So I think everyone has seen this report:
Which shows that Modern Warfare 2 on pc was downloaded at least 4.1 million times, and that doesn't include other sources including 1-1 piracy.
Of course many pirates thought they were "sticking it to the man", or trying to justify their piracy based on Infinity Ward not catering to them.
Given that only 8% of MW2 sales on amazon were for pc we can see why Infinity and other companies are not catering to pc gamers.
Other platforms have piracy but pc gamers are by far the worst when it comes to stealing games.
What I found even more disgusting about the report is the fact that SF4 was also a favorite among pirates. I have read many blog posts by pc gamers celebrating Capcom for supporting the pc and yet in return they received poor sales and high piracy.
We often hear lame excuses for pc gamers like how they wouldn't have bought the game anyways even though they were able to afford a gaming pc. Since SF4 is basically unplayable without a conroller it is likely that most of those pirates bought a gamepad as well. As I pointed out before all you have to do is go to a lan party to see how pc gaming pirates can afford the games but spend their money on hardware instead. You can find blogs on Quakecons that talk about the culture of piracy that is apparent when pc gamers meet in public.
Game companies are going to look at this report and question if the pc is worth supporting when most of the people playing pc games aren't paying for them. This report clearly shows that the pc has a serious piracy problem and a million excuses won't change that.
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