PC gaming have been declining since the 90's. and with increased piracy and PC gaming isn't doing anything to expand the industry.
let be frank.
PC gaming is like a shark. it hasn't evolved since the dawn of time. you still play games with complicated controls and bad key layout.Â
PC gaming is not noob friendly. casuals can't get into it and its too expensive. even if you could afford a cheap set up. the monitor alone could cost you about $200-$500.
Most hermits don't even buy games. they use bittorent.
PC doesn't have any exclusives, no matter how long it takes, every single pc game gets ported down the line.
PC is not backward compatible.
PC OS cost a fortune. games that requires vista forces you to buy a buggy OS.
you can't play PC games on your couch.
you have to install every single game and if you lose your CD key its all over.
PC games are never completed. there is always some darn patch coming down the line and if you don't have internet, you are stuck with some BS game.
Mods are for cheaters, and is unnecessary.
PC games are not in HD.
when you play a game like half life 2 or any vehicle driven games, its suddenly gets really frustrating when you hop into a vehicle and all the basic controls changes
now please tell me. what's so good about PC gaming???
gaming shouldn't be a chore people should be able to have fun playing not waste time bulding a gaming machine which gets outdated by the time your finish.Â
 1 until steam and direct 2 drive sales are included sales man nothing, since about 1/3 of pc games aren't being sold through retail.
2 its not hard to get a pc build to the specs you want and many pc shops sell systems that will run new games fine for not much more than consoles, and a pc monitor can be had for under $50, $300 would buy you a nice 22" wide screen and if you add that add $2000 for your 1080p hdtv since the 22" monitor has about the same resolution as 1080p
no exclusives oh yea
crysis, spore, hellgate london, stalker, gtr, race, loads of rts and x360 only has 2-3 exclusives over pc and most game are multiplat now.
pc is 100% backward capabile. if I buy a new graphics card, add more ram, new cpu etc all of my current games will run unlike on consoles which only a select few run.
$100 for vista isn't much and xp has been here since 2001 and you basicly have to use windows for your basic computing anyway. name a good vista exclusive game this year or i will disregard you point about vista
I'd rather take 10mins to install a game than wait 3-10x as long for the game to load and have to go and find the disk when ever I wana play it. you can get the cd key replaced if you loss it, but if you say that what say you loss you game disk? on pc you still have the game on your hard drive but on console its all over.
welcome the the new world of console games with patches and updates, they are great, improved performance, better graphics, initial bug disapear, the fact is console games are just like pc game now as far as patches go.
tell me how making a game look better is cheating? thats what a lot of the mods are, look stalker has just had some grpahic updates through a mod. why wait for the offical patch when you can just mod it?Â
pc games have been in hd for years any pc monitor from the last 7-10 years can run 1024x768 while these new consoles now only do 1280x768 while a pc monitor from the early 2000s can do 1280x1024 and now most support 1600x1200 which is better than x360/ps3 will do anytime soon.
pc's support game pads if you want to play with a game pad.Â
my pc is over a year old and can still run everygame maxed out. its a myth that you have to upgrade,a pc that beats x360 now will beat it when xbox 3 comes out. All of your statements are full of you not knowing much about real pc gaming.
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