Killzone 2 can have some fun online (depending on how well the player adjusts to the controls and sometimes 'nade rape)
but the SP was soooooooooooooooooo banal, the graphics were good sure, but graphics don't make a game and once you looked past the window dressing you realized how claustrophobic and badly designed all of it was, even more frustrating was how illusionary all the "big battles" were, the vehicle sections were simply scripted fights where enemies were scripted to goto the same spot everytime - there was no AI involved they're just moving turrets... then you had the gun turret section which was a nice break from dark corridors but again - super scripted and not even as fun as shooting asteroids in Dead Space, then you had all the big gun fights, many of which used the crappy technique of having infinitely respawning enemies until you crossed a certain point in the level, there were several big gunfights you could win by simply running forward and dodging bullets, which if you actually tried to fight normally you could sit all day killing enemies
it just seemed like a tiny game with lots of window dressing, it's not even like Crysis where if you strip away all the graphics from you still have a decently fun sandbox shooter (apart from the crappy ending)
but besides that, the online was fun for a little while heh, maybe even underrated
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