[QUOTE="JiveT"][QUOTE="CherryShooter"] In an already losing battle, the final defense has been blown. Professional game developer CliffyB has now stated that PC games are now dying and is now all about sims and WoW which is completely true.
Valve? LOL the 360 and PS3 has orange box so its not exclusive.
PC gaming is going to die by the end of this year
Because, EVERYGAME except for those low budgest games like Sin of a **** Empire is going to sell poorly and be poor. Everygame will be pirated, everygame thats previously exclusive will need to latch on to the consoles to make profit and finally theres a wider spread community present within the consoles
Interface vs PC slob
The PC users? They have to communicate from Xfire, Steam or AIM. Steam Community is a subpar version of Xbox Live, the voice chat in XBL works beyond what Steam can ever imagine, the achievement integration is much cleaner, more demos for the 360 in comparison to steam and we can download movie files straight into the comfort of the our HDTV setup, something in which hermits will have to move their entire PC setup to a television in order to do where as the 360 and PS3 is simply plugin and play.
Everygame for the console has an counter for an PC exclusive
Dragonage - Its made by EA, dont wish your luck hermits this is going to be on the 360
Starcraft 2 - Halo Wars will easily best it.
Spore - Wii version and nextgeneration speculation. Regardless I can have FUN playing it on my Wii instead of playing with a hunchback
STALKER : Clear Flop - OK i just wanted to add this in, this is a buggy POS that is in no way good. Perhaps the hermit's quality has stooped low that they are desperate for any shooter I see..
Oh wait wwait thats it? Well console owners get.
The fastest ACTION game and one of the best action/adventures - NINJA GAIDEN II
PS3 has the driving simulation all down, we get Gran Turismo down. We also have Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy 13 which will most likely blow anything else away.
Wii - No More Heroes is an awesome game, Brawl, Mario Kart and more.
No matter WHAT console you choose, youll have a better library of games. Just another example of how consoles are clearly overpowering the PC.
BUT BUT BUT PIRACYYYYY DOESNT MATTER!?! Well ever thought of what Crysis would sell if it werent for piracy? Alot more, twice in fact but its too bad that piracy is slowly crippling developers away from the PC just like how Epic made their mistake when they generously made UT3 and Gears of War for the PC. Its a good thing Epic learned their mistake too, so they dont have to spend any budget on a dying market.
Guy #1 : Hey want to play Halo 3?
Guy #2 : Sure, lets play over live and party up with a matchmaking system that will allow us to play people against our level.
Guy #1 : Sounds like fun!
Guy #2 : Maybe we can play Gears of War too?
Guy #1 : Yeah! Ill invite my friends over and use guest feature to quickly have friends in a game within a second.
Guy #2 : Cool meet you on Live!
Is this possible in PC games? I think not.
Guy #1 : Hey wanna play..counterstrike source?
Guy #2 : Thats an old game, do us PC owners have any other multiplayer game to play?
Guy #1 : ..well COD4
Guy #2 : Im already playing that...on the 360 with friends and a larger community...I played the PC version at a friends house and nobody communicates
Guy #1 : Yawn...might as well grind more in World of Warcraft
So there you have it, PC games now in a gutter. PC games are dying and now you dare attack CliffyB and state that he's ingorant when you guys are too blind to realize that your precious PC games are over? Right.
Wow. Great work TC. I think the most important thing about it was pointing out how overrated Stalker is. It's probably the buggiest bunch of junk since Big Rigs. Have fun wandering around in a field for six hours trying to find your next ammo clip. :|
There's so many things wrong with this statement. STALKER is an underrated marvel that IMO eclipses both CoD4 and Halo 3. Especially when pretty much all of the bugs have been fixed with the patches released.Also, wandering in a field for 6 hours for an ammo clip? They're scattered all over the place while you search dead bodies and find ammo with them. Clearly shows that you haven't played STALKER.
Yeah stuff the rest of this silly topic!!! Lay off Stalker man jeebs at least play it before having such a strong hate for it! It is honestly now next to Halo 3 ("Pure Fun"), Half Life 2 and Expansions, Crysis, one of my Favourite FPS games and easily one of the best FPS games released last year.
Honestly lol it is really good you should try it Bugs well i had NO problems on my Gefore 7800GTX but now i have a 8800GT im having trouble running the game so i have to sort that out yet otherwise i would be playing the single player all over again right now.
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