Yet zelda stays to its routes and gets destroyed by gamespot.
ign > GS
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[QUOTE="The_Djoker"]Who wants FF to go back to boring Turn based random battle crap?Spartan070I do! :cry:As do I!
I do! :cry:As do I! as do i[QUOTE="Spartan070"][QUOTE="The_Djoker"]Who wants FF to go back to boring Turn based random battle crap?PcGamingRig
Lol wut?
No one wants final fantasy to go back to its roots
I definatly want to go back to FF9, my top FF so far
FF13 is one of my worst games, so why would i not want it to go back when the games were amazing ?
Lol wut?
No one wants final fantasy to go back to its roots
I definatly want to go back to FF9, my top FF so far
FF13 is one of my worst games, so why would i not want it to go back when the games were amazing ?
This man knows the truth.I definatly want to go back to FF9, my top FF so far
Yes, another trip back to the steampunk fantasy roots. No more of this high tech wonderland garbage. FFXII did Ivalice justice, I know Square has it in them to do a game world akin to FFIX justice.
Yet zelda stays to its routes and gets destroyed by gamespot.
ign > GS
I agree, I've always agreed more with IGN's reviews. GS IMO, rates lower for the sake of rating lower (6.7 for the first Gran Turismo when every other publication loved it).
Nice sig, btw.
This man knows the truth.[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
I definatly want to go back to FF9, my top FF so far
FF13 is one of my worst games, so why would i not want it to go back when the games were amazing ?
I am much into the art of games, that is why FF9 for me is special, the whole game is like a work of art and of the medieval/fairy tale kind i like best
Loved the summons cinematics too, definatly rivaled the epic Weapons cinematics of FF7
Yes, another trip back to the steampunk fantasy roots. No more of this high tech wonderland garbage. FFXII did Ivalice justice, I know Square has it in them to do a game world akin to FFIX justice.
The thing is that only Mistwalker has it in them, Square has lost all the talent they had after the leader of FF7-8-9 changed camp
[QUOTE="PcGamingRig"]As do I! as do i[QUOTE="Spartan070"] I do! :cry:vanadiel242424
Me too. Random encounters and turn-based battles ARE JRPGs.
Yet zelda stays to its routes and gets destroyed by gamespot.
ign > GS
mw3 8.5, ss 7.5, a game that has like 10 times the effort. Rly gamespot?
Lol wut?
No one wants final fantasy to go back to its roots
are u kidding me? we want our old style awesome rpgs back, not these terrible hybrids.
Best FF right here
Nah, you got it all wrong. It's the one starring this guy:
^^ You sir, win this thread.
FF VI is probably my 4th favorite.
Best FF right here
Nah, you got it all wrong. It's the one starring this guy:
^^ You sir, win this thread.
FF VI is probably my 4th favorite.
This guydisagrees
Lol wut?
No one wants final fantasy to go back to its roots
I definatly want to go back to FF9, my top FF so far
FF13 is one of my worst games, so why would i not want it to go back when the games were amazing ?
This man knows the truth. VIVA LA VIVI!!!No thanks.
While FFXIII was a disappointment in some respects, I would much rather Squenix push the series and the genre forward, not backwards
I love the old Final Fantasy games as much as anyone, but that old combat system is just to boring now, i couldnt even finish Lost Odyssey and that game had good graphics, story, characters, and sound, its just to boring.
FFXIII gets a bunch of crap, but it has the best visuals and battle system of the series, and Versus looks incredible.
You guys have to move on, if you want to play the old battle system, put in one of the older games and play it, dont hold the series down.
I love the old Final Fantasy games as much as anyone, but that old combat system is just to boring now, i couldnt even finish Lost Odyssey and that game had good graphics, story, characters, and sound, its just to boring.
FFXIII gets a bunch of crap, but it has the best visuals and battle system of the series, and Versus looks incredible.
You guys have to move on, if you want to play the old battle system, put in one of the older games and play it, dont hold the series down.
I don't know about those two. Those are the reasons I couldn't be bothered to keep playing it. Lame ass story that took until disc 3 to get good...but I lost intrerest when it did.
