As a big fighting game fan, I have to dissagree with TC. When it comes to fighting games, PC's just don't do the job like consoles can. A few reasons include:
1. The controller. How am I going to use a Hadoken on a keyboard? Am I going to press 2,26,6+p? I can't see that working well at all. Now, you can use a usb controller, but that still requires you to buy one (if you don't have one, that is), and if you play on a fight stick, you may have to replace the parts, mod it, etc.
2. Local Play. One thing me and my friends used to do every friday is get together, put up a 360 (and a PS3 if I brought it), and play MvC2 and SSF4. We can easily transport our consoles. But not only can we not do that with our computers, we REFUSE to huddle on a small moniter and play SSF4, and when it won't even look that great (I'm the only one of my friends who is anywhere near a PC gamer, and I'm still a console guy forever, so I'm not shelling out for a gaming comp). Plus, it just feels great to sit down on a couch, pull out some snacks, and trash talk each other on who sucks.
3. Popularity. I know there are multiple fighting games on the PC, and Melty Blood made it to EVO 2010. But you know what I found out during evo? Looking at the online chat I was in, there was a grand total of9 people including mewho knew that the hell melty blood was.9 peopleout of the 1000+ watching.And I only know it because I've heard of it before. I had never even seen gameplay until then. I'm not saying the game unknown, but it's hard enough to find people who know Guilty Gear. And that game is somthing you DON'T have to import.
Now, don't get me wrong: I wouldn't mind if PC's got more into the fighting game scene. But I can't see them ever being the best platform for fighting games. I can't even see them being popular right now. The most popular PC fighting game I know of is MUGEN, and we all know how balanced and great that is, and how many tourneys that thing makes it into. The PC is great for gaming, I won't deny that. You can do a ton that you can't do on consoles. But consoles (and arcades) will always be the best platforms for fighting games.
1. Like any other Microsoft keyboard and Microsoft mouse, there's Microsoft Xbox 360 controller. No modifications required i.e. both Games For Windows and Xbox 360 shares the same controller software. With some PC gaming keyboards, single press macros can be setup for Hadoken type special moves. This is a competitive advantage for PC gamer over Xbox 360 gamer i.e. one key press macro executes a series of key press combos.
2. My ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5730 enabled laptop has superior mobility compared to "HD" consoles. It's equiped with HDMI 1.3 and analog 5.1 audio option (Creative Labs X-Fi MB).
Do you even play fighting games? Okay, based on you're post, I'm going to assume you don't, so let me give you an example of how bad 1 buttonspecials can be.In Street Fighter, there's a character named Guile. He's a charge character, which means, in order to use his special moves, you have to hold back or down for2 seconds to charge it, before you press foward or up + P or K. Guile's projectlie move is called sonic boom. It's input is +P. To make up for the fact that he has to charge it, his recovery for it is so low, he can block almost instantly, meaning he's less open than any command projectile user like Ryu. Now, if Guile could press one button to use his sonic boom, he wouldn't have to charge it. And because of his low recovery, he could use another almost instantly (as long as the other has left the screen). So, by this, he could put his opponent in a corner, and literally keep them stuck in block stun by just spamming sonic boom, because his recovery would be low enough to throw another while they're still in block stun. I know this, because I edited SFA3's button config to do this. His opponent couldn't do anything.
Thats just one example of how bad a single press special would be, and that alone can throw you're gaming keyboard argument in the toilet. But I'll go further. It's not even unfairness and broken gameplay that can come from it. It's basic mindgames. Fighting games are full of mind games especially at high level play. Hell, I had a topic on the PS3 SSF4 boards and we all aggreed that fighting games are pretty much 80% mind games, 20% technical skill at high level play. A single press button to use a move won't trick you're opponent. But buffering the motion on you're controller to make them THINK you're going to do it will. They will think you're about to attack, but you didnt, so you can throw them (which they can't block) because they won't expect it. One button specials will just dumb down the game further. People already HATE the leniant inputs of SSF4. Not only that, but knowing the inputs of a character, and how to use them, is somthing you have to LEARN. Believe it or not, there is alot in fighting games to learn. Character inputs, frame data, etc. Certain characters require precise timing (even in SSF4), with one frame links and all. And I'm pretty sure you're not going to be hitting c.lp,c.lp,c.lp,c.lp.c.mk, EX Tatsu every time on a key board without fault. And thats a simple combo. PC's just aren't the type of platform for games. They may reach it sometime, just as consoles are now good for FPSs (WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT WITH THAT IS YOU'REOPINION). It's just not going to happen overnight.
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