too bad the ps3 version of ac sucks, it hardly makes it superior multiplat, the AC gams allways come out better on 360 then ps3tastetheacidmil
I haven't played the series on the 360, but they seemed fine on the PS3 to me.
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too bad the ps3 version of ac sucks, it hardly makes it superior multiplat, the AC gams allways come out better on 360 then ps3tastetheacidmil
I haven't played the series on the 360, but they seemed fine on the PS3 to me.
[QUOTE="tastetheacidmil"]too bad the ps3 version of ac sucks, it hardly makes it superior multiplat, the AC gams allways come out better on 360 then ps3UnrealLegend
I haven't played the series on the 360, but they seemed fine on the PS3 to me.
Most likely it's just some slight difference in pixels that for some reason people think makes the 360 version so much better :P[QUOTE="rumbalumba"]horrible? no. worth a 9? no. it was fun, but flawed, and the flaws were big enough to kill the game for some, so i can see why it would be called horrible. i'd still give it an 8 for doing what it did. it's the base where the series is built on. polishment was required, but it still did something that, honestly, makes the AC series unique.AC1 was horrible. how it got a 9.0 is beyond me. well, the guy who gave it a 9 (Kevin V) even sports an AC tattoo. like, seriously.
he'll probably give Revelations an 11.
BrunoBRS was horrible (it still is). not fun at all.
if you've played the introductory chapter, you've basically palyed the whole game.
this is how AC1 was gamepaly-wise:
1) go to a town
2) find the assassin bureau
3) pickpocket, interrogate, eavesdrop
4) go back to assassin bureau
5) assassinate
6) escape
7) go to a different town, find the assassin bureau
you do that for the next 8-10 hours. exactly that. you get upgrades along the way, but the upgrades are pretty much useless and crappy anyways. they're not even really an upgrade or an addition they're more like an extra thing that you won't even bother with. also, the intro chapter had you equipped with everything you will obtain by the final level, so you basically lose all those and one by one you regain everything.'ve already seen and even played with it, so there's no 'fresh feeling' to the supposed upgrades. i mean, there's no element of suprise and discovery either. it's one of the crappiest 'new weapon/new move/new animation/new item' system i have ever seen in games.
i just had to quit after chapter 4 because i said **** this im not going to do the same things over and over for another 5 chapters. it's literally playing the same thing over and over. im not kidding.
AC2 was not even great. it was mediocre. they all say the jump from AC1 to AC2 is like UC1 to UC2 but that's totally wrong. UC1 was a good game and UC2 was great. meanwhile, AC1 was garbage and AC2 was okay. big difference.
No, The better deal would have been if AC: Revalation had 2 and Brotherhood.
You know the full Ezio Trilogy?
No, The better deal would have been if AC: Revalation had 2 and Brotherhood.
You know the full Ezio Trilogy?
Yes, that would have been better, but it's fairly unreasonable to expect Ubisoft to do this. They'd lose a ridiculoua amount of money.
wait that makes no sense. if you haven't already played AC why are you playing the 4th game in the series????mems_1224
They don't really go in sequence...
[QUOTE="UnrealLegend"][QUOTE="tastetheacidmil"]too bad the ps3 version of ac sucks, it hardly makes it superior multiplat, the AC gams allways come out better on 360 then ps3soulitane
I haven't played the series on the 360, but they seemed fine on the PS3 to me.
Most likely it's just some slight difference in pixels that for some reason people think makes the 360 version so much better :P "Assassin's Creed is a game that comes with a bit of history. Way back in Face-Off Round 6, the PS3 version was savaged for its hugely disappointing performance, general blurriness and the feeling that its development was treated almost like an afterthought compared to the more technically solid Xbox 360 game." "Many view the original Assassin's Creed as something of a huge, expansive tech demo roughly manhandled into a somewhat limited game, and while both games were prone to losing frames and tearing, PS3 performance was a bit of a joke: frame-rate reaches a nadir of 17FPS at its lowest point, with 37 per cent of the 60Hz output of the console consisting of torn frames. That's compared with a mere six per cent on 360 and a 24FPS minimum. So for PS3 owners, a tech demo that underperforms technically. Not good. " Digital Foundry[QUOTE="BPoole96"]
Should have put in AC2, AC1 was pretty bad
Really? i never played it so i look forward to it as well as Bioshock 1 coming with Bioshock infinit since i never played Bio 1
No, not really. First game is damn good. It is repetitive in its mission structure, but at least you act like a real assassin. The second game becomes GTA. I'm not really knocking it because I love all of the games, just pointing out that the first game is when you are most like an assassin. The real question is will it come with trophies since the first game doesn't have them on its own. More framerate dips and screen tearing on 360 version actually.Brotherhood performed like garbage on the PS3. The choppy framerates when free-running through the city compared to the 360 version was horrid. I had to return it. Hopefully Revelations is better. Also, I don't get the hate for AC1. Sure, it's short, but it's not nearly as bad as most posters make it out to be. I finished it with no problem.
