Another TPS that i couldnt care less about, let me know when PC gets a game that has a story to care about and not a TPS
Want a story? Read a book, read a comic, read the Bible, watch a movie, watch a TV show, watch a mini-series...
You're in one of the WORST media entertainment mediums for storytelling. Period.
Yes games can tell great stories but games with a worth while tale, good charactres, and a good plot, make up about 1% of all video games ever made. You're in the wrong medium and it's laughable that you believe this is a valid reason to NOT play a video game.
You can claim "but it's my opinion" but the only person you're fooling is yourself.
As someone who believes that stories are a very important aspect of games, I gotta disagree. Adventure games are a whole genre that focuses on stories, and there are tons of them out there with fantastic stories. And aside from the adventure genre, there are still lots and lots of games with great stories that came out recently. Bioshock Infinite, Metro, LA Noire, The Walking Dead, Dishonored, etc.. Oh and I even forgot about RPGs, another genre that tells great stories. That "1%" you mentioned applies to the amount of games that has story quality that can compare to books or movies, and I completely agree on that. But we don't really have to compare it like this, It doesn't have to reach that level to be considered a good story.Mainstream movies maybe. :P
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