Better 2008 - PS3 by a small margin
Better lineup - 360 by a big margin
jsut imagine
God Of War 3 - AAA quality - MEGA SELLER
Gran Turismo 5 - AAA quality - MEGA SELLER
Killzone 2 - AAA quality - BIG SELLER (maybe mega... who knows..i mean killzone 1 which sucked sold millions)
and then some... all in the same year... PS3 has it locked
hehehe...I really cant imagine that! :P
God of War 3 - AAA for sure
Gran Turismo 5 - Maybe 2010 but will be a good game. (I prefer Forza gameplay :P)
Killzone2 - Sequel of Flop. It looks great so i agree that it can be AA
Now try to imagine:
Forza3 - AAA
Halo: Recon - AAA
Mass Effect 2 - AAA (i hope)
Alan Wake - AAA
Star Ocean - AA/AAA
SC Conviction - AA/AAA
Halo Wars - AA
Looks better to me. And i love God of War
Now Imagine
Infamous AA/AAA
HEavy Rain AA/AAA
Dc Universe Online AA/AAA
The Agency AA
Final Fantsy Versus 13 AAA
Quantom THeory A/AA
Demon Souls A/AA
War Devil AA/AAA
I am pretty sure the ps3 is ready for a fight again in 2009
In that list i only want to play Heavy Rain and im curious about MAG, but i think this one will not come in 2009.
Still prefer the 360 lineup for 2009 and all of us know that MS didnt show all the games yet
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