It all depends upon which genre of game you're referring to during 2008. Personally, I believe Sony's system to be overpriced, their technology to actually be dated as other companies associated with Blu-ray actually make superior Blu-ray products, and the core processor of their system to be so unuseful for developers that it's broken. With the exception of maybe MGS4, there hasn't been a single game on the PS3 that has been even tolerable to me when I've had the opportunity to play any given game on the system. Game for game among any given genre, the 360 is superior with the exception of MGS4, because the 360 has no game along similar lines at this time. Fortunately for the 360, MGS4 is simply terrible and for the most part a complete borefest. If it came to the 360, I would never buy's that bad.
For my own personal gratification, I tend to use multiple review sites to establish my opinion of a game. Gamerankings and metacritic are useful. It's pointless in a place like this to only use Gamespot as our only means of reference. No self-respecting member of the intelligensia of this society ever uses a single source as a basis for their opinion.
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