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Ni No Kuni 2 was announced and looks great but yeah it was a very bad show other than that. But what did Nintendo or M$ announce at their latest shows that was any better? Nintendo announced Twilight Princess HD and M$ showed games that were already announced just like Sony did today.
Nintendo announced Dragon Quest 7, Dragon Quest 8, and Twilight Princess HD. Also Cloud for Smash, if that matters, and new footage for Fire Emblem.
Microsoft debuted gameplay footage for games like Crackdown, Scalebound, and Quantum Break. Keyword, debuted.
Sony had a 106 minute conference, and only 12 of those minutes were good- Uncharted, FF7, NNK2, and RnC.
Hey I'm not defending Sony's show today. It sucked. But lets not give M$ any credit for finally debuting gameplay for games they previously announced a year before or in the case of QB 2 years ago. They haven't announced anything major this year.
Its enough you guys are often delusional about the PS4 but whats worse is you guys believing Sony has a better first party lineup than Microsoft.
For my tastes they definitely do. The only two games I want from them are potentially scalebound and Re:Core. hopefully both go multiplat so I can continue without having to purchase a Bone, the decision hasn't exactly been hard thus far.
@ReadingRainbow4: Go sc*ew Yourself, you Republican drone. Better than Ninty and MS gahd, your bias is insane.
@pikachudude860: don't listen to the peanut gallery. A lot of system warriors had a chubby for slamming PSVR before anyone ever took stage.
It deserves to be asked.. since when did presentations ever truly communicate anyone's game play experience with a game? It shocks me how closed minded some people are towards the very entertainment medium that coined "playing is believing". Seriously, some people sound like my grandparents when I'd get excited about playing a new video game.
@charizard1605: Oh no, I agree, especially the VR bit was dreadful. Their E3 presentation for VR was miles better. That said, they did present a whole bunch of new content. I lost count at the number of new indie games they showed. Plus the actual gameplay from Paragon (no bloody idea why they didn't show this instead) looks great!
Ni No Kuni 2 was announced and looks great but yeah it was a very bad show other than that. But what did Nintendo or M$ announce at their latest shows that was any better? Nintendo announced Twilight Princess HD and M$ showed games that were already announced just like Sony did today.
Nintendo announced Dragon Quest 7, Dragon Quest 8, and Twilight Princess HD. Also Cloud for Smash, if that matters, and new footage for Fire Emblem.
Microsoft debuted gameplay footage for games like Crackdown, Scalebound, and Quantum Break. Keyword, debuted.
Sony had a 106 minute conference, and only 12 of those minutes were good- Uncharted, FF7, NNK2, and RnC.
Hey I'm not defending Sony's show today. It sucked. But lets not give M$ any credit for finally debuting gameplay for games they previously announced a year before or in the case of QB 2 years ago. They haven't announced anything major this year.
Its enough you guys are often delusional about the PS4 but whats worse is you guys believing Sony has a better first party lineup than Microsoft.
For my tastes they definitely do. The only two games I want from them are potentially scalebound and Re:Core. hopefully both go multiplat so I can continue without having to purchase a Bone, the decision hasn't exactly been hard thus far.
your tastes are pretty awful though if two anime games with shit voice acting are more your style.
@pikachudude860: Good 20-30 minutes. It was actually pretty bad.
My god. Are...Are you guys ok? How are your eyes? HOW ARE YOUR EYES?!!
Nintendo announced Dragon Quest 7, Dragon Quest 8, and Twilight Princess HD. Also Cloud for Smash, if that matters, and new footage for Fire Emblem.
Microsoft debuted gameplay footage for games like Crackdown, Scalebound, and Quantum Break. Keyword, debuted.
Sony had a 106 minute conference, and only 12 of those minutes were good- Uncharted, FF7, NNK2, and RnC.
Hey I'm not defending Sony's show today. It sucked. But lets not give M$ any credit for finally debuting gameplay for games they previously announced a year before or in the case of QB 2 years ago. They haven't announced anything major this year.
Its enough you guys are often delusional about the PS4 but whats worse is you guys believing Sony has a better first party lineup than Microsoft.
For my tastes they definitely do. The only two games I want from them are potentially scalebound and Re:Core. hopefully both go multiplat so I can continue without having to purchase a Bone, the decision hasn't exactly been hard thus far.
your tastes are pretty awful though if two anime games with shit voice acting are more your style.
Mems, you're the paragon of trash taste. That's pretty much a compliment coming from you.
@pikachudude860: Good 20-30 minutes. It was actually pretty bad.
My god. Are...Are you guys ok? How are your eyes? HOW ARE YOUR EYES?!!
I'm surprised I made it all the way through. Thank God they had some NNKII goodness... It got me through the bad times... The worst of times.
Let's not get carried away folks. This was a bad showing, but Sony's 2016 lineup still shits on everyone else's.
@ReadingRainbow4: Go sc*ew Yourself, you Republican drone. Better than Ninty and MS gahd, your bias is insane.
Lay off the salt bro.
@Desmonic: I was quite the opposite about the VR segment. That Rez demo rocked my socks =)
Also, the game where you are an Eagle flying through Paris looked very gratifying.
