@Joedgabe: I always figured it was fine to drop those from the argument because nobody ever adds those to the cost of a console.
However I do know a lot of gamers coming from laptops who are looking into PCs next gen do have to factor in the price of monitors, keyboards, mice, and a good set of speakers/headsets. This really depends on who's doing the build.
Generally people who have built PCs before or inherited things can ignore some of the costs. However if you've been a console gamer who has never owned a gaming PC before and has been using a laptop for the past 5 years, there are going to be even more additional costs when moving to PC gaming.
However once that initial capital is acquired, it's much cheaper and less painful to upgrade in the future.
The whole point of this debate is to argue value, which is going to be better for the money next generation. Console gamers who just started playing games with their Xbox 360 or PS3 probably do not have anything invested into PC gaming. While they have a TV, they probably lack a monitor. Unless they live alone or want to set up their PC where their TV is located, using a TV for a monitor is not really going to work so in the majority of situations a console gamer is going to have to add a monitor to the cost.
It's a difficult decision for the non-hardcore gamers. Many people know the value of owning a really nice PC but the initial investment is a huge step. It's way easier and cheaper for most gamers to just stick with consoles than to make the push. Having the best graphics doesn't mean as much to them. Most gamers are fine with being able to play the latest games without the hassle of PC gaming or the cost of setting it up.
Funny story though, I had the exact opposite happen to me when I moved to my new apartment. I had a PC with two monitors and everything was good, but my 2nd monitor was also a really shitty TV I used for my PS3/360 and I was running out of desk space. So I ended up buying a $800 plamsa TV pretty much for them. Now of course I got more value than just playing video games on the TV, but that's it's #1 use.
It's very situational.
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