extremely detailed and refined. I played the same game on PS4 and it was a horrible ugly mess like i could not believe. It just depends on the games and how well its been tuned for the platform.
If you are using a PC on a HDTV that would be why, PC games and PC in general look the best on PC Monitors and actually look worse on HDTV's.
Stop talking shit.
Sorry, I should have clarified. Third Person Shooters exclusive to the PC. Where is the PC's answer to Uncharted?
Where is the Sony's answer to Star Citizen? Or name one single rpg on PS4.
1. No Man's Sky
2. Bloodborne.
BOOM, that was easy.
Last ditch attempt to make some kind of desperate "PC is best" post, fail.
Where is PC's high profile exclusive hermits have for 1Q 2015? Star Citizen is just a beta test game with no release date, so when are all these great PC games coming?
Sorry, I should have clarified. Third Person Shooters exclusive to the PC. Where is the PC's answer to Uncharted?
Where is the Sony's answer to Star Citizen? Or name one single rpg on PS4.
1. No Man's Sky
2. Bloodborne.
BOOM, that was easy.
Last ditch attempt to make some kind of desperate "PC is best" post, fail.
Where is PC's high profile exclusive hermits have for 1Q 2015? Star Citizen is just a beta test game with no release date, so when are all these great PC games coming?
Bu bu but all these 418 games ?
Sorry, I should have clarified. Third Person Shooters exclusive to the PC. Where is the PC's answer to Uncharted?
Where is the Sony's answer to Star Citizen? Or name one single rpg on PS4.
1. No Man's Sky
2. Bloodborne.
BOOM, that was easy.
Last ditch attempt to make some kind of desperate "PC is best" post, fail.
Where is PC's high profile exclusive hermits have for 1Q 2015? Star Citizen is just a beta test game with no release date, so when are all these great PC games coming?
No Man's Sky is an answer to Star Citizen ?
Still it's not even an exclusive, LOL. i love when cows talk about No Man's Sky like if it was a Sony exclusive. Is it that hard to accept for you that is for two platforms: PC and PS4 lol.
Bloodborne doesn't count as it's not released yet, I can't play it right now. So actually there are ZERO rpgs on PS4.
BOOM, nothing was easy.
Where is the Sony's answer to Star Citizen?
Bloodborne doesn't count as it's not released yet...
lol, should I be impressed or insulted by the Alzheimers level of hypocrisy in your post?
jhonMalcovich: "Doh, my post backfired, it's that time again, he'll never expect this one!"
@ProjectPat187: Well i have two identical gaming PC's. One as i said is on my 65in Plasma hdtv in the living room. The other is on a 27in 144hz G-Sync monitor in my bedroom. Yes, the gaming experience is amazing on the monitor, the motion smoothness especially, but it did not come cheap. But i can still find a lot to admire with PS4 graphics abilities with most games. Yes i would love to play Drive Club at 144hz / 144 fps like i do with GRID 2 on my PC in my bedroom, but its really not horrible playing the game on my television. I still admire the graphics and detail and the game play seems smooth enough.
I can see where the TC is coming from. Its all very subjective. I have a gaming PC with a GTX970 hooked up to the same HDTV as my PS4. When i play something like Drive Club or MLB the Show on my PS4 i sometimes wonder why i spent $350 on my GTX970. But then i play other games on my PC like Dragons Age Inquisition and Battlefield 4 at ultra settings and 60 fps and i see it was money well spent. Strangely enough, i play a golf game on PC called Golf Club and the graphics are extremely detailed and refined. I played the same game on PS4 and it was a horrible ugly mess like i could not believe. It just depends on the games and how well its been tuned for the platform.
If you are using a PC on a HDTV that would be why, PC games and PC in general look the best on PC Monitors and actually look worse on HDTV's.
That is false, I have a 27" 1440p IPS Monitor and PC Games look much better on the 1080p Plasma
I can see where the TC is coming from. Its all very subjective. I have a gaming PC with a GTX970 hooked up to the same HDTV as my PS4. When i play something like Drive Club or MLB the Show on my PS4 i sometimes wonder why i spent $350 on my GTX970. But then i play other games on my PC like Dragons Age Inquisition and Battlefield 4 at ultra settings and 60 fps and i see it was money well spent. Strangely enough, i play a golf game on PC called Golf Club and the graphics are extremely detailed and refined. I played the same game on PS4 and it was a horrible ugly mess like i could not believe. It just depends on the games and how well its been tuned for the platform.
If you are using a PC on a HDTV that would be why, PC games and PC in general look the best on PC Monitors and actually look worse on HDTV's.
That is false, I have a 27" 1440p IPS Monitor and PC Games look much better on the 1080p Plasma
And that is False, I have a 27" IPS monitor and PC games looks much better than on any of my HDTV's, and the fact that you would hook a PC up to a plasma in the first place shows you dont know what you are talking about my friend.
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