Completely disagree on that. That sports game for VR they showed previously? That's likely their best showcase for VR. It looks like an actual game instead of an experience. I have nothing against experience based games/media, BUT I feel that's not the best way to sell VR at all. The game I'm talking about (I forget the name, sorry) looks fun, light hearted and inherently social, they should have show a bit more of that or even have a live demo of that instead of that crap demo that didn't even work correctly.
@pikachudude860: don't listen to the peanut gallery. A lot of system warriors had a chubby for slamming PSVR before anyone ever took stage.
It deserves to be asked.. since when did presentations ever truly communicate anyone's game play experience with a game? It shocks me how closed minded some people are towards the very entertainment medium that coined "playing is believing". Seriously, some people sound like my grandparents when I'd get excited about playing a new video game.
I get where your coming from...I think lol.
When I used to get games for $40 back on the GC, I'd be willing to take risks on games. But now for $60, if the gameplay trailers don't intrest me, I'm not to happy about paying $60 to "try" it. just mt two cents.
Plus....Most of what we see is meh at best. 5 good games and 15 meh ones. i think that's why people are upset.
@pikachudude860: Good 20-30 minutes. It was actually pretty bad.
My god. Are...Are you guys ok? How are your eyes? HOW ARE YOUR EYES?!!
I'm surprised I made it all the way through. Thank God they had some NNKII goodness... It got me through the bad times... The worst of times.
Yes. I agree. That game should be amazing.
Honest question here, how big is the Playstation experience supposed to be? Like a mini E3? Or much smaller, or larger because it's solely a Playstation hypefest?
I ask that because if it's not supposed to be major, then it seemed decent to me. 5 things that were interesting:
Uncharted 4 despite the branching dialogue that was uselessly shown off looked great. They've definitely got the cinematic experience (in a good way!) down, I was totally down for more.
Ratchet and Clank. Is this an origin story? I don't remember the first one very well (only one I've played), but I seem to remember they were already pals?
Final fantasy 7, despite the changes in combat, and the poor fps, I'm super hyped for this game.
Ni No Kuni 2, despite the fact that the prince looks like a furry girl it could be pretty interesting.
Ni-Oh could be interesting, though I cant put my finger on it but there's something with it I don't like.
So a solid 5 games shown I thought were decent. The only issue is there is no release date for any of them but Uncharted. FF7 is years away, probably the same for Ni No Kuni 2 and Ni-Oh. Ratchet and Clank will probably come out sometime around the movie, whenever that is.
TLDR: Depending on the expected size of the conference, Sony delivered a little bit. Though once again it's a bunch of promises with very little release information, which unfortunately seems to be their theme.
@ReadingRainbow4: how was it better than the last thing ms and Nintendo showed? The best thing Sony showed was ff7 and that's a multiplat. Are you really that hyped for sparrow racing?
Ni No Kuni 2 was announced and looks great but yeah it was a very bad show other than that. But what did Nintendo or M$ announce at their latest shows that was any better? Nintendo announced Twilight Princess HD and M$ showed games that were already announced just like Sony did today.
Nintendo announced Dragon Quest 7, Dragon Quest 8, and Twilight Princess HD. Also Cloud for Smash, if that matters, and new footage for Fire Emblem.
Microsoft debuted gameplay footage for games like Crackdown, Scalebound, and Quantum Break. Keyword, debuted.
Sony had a 106 minute conference, and only 12 of those minutes were good- Uncharted, FF7, NNK2, and RnC.
Hey I'm not defending Sony's show today. It sucked. But lets not give M$ any credit for finally debuting gameplay for games they previously announced a year before or in the case of QB 2 years ago. They haven't announced anything major this year.
Its enough you guys are often delusional about the PS4 but whats worse is you guys believing Sony has a better first party lineup than Microsoft.
What are MS first party studios bringing next year? Gears 4?
@Desmonic: If you're talking about RIGS, yeah, that game looks badass! Likely, they had a directive to show off more third party games. The buzz around Gear VR has changed a lot of the dialogue regarding the messaging. Rather than making a case for the technology, it's a matter of making a case for content support. The competition is already alive
@ReadingRainbow4: lol dude, the only games I ever see you excited for are trash anime garbage.
The only thing I showed hype for today which you could relate to anime is NNK 2 really.
@ReadingRainbow4: lol dude, the only games I ever see you excited for are trash anime garbage.
The only thing I showed hype for today which you could relate to anime is NNK 2 really.
and ff7
If a games made by a Japanese company it's anime now?
I guess fromsoft is moe as **** then.
@ReadingRainbow4: dude, that ff7 trailer was filled with some really shit anime voice acting. holy shit, those people should have stayed silent. i wonder if barrett is going to stay a black caricature though.
I actually felt Barretts voice was dope, dem shades too.
It was pretty average voice acting, I'm not gonna say it was amazing but it wasn't awful.
@ReadingRainbow4: dude, that ff7 trailer was filled with some really shit anime voice acting. holy shit, those people should have stayed silent. i wonder if barrett is going to stay a black caricature though.
I actually felt Barretts voice was dope, dem shades too.