[QUOTE="mems_1224"]wait that makes no sense. if you haven't already played AC why are you playing the 4th game in the series????GameShtopper
They don't really go in sequence...
are you kidding?? one of the best parts of the series is the ridiculous story. what do you mean they dont go in sequence??? also i dont get the hate for the original AC in this thread. it was a fun game at the time. wasn't great but it wasn't bad like everyone in here is saying More framerate dips and screen tearing on 360 version actually.How about you use a website that knows what they're talking about.[QUOTE="Merex760"]
Brotherhood performed like garbage on the PS3. The choppy framerates when free-running through the city compared to the 360 version was horrid. I had to return it. Hopefully Revelations is better. Also, I don't get the hate for AC1. Sure, it's short, but it's not nearly as bad as most posters make it out to be. I finished it with no problem.
"Quincunx and gamma aside, the two games are effectively a match, but this is nothing new, as the differentiating factor with the AC titles has always been the performance. In the original Assassin's Creed, performance wasn't spectacular on 360 but was positively woeful on PS3. The sequel showed little to no improvement on the Microsoft platform, but a lot of work had clearly been carried out on the PS3 engine – 360 still commanded the overall advantage, but in several places the Sony console outperformed it.
Similar to ACII, in like-for-like scenes we see an overall trend favouring the Xbox 360 version with slightly higher frame-rates on average and lower levels of tearing, with both versions capped at 30FPS in line with Brotherhood's predecessor. The PS3 game appears to have a specific weakness in rendering environments with lots of draw distance - here we see dropped frames a-plenty and lots of tearing whereas 360 is more solid.
However, Ezio's mad dash on horseback through his besieged town throws up some interesting points where the PS3 version is clearly outperforming the Xbox 360 game, so perhaps other game modules (physics, for example) are optimised in favour of the Sony console? "
Yes. Take away points for adding an AAA game for extra content. Drakan11I wasn't being serious, just pointing how much I disliked the first AC.
What a fantastic value for PS3 owners. It seems Sony just goes out of their way to give gamers more games for the money and that is nice in these tough economic days. Thank you Sony. Heil68
It's not that big of a deal. It's for day one copies only.
Why would people be complaining about getting something more for your money? If you use it, then great, If you don't, then nothing lost or gained. ...but where is the downside?rawsavonThere isn't one.Just simple jokes about the quality of AC1.Assuming most of us are joking.
[QUOTE="Heil68"]What a fantastic value for PS3 owners. It seems Sony just goes out of their way to give gamers more games for the money and that is nice in these tough economic days. Thank you Sony. sts106mat
yeah, here you are, have a free game you should have played 4 years ago, there are two other games in the same series we could fit on this disc, but we reckon they might still sell at a decent price in the shops, so go there instead.
yeah btw, isn't it ubisoft that is giving the game away not sony. crikey.
I know, it stings a little bit when MS are greedy and charging gamers for stuff that should be free, but you shouldn't knock this game for getitng a free copy of a AAA game.[QUOTE="Heil68"]What a fantastic value for PS3 owners. It seems Sony just goes out of their way to give gamers more games for the money and that is nice in these tough economic days. Thank you Sony. sts106mat
yeah, here you are, have a free game you should have played 4 years ago, there are two other games in the same series we could fit on this disc, but we reckon they might still sell at a decent price in the shops, so go there instead.
yeah btw, isn't it ubisoft that is giving the game away not sony. crikey.
It makes more sense to put in AC1, since you are revisiting that area in Revelations and you are involved with Altair. And Walt, is it really only day 1 copies? That sucks. Although, something similar was said about Dead Space 2, but that limited edition with the extra game is still available I think.[QUOTE="sts106mat"]
[QUOTE="Heil68"]What a fantastic value for PS3 owners. It seems Sony just goes out of their way to give gamers more games for the money and that is nice in these tough economic days. Thank you Sony. Drakan11
yeah, here you are, have a free game you should have played 4 years ago, there are two other games in the same series we could fit on this disc, but we reckon they might still sell at a decent price in the shops, so go there instead.
yeah btw, isn't it ubisoft that is giving the game away not sony. crikey.
