June is a very good month for the PS3. Let's take this moment to give credits where credits are due.
Lack of killer exclusive...Solved. IGN gives Metal Gear Solid 4 perfect scores on all categories. Closing Comments:
Is it possible to give a game an 11? If so, this would be the game that would merit that score.
Consoles not selling well...Solved. The PS3 is now outselling the 360 in America, Europe, Japan, and Pluto. See this month's NPD numbers.
Lack of rumble...solved. The PS3 controller now has motion control and rumble.
Lack of DTS-HD Master audio...solved. The PS3 now produces the best sound in games and movies.
Negative Press...sovled. The PS3 is by far the most improved console this generation. The press is starting to give credits where credits are due. Arstechnica, a very respected tech-orieted site, gave the PS3 a 6 rating during the launch year. Now it gives the PS3 a 9. http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/playstation-3-blu-ray.ars
Reliability... Not solved. It is still the most unreliable console on the market. Red Ring of Death. Noisy. Too much heat.
Lack of very powerful CPU, standard hard disk drive, and high-capacity optical disk...Not solved. This makes the 360 the least future-proof of all HD-capable consoles. At the moment, next-generation is best defined by the PS3.
LIVE fees...not sovled. Still expensive considering every gaming platform, the PC, the Mac, PS2, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP all allow free multiplayer gaming over the internet. LIVE fees make the 360 the most expensive console to own out of all consoles on the market today.
Lack of motion-sensing control...not solved. Poor 360. Unlike Wii or PS3, it has no montion control.
POOR performance in Japan and Europe...Not solved. The 360 is basically dead in Japan. We all know that. In Europe, despite a price cut earlier this year, the 360 is still struggling. In fact, it has been said that the 360 is struggling, clutching at straws. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=147092. Now with the PS3 outselling the 360 in May and with June's monster of a game Metal Gear Solid 4, the future of the 360 in America only looks grimmer every month.
Inability to play Blu-ray movies...not solved. This is a big deal, even if you mostly care about games. The truth is most of us also like movies. The best sights and sounds produced by the movies are found in Blu-ray. The PS3 is the only console capable of bringing out the best sights and sounds in your living or bedroom.
Let's give credits to where credits are due. The PS3 gives you the most bang for the buck (best value), the best sights and soundsn(Cell and Blu-ray), and the most peace of mind (reliability and future-proof design).
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