Blue-Ray by itself is useful, more storage is always good.
But when you have to downgrade the specs on the console to make it fit into $600, Blu-Ray was not a good choice early in the gen, it was expensive and ate up alot of the PS3 spec budget, so they had to use inferior specs.
As the format gets cheaper and better, it's a good choice to use instead of DVD9.
The mistake was using it in 2006 when it was still expensive.
What they ended up doing was gimping the PS3, sacrificing more powerful specs for Blu-Ray, no matter what devs do and how much energy they devote to the PS3, it's always going to have an inferior GPU.
Nothing short of new hardware is going to change that.
You can code until you're blue in the face, a schitty GPU is a schitty GPU is a schitty GPU.
I commend Sony for taking risks but pertaining to the PS3 those risks did not pay off and it is ultimately not as strong a product as the 360 or Wii.
Sony however are veterans and did a good job recovering from a disastrous launch that probably would have sunk any other company.
The slim helped the platform survive, MLAA strengthened it, first parties like Santa Monica Studios, Guerilla Games, Naughty Dog, really helped the PS3 pull thru as a platform.
Today I consider the 360 and PS3 equal, but Sony had to bust their ass to be in that position.
I think barring something really stupid, the PS4 is going to dominate next gen.
Couple things. You say the PS3 sacrificed powerful specs, but why do the PS3 exclusives look so good then? Plus, if they had included a more powerful GPU, multiplats wouldn't even benefit from it. Xbox 360 was lead platform for a lot of multiplats, and that's why blu ray wasn't always taken advantage of, and a better GPU wouldn't be taken advantage of either. The specs on the PS3 are fine, it has the best looking exclusives for console released this generation in games like Killzone, God of War and Uncharted, and the multiplats released wouldn't have looked any better from an increase in specs. Any multiplat that ever had a problem on the PS3 was due to programming issues with the cell processor, not because of a lack of GPU power.
Secondly, you say that using blu ray in the PS3 was a risk that didn't pay off, but did you forget that blu ray won the format war? In large part because of the PS3? It was a huge risk, because if HD-DVD had won the format war, the PS3 would have been a dead system, but instead it aided in the victory of the format war.
Exclusives by definition are exclusive to the platform and very hard to guage what could potentially be done with the same talent on another platform, I mean what if Naughty Dog was a 360 first-party dev, would Uncharted have been better or worse on a more powerful GPU?
It's hard to reconcile the idea that having more powerful hardware is ever a bad thing.
Blu-Ray does not affect the quality of games beyond cutscenes.
Inferiority of multiplats on PS3 is a function of :
1. Inferior GPU
2. Pre-existing game engines made for DirectX not running well under OpenGL
3. Less RAM available
4. Unorthodox architecture
5. Lack of AA hardware and upscaler on PS3
6. Crummy devkit
7. Lack of developer support in general
BD won the format war against HD-DVD, not against DVD9
DVD9 is still ubiquitous and probably will carry us all the way to full Digital Online distribution.
Nice off topic rant. Now we're talking about GPU's. The PS3 has a better processor than the 360, does that mean Gears of War would be better on PS3? What if EPIC Games had 50 gigs to work with for uncompressed audio, video and a larger amount of assets like high resolution textures, animations, 3d models and cutscenes? These are the sorts of things that take up space. Notice how Gears of War has about 10 animations and Uncharted has thousands? People are quick to judge a game's graphics on a single screen shot, but look at the variety in level design in a game like Uncharted. That's due to the larger capacity storage for a higher number of different models and textures.
DVD9 could very well carry the PC because PC isn't reliant on physical media, but consoles are.
I can't repeat this enough times to get it through your guys' brains.
PC isn't reliant on physical media, consoles are.
Like I've said a hundred times, you install the DVDs on a PC and throw the discs away if you want. With consoles, you have to keep every single disc just to play through the game, you can't even use disc 1 to get through it, you need to change to disc 2 and disc 3. It's much different.
There's a reason why every next gen console will have a higher capacity storage medium than DVD-9 and PC won't.
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