PC gaming have been declining since the 90's. and with increased piracy and PC gaming isn't doing anything to expand the industry.
let be frank.
PC gaming is like a shark. it hasn't evolved since the dawn of time. you still play games with complicated controls and bad key layout. Yeah that explains why most console 'innovations' end up on PC first, right? You know, like in-game physics, online play, force feedback, etc I could type for hours on innovations that started on PC.
PC gaming is not noob friendly. casuals can't get into it and its too expensive. even if you could afford a cheap set up. the monitor alone could cost you about $200-$500. I just built a buddy of mine a really nice gaming PC for just under $600. Not so expensive after all. By the way, let me know where you buy your monitors, Ill never shop there.
Most hermits don't even buy games. they use bittorent. I could name at least 10 multi-million selling PC games off the top of my head: Sims 2, Neverwinter Nights, Oblivion, Half Life 2, GTA San Andreas, Guild Wars, FEAR, Rome:Total War, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Baldurs Gate, Baldurs Gate 2, Star Wars KOTOR, Jedi Academy, Command and Conquer etc. THIS IS MILLIONS SOLD, NOT DOWNLOADED!! Lets not forget the 8+ million people who subscribe to World of Warcraft, which at this time is PC/Mac only.
PC doesn't have any exclusives, no matter how long it takes, every single pc game gets ported down the line. Wheres my multiplat Diablo 2, or Neverwinter Nights, or Guild Wars, or even World of Warcraft then??
PC is not backward compatible. Dude I still play games from the late 70s on my PC, this statement is almost too dumb to answer. PC is the MOST backwards compatible gaming platform there is.
PC OS cost a fortune. $100-$200 is a fortune? What country you from? games that requires vista forces you to buy a buggy OS. Then dont buy the PC version of Halo 2, problem solved.
you can't play PC games on your couch. Ever heard of a HTPC (Home Theater PC)?
you have to install every single game and if you lose your CD key its all over. Installs arent bad, and take care of your games and you wont have to worry about losing keys.
PC games are never completed. there is always some darn patch coming down the line and if you don't have internet, you are stuck with some BS game. You dont always need to keep all your games patched, a lot of games still work just fine out of the box unless you have some exotic config.
Mods are for cheaters, and is unnecessary. Ever heard of Counter-Strike? That was a mod at one time. If all you do is play cheating mods then you are missing out on some great games.
PC games are not in HD. This statement is so dumb I almost question how good it will do if I answer. OK Ill try. PC games are actually more HD than what you think of HD. HDTVs max out at somewhere around 1960x1020. The old TVs are 640x480. This is your lines of resolution. This is why HD screens look sharper, they run at a higher resolution. Most PC monitors and gaming video cards can go somewhere around 2600x1500. So your answer is that PC games can run higher resolutions than even the highest-end HDTVs.
when you play a game like half life 2 or any vehicle driven games, its suddenly gets really frustrating when you hop into a vehicle and all the basic controls changes Thats why you can go in and change the vehicle controls to what you want.
now please tell me. what's so good about PC gaming??? I wonder if I should waste my time typing. Youre obviously biased and it will do no good.
gaming shouldn't be a chore people should be able to have fun playing not waste time bulding a gaming machine which gets outdated by the time your finish. It must take you several years to build your PCs then.
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