It makes more sense to put in AC1, since you are revisiting that area in Revelations and you are involved with Altair. And Walt, is it really only day 1 copies? That sucks. Although, something similar was said about Dead Space 2, but that limited edition with the extra game is still available I think. don't bother..apparently something free that adds value to the total package is a bad thing. :roll:It makes more sense to put in AC1, since you are revisiting that area in Revelations and you are involved with Altair. And Walt, is it really only day 1 copies? That sucks. Although, something similar was said about Dead Space 2, but that limited edition with the extra game is still available I think.
According to the gaming media it is. So it's probably not on the disc, but a PSN code.
Should have put in AC2, AC1 was pretty bad
Really? i never played it so i look forward to it as well as Bioshock 1 coming with Bioshock infinit since i never played Bio 1
AC1 was horrible. how it got a 9.0 is beyond me. well, the guy who gave it a 9 (Kevin V) even sports an AC tattoo. like, seriously.
he'll probably give Revelations an 11.
He gave Assassin's Creed II a 9.0 when it easily could have got a 9.5Too bad they didn't actually talk about it. It was just the video comparison, which clearly shows the PS3 outperforming the 360. I apologize in advance if that upsets you. Drakan11Can't read? I understand More framerate dips and screen tearing on 360 version actually. Clip 1 tearing ps3- 0.1% 360-0.1% clip 2 tearing ps3-4.5% 350-3.4% clip 3 tearing ps3-4.3% 360-2.5% clip 4 tearing ps3- 0.1% 360- 0% clip 5 tearing ps3-0% 360-0.6% Did you even look at the video you posted?[QUOTE="Merex760"]
Brotherhood performed like garbage on the PS3. The choppy framerates when free-running through the city compared to the 360 version was horrid. I had to return it. Hopefully Revelations is better. Also, I don't get the hate for AC1. Sure, it's short, but it's not nearly as bad as most posters make it out to be. I finished it with no problem.
[QUOTE="Heil68"]What a fantastic value for PS3 owners. It seems Sony just goes out of their way to give gamers more games for the money and that is nice in these tough economic days. Thank you Sony. sts106mat
yeah, here you are, have a free game you should have played 4 years ago, there are two other games in the same series we could fit on this disc, but we reckon they might still sell at a decent price in the shops, so go there instead.
yeah btw, isn't it ubisoft that is giving the game away not sony. crikey.
Sounds like nothing more than to spite MS on their new policy. Sort of like "Oh look MS got a new policy, let's see just how brave they are to not allow AC: R on their console!". Anyway i don't care i have it and had nothing but trouble with corrupted gamesaves, gave up on it.
[QUOTE="Drakan11"] More framerate dips and screen tearing on 360 version actually. Clip 1 tearing ps3- 0.1% 360-0.1% clip 2 tearing ps3-4.5% 350-3.4% clip 3 tearing ps3-4.3% 360-2.5% clip 4 tearing ps3- 0.1% 360- 0% clip 5 tearing ps3-0% 360-0.6% Did you even look at the video you posted? You are questioning whether I looked at the video even though you are the one suggesting that they were showing clips when they just did the whole introduction. But we all know why you seperated it into clips, so that you could paint the portrait that 360 had the better version even though the huge majority of the video comparison it has a worse screen tear %. But I never suggested the PS3 had the advantage in every scene, but it had the advantage the majority of the time, thats for sure. You picking and choosing spots doesn't change that fact.[QUOTE="Merex760"]
Brotherhood performed like garbage on the PS3. The choppy framerates when free-running through the city compared to the 360 version was horrid. I had to return it. Hopefully Revelations is better. Also, I don't get the hate for AC1. Sure, it's short, but it's not nearly as bad as most posters make it out to be. I finished it with no problem.
I thought the 1st AC was overrated, is what so-so in my opinion. I liked the story and setting and all, but the mission variety and gameplay was very flawed. Too repetitive and too easy, just stand there and press counter button and you will always win.
Glad too see that they are including both games though, that's like getting one for free. But I don't like how 360 owners don't get this, it's not fair to them. I mean it may not be that big of a deal, but I always have a problem with people not getting what someone else does for the same price. But that is MS fault and not the 360 owners themselves, if MS was more open and friendly to devs like Sony was then MS would get more support. But unfortunately MS seems more concerned with Kinect and whatnot right now than their fans.
Also be ready to have a good laugh at lems who post stupid Lens of Noobs comparisons and claim they have the "superior" version because they have an invisble difference :lol:
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