Why would I play a game that I don't like?
I´ve said you should, not that you must. Still it´s your miss. Civilization games are all timers.
sounds like he probably tried it.
Which one though? The old ones or Civ V because from my knowledge of the series Civ V makes a lot of changes to the formula that (old school civ players may or may not like) may be just what he was looking for. I know of some games where people didn't like one game of the series but loved another because of the changes it made to them. Still, doesn't mean he has to play the game just saying that games change and maybe Civ has changed for the better for him.
I don't know, anyways, all I can say for Civ V is that I am not a strategy fan in any sense of the imagination but I played Civ V for a small bit and I enjoyed it. Good to see the series is doing well for those who liked it, I guess.
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