I love the old Final Fantasy games as much as anyone, but that old combat system is just to boring now, i couldnt even finish Lost Odyssey and that game had good graphics, story, characters, and sound, its just to boring.
FFXIII gets a bunch of crap, but it has the best visuals and battle system of the series, and Versus looks incredible.
You guys have to move on, if you want to play the old battle system, put in one of the older games and play it, dont hold the series down.
why? i personally love the tactical battle system, i loved the fights in the old ffs, why must every genre become action oriented? if you like action games there are more than enough, even rpg action hybrids, not every game must be the same as other dozens ouyt there, if you dont like it dont play it there are more than enough games to just let some genres dissapear.
I love the old Final Fantasy games as much as anyone, but that old combat system is just to boring now, i couldnt even finish Lost Odyssey and that game had good graphics, story, characters, and sound, its just to boring.
FFXIII gets a bunch of crap, but it has the best visuals and battle system of the series, and Versus looks incredible.
You guys have to move on, if you want to play the old battle system, put in one of the older games and play it, dont hold the series down.
I did not enjoy the combat in FF12 and FF13 at all, felt more fast and in the end got extremely tedious and repeatitve, more so than the older systems because it has completly lost the fun factor
Lost Odyssey was fine really, like the old FFs, with a lot less grinding, loved it and most battles were unique, unlike FF13 that everything felt so same
I wouldn't mind seeing the Job System from Final Fantasy 5 being somehow beingmixed with the faster paced combat of FF XIII. Paradigms were fun, but in the end during the Crystarium all characters kinda felt the same. At least for the major part of FF5 (and if you didn't grind like a mad man) your characters felt very different. I love the job system.
I love the old Final Fantasy games as much as anyone, but that old combat system is just to boring now, i couldnt even finish Lost Odyssey and that game had good graphics, story, characters, and sound, its just to boring.
FFXIII gets a bunch of crap, but it has the best visuals and battle system of the series, and Versus looks incredible.
You guys have to move on, if you want to play the old battle system, put in one of the older games and play it, dont hold the series down.
I did not enjoy the combat in FF12 and FF13 at all, while felt more polished, in the end got extremely tedious and repeatitve, more so than the older systems because it has completly lost the fun factor
Lost Odyssey was fine really, like the old FFs, with a lot less grinding, loved it and most battles were unique, unlike FF13 that everything felt so same
The best thing about Lost Odyssey was it's Dream Sequence. Those were incredible. Really wish more games could do something like that. I thought the combat was okay, it had a wee bit of strategy in certain fights, but it was really easy to make your guys waaaay too OP.
The best thing about Lost Odyssey was it's Dream Sequence. Those were incredible. Really wish more games could do something like that. I thought the combat was okay, it had a wee bit of strategy in certain fights, but it was really easy to make your guys waaaay too OP.
Totally agree. The dreams made the game's main story seem like utter crap by comparison, which was a darn shame.
And breaking your characters in LO was so easy to do. :P
No thanks. I rather have them try new things or even expand on XII's system; I loved XII's battle system, but it could definitely use some tweaks. Turn-based system is boring and outdated, imo; only a few games make them interesting nowadays. And don't get me started on random encounters.
I don't. The one thing I like about the FF titles is that they differ from each. I just want Production Team 1 as well as every other production team to never develop a shallow mess like FFXIII again. (that game was a joke in terms of being a RPG, let along a good game)
No.... just remake FF6 in FF13 battle system and start doing something new. ATB was good back in those days. Not any more.funsohngI'll pass on that. The Command Synergy system is nothing more than a shallow version of the ATB and ATD system.
Turn-based Final Fantasy is over, and thank god. I mean, it was fun at its time, but we got ten games in a row using the same system, and real-time is much more fluid and interesting.
I definatly want to go back to FF9, my top FF so far
Yes, another trip back to the steampunk fantasy roots. No more of this high tech wonderland garbage. FFXII did Ivalice justice, I know Square has it in them to do a game world akin to FFIX justice.
FF has never been steampunk.
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