PC gaming have been declining since the 90's. and with increased piracy and PC gaming isn't doing anything to expand the industry.PowerCharged
You can pirate any game on any console.
let be frank.
I'll be ted.
PC gaming is like a shark. it hasn't evolved since the dawn of time.
Thats because it's the perfect killing...I mean gaming machine and doesn't need to evolve.
PC gaming is not noob friendly. casuals can't get into it and its too expensive. even if you could afford a cheap set up. the monitor alone could cost you about $200-$500.
An HDTV will cost you about $1000-$4000 and they are hard as hell to set up or so I'm told.
Most hermits don't even buy games. they use bittorent.
Sales charts say other wise.
PC doesn't have any exclusives, no matter how long it takes, every single pc game gets ported down the line.
Wrong and who cares anyway? Games like oblivion are FAR better on PC with much better graphics and tons of mods.
PC is not backward compatible.
It can play any game if you tweak a few settings.
PC OS cost a fortune. games that requires vista forces you to buy a buggy OS.
What games need vista? Halo 2....and....??
you can't play PC games on your couch.
Yes you can you can hook it upto your TV, plug in a controller(or just use a table) and bingo.
you have to install every single game and if you lose your CD key its all over.
Install it once and PS3 does that now too and why would you lose a cd key? Keep the disc with the case and it'll be safe forever.
PC games are never completed. there is always some darn patch coming down the line and if you don't have internet, you are stuck with some BS game.
Same with next gen consoles.
Mods are for cheaters, and is unnecessary.
Cheaters? Do you know what a mod even is?
PC games are not in HD.
when you play a game like half life 2 or any vehicle driven games, its suddenly gets really frustrating when you hop into a vehicle and all the basic controls changes
Joke thread right?....right?
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