This is so sad, that there are people still out there that think that the 360 is ahead of the PS3. here is a little eye opener for everyone.
360 44.6 million divided by 5 years = 8.92 million sold per year.
PS3 41.6 million divided by 4 years = 10.4 million sold per year.
lets even this out now shall we?
360 8.92 million sold per year multiplied by 5 years = 44.6 million sold in 5 years.
PS3 10.4 million sold per year multiplied by 5 years = 52 million sold in 5 years.
If both consoles came out at the same time 5 years ago, the PS3 would have a 7.4 million console lead.
Sorry people but PS3 has been outselling 360 for awhile now. Its pretty sad that MS has to have a year head start just to be able skew their numbers to make people think that they're winning the HD Console Gaming War, when in fact they aren't even close to the sales per year that Sony is getting.
You all can keep that blind fold on, mines been off for awhile now and I'll continue to see it how it is. The Law of Averages always evens out.
But it doesn't work that way. You can't simply take the total sales and break it down to an average of per-year. That's making the erroneous assumption that sales are consistent each year and each month, which they are not. Sales fluctuate from month to month with rises and dips, based on a myriad of factors like game releases, holiday seasons, store sales & promotions, new bundle SKU's, and of course drops in prices.
So the 360 did not sell 8.92M each year of its 5 year time, and the PS3 did not sell 10.4M each year of its 4 year time. Which also means you can't assume how many units PS3 "would have" sold in Nov 2005-2006 if it had been released then, or that it's guaranteed to sell another 10.4M in the next year based on an average from the past 4 years.
And if you look at pricing as a factor, even if it had launched side by side with 360, it would be a sales race between a $600 system and a $400 system. Really now, what would sell more in that imaginary first year?
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