It was pretty average voice acting, I'm not gonna say it was amazing but it wasn't awful.
you're used to shit anime voice acting though so of course you wouldn't think it was awful. if i had low standards i would probably think it was good too.
Other than the PS2 thing with sony fucking it's fans in the ass about it, excuse me for the language, and VR. this was a 6/10 show overall. you wanted games? you got em.
I think the VR segment had a tremendous negative effect on people's opinion and I don't blame them. not too shabby. Most important thing is we do not get a repeat of Wonder book or MS TV shit they showed a couple years ago although this show at certain parts was very close lol.
the big three understand that we want games not crappy tv and other casual shit. although Sony did try to shove that VR thing in our face which is understandable, they have to promote that shit.
@ReadingRainbow4: dude, that ff7 trailer was filled with some really shit anime voice acting. holy shit, those people should have stayed silent. i wonder if barrett is going to stay a black caricature though.
I actually felt Barretts voice was dope, dem shades too.
It was pretty average voice acting, I'm not gonna say it was amazing but it wasn't awful.
you're used to shit anime voice acting though so of course you wouldn't think it was awful. if i had low standards i would probably think it was good too.
I actually watch most of my anime with subtitles.
Low standards is what Bethesda is best at, I'll never forget how awful Skyrims voice acting was.
@ReadingRainbow4: dude, that ff7 trailer was filled with some really shit anime voice acting. holy shit, those people should have stayed silent. i wonder if barrett is going to stay a black caricature though.
I actually felt Barretts voice was dope, dem shades too.
It was pretty average voice acting, I'm not gonna say it was amazing but it wasn't awful.
you're used to shit anime voice acting though so of course you wouldn't think it was awful. if i had low standards i would probably think it was good too.
I actually watch most of my anime with subtitles.
Low standards is what Bethesda is best at, I'll never forget how awful Skyrims voice acting was.
cool? i never said skyrim had good voice acting. bad straw grasp.
Good news and bad news:
I hope at least they have the good sense to make this game available to everyone on PS4 and no just VR owners.
I actually felt Barretts voice was dope, dem shades too.
It was pretty average voice acting, I'm not gonna say it was amazing but it wasn't awful.
you're used to shit anime voice acting though so of course you wouldn't think it was awful. if i had low standards i would probably think it was good too.
I actually watch most of my anime with subtitles.
Low standards is what Bethesda is best at, I'll never forget how awful Skyrims voice acting was.
cool? i never said skyrim had good voice acting. bad straw grasp.
Skyrim is a trash anime garbage?You read it here first.
I actually felt Barretts voice was dope, dem shades too.
It was pretty average voice acting, I'm not gonna say it was amazing but it wasn't awful.
you're used to shit anime voice acting though so of course you wouldn't think it was awful. if i had low standards i would probably think it was good too.
I actually watch most of my anime with subtitles.
Low standards is what Bethesda is best at, I'll never forget how awful Skyrims voice acting was.
cool? i never said skyrim had good voice acting. bad straw grasp.
Skyrim is a trash anime garbage?You read it here first.
He seems to think bad voice acting is reserved only for Anime games like DarkSouls.
Such a strange outlook.
While I am not a fan of VR, keep in mind there a tons of folk outside SW that are looking forward for it, so I guess good for them or something.
However, Ni no kuni 2, Ace Combat 7, Yakuza 0, Ni-Oh caught my interest.
Also liked the FF7 showning.
Overall 7/10 I'd say.
While I am not a fan of VR, keep in mind there a tons of folk outside SW that are looking forward for it, so I guess good for them or something.
However, Ni no kuni 2, Ace Combat 7, Yakuza 0, Ni-Oh caught my interest.
Also liked the FF7 showning.
Overall 7/10 I'd say.
7/10 is a good score, think I'd settle on that too.
personally gave Gamescom a 4/10 and Nintendo's last direct a 5/10. So overall it's a resounding success.
Scalebound was rough as **** bro, I see people mentioning the framerare of remake but that was the king of sub 30fps gameplay. Idk I still prefer this.
It doesn't matter if it was rough, it looked interesting and it has a year to be polished.
Are you seriously telling me that VR Central and indie montage #23134, plus Destiny Kart, is more your jam?
are we forgetting there may be people who may not like what you like? lol
@lastcoin: you're really bad at reading
Tell me again,why ff7 is a "trash anime garbage"?
horrible voice acting? check
dumb looking feminine main character with stupid hair? check
dumb, impractical sword? check
stereotypical/borderline racist black character? check
talking dog? check
stupid plot and writing? check
how is it not trash anime garbage?
NX can not get here fast enough.
I just hope it lives up to the hype. I'd love Snes era domination again.
@lastcoin: you're really bad at reading
Tell me again,why ff7 is a "trash anime garbage"?
horrible voice acing? check
dumb looking feminine main character with stupid hair? check
dumb, impractical sword? check
stereotypical/borderline racist black character? check
talking dog? check
stupid plot and writing? check
how is it not trash anime garbage?
Oh,then you should make it clear.
My English are so poor,I may accidentally call you a trash anime garbage if I heard your low standards comment again, да?
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