It was posted a couple of posts up, but here you go.
Oh. Well, having it as a digital download code sounded like the better choice overall, but I guess Ubisoft knows best.
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It was posted a couple of posts up, but here you go.
Oh. Well, having it as a digital download code sounded like the better choice overall, but I guess Ubisoft knows best.
Should have put in AC2, AC1 was pretty bad
Really? i never played it so i look forward to it as well as Bioshock 1 coming with Bioshock infinit since i never played Bio 1
AC1 was horrible. how it got a 9.0 is beyond me. well, the guy who gave it a 9 (Kevin V) even sports an AC tattoo. like, seriously.
he'll probably give Revelations an 11.
It didn't play as well and was pretty repetitive, but the story was leaps and bounds above the ridiculous abortion that the series has become.[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
I won't lie, I never finished the original AC because it really bored me halfway through, but it's still a pretty good package despite the fact that it's a pretty disappointing title. I think more upcoming sequels should do this, like Bioshock Infinite comes with Bioshock 1, despite it being $5 around here. Why not give us MW1 with MW3?... Bahhh that'll never happen.:lol:
It also sucks that this is apparently for folks who buy the game day one or something. That's what I read at IGN.:? Any who, I won't buy this game day one at ALL, gonna wait till boxing day, so yeah.:( I always like free stuff.:P
Man i would be all over MW3 if they include CoD4 with Mw3
It's included if you get it on the PC.PC? ok i moved on from CoD 4 i'll get the PS3 version with only MW3!
It was posted a couple of posts up, but here you go.
Oh. Well, having it as a digital download code sounded like the better choice overall, but I guess Ubisoft knows best.
It would suck for those with no space available. I wouldn't mind though, but yeah if it's already on disc, why the f*** would it be included with the day one copies anyway?:? That's retarded if it's day one only... I swear lol.
It was posted a couple of posts up, but here you go.
Oh. Well, having it as a digital download code sounded like the better choice overall, but I guess Ubisoft knows best.
It would suck for those with no space available. I wouldn't mind though, but yeah if it's already on disc, why the f*** would it be included with the day one copies anyway?:? That's retarded if it's day one only... I swear lol.
Just because their saying day 1 it dosent really mean day 1 :P.. didnt they say that with medal of honor? look at it now its all over the place for $15 and still has that extra game with it
Should have put in AC2, AC1 was pretty bad
Really? i never played it so i look forward to it as well as Bioshock 1 coming with Bioshock infinit since i never played Bio 1
If you've never played any Assassin's Creed, then you'll like AC1. But if you've played EITHER of the last games, you'll enjoy the story but CRY during the gameplay :P[QUOTE="sanim02"]
Oh. Well, having it as a digital download code sounded like the better choice overall, but I guess Ubisoft knows best.
It would suck for those with no space available. I wouldn't mind though, but yeah if it's already on disc, why the f*** would it be included with the day one copies anyway?:? That's retarded if it's day one only... I swear lol.
Just because their saying day 1 it dosent really mean day 1 :P.. didnt they say that with medal of honor? look at it now its all over the place for $15 and still has that extra game with it
True. Marketing stunt at it's finest probably. Bahh whatever, I have the game somewhere on my HDD for PC...:P I played about 2 hours of it before kicking it out of my system, pun intended.:P
It was posted a couple of posts up, but here you go.
Oh. Well, having it as a digital download code sounded like the better choice overall, but I guess Ubisoft knows best.
It would suck for those with no space available. I wouldn't mind though, but yeah if it's already on disc, why the f*** would it be included with the day one copies anyway?:? That's ^^^^^ if it's day one only... I swear lol.
Well it's not really only for day one purchases, it'll be available for everyone until the first shipment of the game is depleted.I also saw in the E3 and Gamescon (I think) demo they were using PS3 to demo the game so I'm guessing the PS3 version is the superior version.
Batman should do this too, i want both batman games on 1 disk! i sold the first batman game :(
Walmart's doing that. If you preorder Batman: Arkham City, you get Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition. :)
yep on both ps3 and 360.Wow, that's a stupid-good deal for those that missed the first game.
Not really, the PS3 version has always been demoed at trade shows but every AC game so far have been better on the 360.I also saw in the E3 and Gamescon (I think) demo they were using PS3 to demo the game so I'm guessing the PS3 version is the superior version.
yet another superior multiplat on the PS3!
Game can be easily picked up for well under £5. Amazon New and Used Assassins Creed Classics Edition £1.27, Platinum Edition £3.74.
But you have got a point... could have got a sandwich for that. Man PS3 owners got it GOOD. It would have been a good sandwich, it would have had cheese in it and I could have put it in the microwave... it would have melted :cry:.
I won't lie, I never finished the original AC because it really bored me halfway through, but it's still a pretty good package despite the fact that it's a pretty disappointing title. I think more upcoming sequels should do this, like Bioshock Infinite comes with Bioshock 1, despite it being $5 around here. Why not give us MW1 with MW3?... Bahhh that'll never happen.:lol:
It also sucks that this is apparently for folks who buy the game day one or something. That's what I read at IGN.:? Any who, I won't buy this game day one at ALL, gonna wait till boxing day, so yeah.:( I always like free stuff.:P
Well I started playing Assassins Creed but gave up early cause I got bored too.
I have a rough time rule before I switch something off. Like it has to interest me in some way, otherwise it's getting dropped.
Like i'll give a song 40 odd seconds, a movie 15 odd minutes and a game 30 odd minutes. Assasins Creed did not grab me.
Yeah don't get me wrong it's nice an all, as a package. It has something it doesn't need to for free, who can complain, but just sayin before people get excited and start to scream ownage. It's not really. But yeah it's nice. :)
I cant believe the hate AC is getting in this thread. I absolutely loved that game! Talk about fresh and creative, AC was all of that. I can see how some may think its not that great after playing AC2 and Brotherhood but in no way was AC a bad game. I will play through it again if they are including trophy support.djsifer01
It was a great idea hampered down by repetitve action. The fact of the matter is inless your a AC addict annd have used up all the other superior AC games, you will never play this game..
After II, the first game isn't even worth playing for the story. Brotherhood just puts the first to absolute shame. This is more torture than it is a plus.
I cant believe the hate AC is getting in this thread. I absolutely loved that game! Talk about fresh and creative, AC was all of that. I can see how some may think its not that great after playing AC2 and Brotherhood but in no way was AC a bad game. I will play through it again if they are including trophy support.djsifer01
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