Why are you even continuing to debate this? Expansions are games and MMO's are games. Every exclusive in the GS spreadsheet is exclusive to the platform. No if's, and's or but's about it.
Also, you still didn't provide a link to that claim, so trying to explain it to me proves nothing... Unfortunately for you.
here from the sim city box review:
The Good
SimCity 4 and Rush Hour have aged well and are as addictive as ever
The Societies titles are good, laid-back fun
A lot of gameplay at a terrific price..
and in the body of the review..
"Yet at $39.95, it packs in dozens of hours of quality gameplay, thanks in particular to the inclusion of SimCity 4 and its Rush Hour add-on."
Gotta wonder why they keep mentioning the price if its being reviewed to the same standards as full priced games? seems like there would be no need to mention it.
And here is a quote from their review of "The Ship"
"But even while these problems are troublesome, they're minor. The Ship is one of the best and most innovative multiplayer games available right now, particularly at its cut-rate price of $20, and it is developing a considerable online fan base, so you can find a server loaded with players any time of the day or night. "
and expansions are not games, they are expansions... if they were actual games they would be be called sequels and reviewed to different standards.
for instance the review would go like this "they changed absolutely next to nothing in terms of gameplay, the graphics are not even remotely improved... all they did was add on a few extra levels and try to call it a new game"
but instead here is the review ofEuropa Universalis III: Heir to the Throne:
"The problems with Heir to the Throne are pretty minimal. The biggest problem is that the game requires EU3 and its first two expansions, which could dissuade people who don't already own the so-called complete edition. Additionally, one could interpret Heir's tiny download size as proof that it could or should have been a patch. However, Heir improves nearly every aspect of EU3 and offers more content than Napoleon's Ambition, the first expansion to EU3, so its small size belies the fact that it packs in a lot of improvements per megabyte. Heir is a much more significant upgrade than a mere patch. Whether these improvements are worth the $20 asking price is subjective, of course, but they do make EU3 significantly more enjoyable."
I personally think you are well aware that gamespot isnt reviewing these bargain games/expansion to the same standards as full retail games... so i dont know why you are purposely being difficult...
Come on now, please dont say if expansions are included then DLC's should too. You really think that? Of course expansions and dlc's get reviewed differently than full price games. What is the problem there? What about standalone expansion's? For example Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, a standalone expansion. Which is priced as such, yet has more content and replayability than other so called full priced games. Eg. HALO ODST. you couldnt have backed me up by agreeing with me while lundy is insisting for links to prove that gamespot doesnt review bargain titles and expansions the same as full priced games? made me read through pointless reviews huh...
and yes those are a feather in the cap of PC gamers, but they arent reviewed to the same standards so there is no good way to compare them... and Halo ODST was reviewed as a full priced retail title... whether or not the reviewer was out of his gourd, i dunno. But in terms of comparing scores, it was reviewed by gamespot as a full priced game.
and i think expansions are just as much like DLC, as expansions are like full retail games.... which is not even closely related... but tell that to lundy, not me.
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