You're terribly biased views and opinions are nothing more than a joke. You ignore almost 90% of the actual burnage, and respond to the petty and meaningless sections of people's posts. It's clear you know nothing, will never know nothing, and have never even used a PC in you're life. I've gone through most of the pages here, and I think there's more than enough rebuttles on you're terrible arguments to prove you completely and utterly false. But unfortunately, you don't listen, and go on to not only say that PC gaming is dead, it's not backward compatible, and KB/M is a bad system, but also bad mouth some of the best developers around, namely Bioware.
The fact that you claimed they were a terrible developer is just rediculous. Isn't it strange that the only game they made that you stood up for was Jade Empire, the only exclusive (well, not anymore) console game they've made, and yet, Jade Empire is probably their weakest games they've made to date. I respect opinions if someone were to say they couldn't get into Baldur's Gate, or Neverwinter Nights because they thought the text was too much, but face the damn facts, Bioware have made some of the BEST games ever created, period - end of story.
And you're comment about PC Gaming getting ported down the line - no, that's actually quite wrong. First, yes, there are a lot of games that get ported at one stage or another from PC to console, but I'd say there are more that get ported from console to PC. No Blizzard games have ever been made for console (apart from Starcraft 64, but let's not talk about that junk around the shining masterpiece that is Starcraft for the PC), the Vampire games, Thief 1 & 2, Broken Sword. And when you do get a port, it's sometimes dumbed down for consoles, ala Far Cry, yes that's right, dumbed down!
The post about patches is also stupid. No, PC games do not come out unfinished. Do you know why patches are released? Because they can be on PC, and the developers want the game to be the best they can be. Only now the 360 and PS3 are getting patches made for them.
Finally, I'm not even going to go into the mods, as too many people have already commented on this. Unfortunately, you've failed to come up or even respond to any of the posts outlining what a mod actually is, so you still don't know what they are. Go back a few pages, read up on it, then try bad mouthing the ingenious invention of mods, that no PS3 could ever have.
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