PCs have better graphics, are more customizable and a wider arrange of games and better controls and can do other things besides gaming. Better Graphics. Well thats not totally true. PCs potentially have better graphics, but you have to pay considerably more for the PC to get those better graphics. For a cheaper PC the graphics aren't all that better than a console. But PCs can have much better graphics, if you're willing to pay.
Actually, there are quite a few budget rigs, priced around $500 that can game at 1080p and sometimes above. I wouldn't call that paying "considerably more".
Customizing is really reserved for computer geeks. For me, I don't want to have to go spending hours trolling mod sites and backing up .ini files just to add a mod. Just pop the game in and play it. End of story. But you have that option on PCs, where with consoles you don't. I just think most people won't really bother so I don't think this is valid.
Many people won't use Move/Kinect, does that make them valid? More and more mods are coming with self-installers (especially larger ones) and most developers make adding mods simple. In The Witcher you simply put an "Override" folder in the main directory and copy the files there.
PCs do have more games, but most of them are out-of-date games. There are virtually no exclusives outside of MMOs that are PC only when it comes to new releases. PCs do have much more online games available but if you aren't into online games then there is no difference at all between a PC and a console here.
Out-of-date? Every exclusive we count comes from this generation and it still has vastly more than consoles. There are also a plethora of Sims, Adventures, Strategy (sub-genres included). The last few exclusives we've had were Starcraft II (not an MMO), Napopleon: Total War (not an MMO), Dawn of War II: Chaos (not an MMO), The Sims 3: Ambitions (not an MMO), Tropico 3: Absolute Poewer (not an MMO), Stalker: CoP (not an MMO), and those are from 2010.
But I do think PCs are dying and consoles are just starting their way up. PCs are dying because people just don't need or want these expensive high-powered rigs anymore. People are buying notebooks and smartphones now. So I think though the PC is far from dead right now, its on its way out. Consoles are the way of the future for gaming whether you like it or not.DFL274
I've shown that you don't need expensive rigs, and many people are going with budget gaming. Plus considering the PC gaming market grew in 2009 over 2008, it's hard to say that it's "dying".
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