Gaming in sub-HD/720P with crappy AA and the blurfest that is on the consoles DOES matter to some maybe not YOU. That's why people choose to watch movies in Blu-ray 1080P not the blurfest of DVD's. Just like PC gamers who game in Blu-ray's 1080P resolution with all the bells and whistles cranked to the max not the blur fest that is the consoles with lower graphical settings.
movies and games are two different things. movies are at 24 fps and you don't control it. in games, performance matters most, not how pretty the screen is. if the bells and whistles are going to cause frame dips and cuase me to get killed or lose.......they are gone. If I can maintain 100 fps...or even 60, sure up everything....if not, it needs to go. how well you can play means so much more than how good it looks.
when my pc was crap, my halo looked like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL_gPXINa18
At least you can play on 60 fps on PC. You can lower the graphics to get a stable and smooth gameplay which you can't do on a console.
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