[QUOTE="The_Crucible"][QUOTE="heretrix"]You are such a Sony apologist that it's embarrassing. I'm a Sony hater?
I own:
a Sony 46in XBR4, PS3, PSP, Sony dreamtheater 5.1 surround system, 30 in Sony WEGA HD (bedroom)
For someone that hates Sony I sure spend a lot of money on their products.
And you sure spend a ton of time bashing them.Dude, 90% of your posts I see here in SW are anti-PS3. Does that mean I see all of your posts? Hell no. Just the same, you don't see all of mine.
I have a PS3, PS3 only. I've never claimed otherwise. But that changes nothing. Facts are facts.
You get into how wired is better than wireless. Who said different? My point was, Sony has given the gamer EVERYTHING they need out of the box to play PS3 games. Everything. You don't have a HDTV, you can still play. You have a HDTV, you can still play on composites. You don't have you PS3 setup near your modem but you have a wireless router, you can still play. You don't have a wirleless router, you can use wired. You want to play online, it's free. You want to save data and games, you have a HDD.
Get it? Its obvious HD is better than SD. Its obvious wired is better than wireless. I have never argued against that. Again, all i am saying is that complaining about a $20 cable when you get all of those other features to suit any environment you may have, out of the box, is lame.
It is such a small thing. Yet, people here make it out to be a reason to bash Sony.
None of my posts have EVER bashed the PS3. 100 percent of my post have been responses to some idiotic post from some fanboy claiming PS3 superiority. I challenge you to find 1 post that I have made that has said "The PS3 sucks"I guarantee you won't find one. I have OFTEN said the PS3 hardware is superior to the 360's crap build.
I love the PS3, but I can't stand Sony fanboys. It more often than not will put me on the 360 side simply because of the ridiculous nonsense they spew in these forums. Do I take them seriously? No. But I will not hesitate to debate something I feel is incorrect.
sorry heretix but i have to agree with the crucible. ALOT of your post are anti PS3. doesn't mean you hate sony per se but everytime i see you you're rambling on about the ps3 being crappy. you say you're only argueing with the fanboys but considering how overrun these forums are with lemmings, one would think we'd see at least a few posts argueing with the lems.
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