yesIs there online co op in this?
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NGS2 in September
Demon Souls in October
Uncharted 2 in November
FFXII im guessing will have a jpn release of Decemeber
thats me sorted untill mid 2010.
after playing NGS on hard i dont know if i want another crushingly hard experience. maybe i'll just play it on the easiest level first and see how that pans out ;)
4 words for all the people claiming how challenging and fair this game is: concealed instant death traps
That and forced excessive potion spamming just to survive really put this game down on my radar after watching gameplay videos.
I want my games to test my reflexes and antisipation. not my endurance to farm for potions and memorisation of cheap instant kills.
thats a hilariously funny example that boss is really easy, and its attacks are mostly avoidable, if there are traps there are usually blood stains and warnings written by other players on the ground warning you before it even happens.A prime example of the exciting world of demon's souls
massive potion spam to counter the unavoidable instant-spikes, no thanks!
Ive got a few question for those that have the game now because im thinking of importing it from here (good site, used before)
Is the co-op populated? Im hoping its easy to fine a person to play with since i wont have any friends with this game.
DLC wise, would i be able to buy DLC from the UK store when it releases here?
You probably wont know the answer to this but il ask anyway, will i be able to play with people from the world when the game releases internationally?
i never really used co-op ever while playing the game myself so i cant really say. i didnt think there was any DLC for this game? and i dont know if all the networks are connected.Is the co-op populated? Im hoping its easy to fine a person to play with since i wont have any friends with this game.
DLC wise, would i be able to buy DLC from the UK store when it releases here?
You probably wont know the answer to this but il ask anyway, will i be able to play with people from the world when the game releases internationally?
yesThat changes things a bit. I didn't know it had coop. Ok. I'm interested again. the co op doesnt work exactly like other games. you need to use an item and summon other players into your world to help you, or you can go into other players worlds and work with them. The PvP in the game works simmilarly, you use the item and you enter someone elses world as an enemy and can fight them.[QUOTE="toast_burner"][QUOTE="Jono789"]
Is there online co op in this?
This game isnt as defficult as everyone says I mean yes its very defficult at start and you might die over 10 times to finish the first stage but as long as you are playing without rushing and thinking you wont die alot the and whats good about this game is its unlike other games where New game+ is nothing but a walk in a park compared to first game in this game New game+ is where the real defficulty start the first new game will be like a walk in a park compared to New game+ and this game got 2 endings so at least you need to finish it twice :P.
It did kind of look simple and shallow, it isn't a very flashy game looking at screens. If it weren't for eurogamer's AAA review I would have still thought the game was crap lol. But I'm eating my thoughts now, totally interested.It's kind of funny that the majority of SW (cows included) thought this game looked like a flop when it was first shown prior to release.
Now it's one of SW most anticipated RPG's thanks to positive player/press reactions.aflakian
deepest and most beloved RPG? no one really talked about this game ...Evolved_One"deepest and most beloved" translates in ps3-ese to "wow it finally gets one"
[QUOTE="heretrix"]a lotof reviews said its challenging nothing about stupid design. Exactly the game is not chalenging because of stupid design. As many hardcore japanese games, it is challenging for stupid players. Japan console gamers are generally more hardcore than western players and that's why a game like this is designed for that audience. If you are a casual rpg player wanting everything handed to you then this game is not for you. I'm preordering the special edition.I'm concerned about it's difficulty. Is it challenging or is it just stupid design decision tough? While I don't mind a challenge, games that are hard just to be hard are annoying as hell to me. I like to enjoy my RPGs, not get beat over the head by them.
All of you who decided to wait are in for a treat, to say the least. One of the best games I have played this gen by far and easily the best console RPG in my estimation. Although I am sure there will be many cries from the roof tops regarding it's ultra punishing difficulty, lol. Yet the game will draw you in all the more because of this, regardless. You just have to play it to see what I mean.
Think old school pen and paper RPG's translated into a modern action/RPG video game and here you are. It is once in a blue moon you see an RPG with the complexity, depth, atmosphere, edge of your seat tension, challenge and addictiveness that this one has. I challenge any PC gamer who says that "consoles do not have any real RPG's" to give this one a whirl then get back to me.;)
[QUOTE="jerkface96"][QUOTE="heretrix"]a lotof reviews said its challenging nothing about stupid design. . Japan console gamers are generally more hardcore than western players and that's why a game like this is designed for that audience. I'm preordering the special edition. That is such a flawed statement it isn't even funny :|I'm concerned about it's difficulty. Is it challenging or is it just stupid design decision tough? While I don't mind a challenge, games that are hard just to be hard are annoying as hell to me. I like to enjoy my RPGs, not get beat over the head by them.
I think this is one of those games PC gamers should enjoy to be quite honest. It looks like it would appeal to a WRPG loving audience. Ofourse im basing that statement based on videos, so enlighten me if im wrong with that statement.All of you who decided to wait are in for a treat, to say the least. One of the best games I have played this gen by far and easily the best console RPG in my estimation. Although I am sure there will be many cries from the roof tops regarding it's ultra punishing difficulty, lol. Yet the game will draw you in all the more because of this, regardless. You just have to play it to see what I mean.
Think old school pen and paper RPG's translated into a modern action/RPG video game and here you are. It is once in a blue moon you see an RPG with the complexity, depth, atmosphere, edge of your seat tension, challenge and addictiveness that this one has. I challenge any PC gamer who says that "consoles do not have any real RPG's" to give this one a whirl then get back to me.;)
That changes things a bit. I didn't know it had coop. Ok. I'm interested again. the co op doesnt work exactly like other games. you need to use an item and summon other players into your world to help you, or you can go into other players worlds and work with them. The PvP in the game works simmilarly, you use the item and you enter someone elses world as an enemy and can fight them.That sounds lame as hell. Interest lost, again. Just kidding. I'll just have to see for myself if I like it or not...Good thing I have Gamefly.[QUOTE="heretrix"]
[QUOTE="toast_burner"] yeszarshack
[QUOTE="ironcreed"]I think this is one of those games PC gamers should enjoy to be quite honest. It looks like it would appeal to a WRPG loving audience. Ofourse im basing that statement based on videos, so enlighten me if im wrong with that statement.All of you who decided to wait are in for a treat, to say the least. One of the best games I have played this gen by far and easily the best console RPG in my estimation. Although I am sure there will be many cries from the roof tops regarding it's ultra punishing difficulty, lol. Yet the game will draw you in all the more because of this, regardless. You just have to play it to see what I mean.
Think old school pen and paper RPG's translated into a modern action/RPG video game and here you are. It is once in a blue moon you see an RPG with the complexity, depth, atmosphere, edge of your seat tension, challenge and addictiveness that this one has. I challenge any PC gamer who says that "consoles do not have any real RPG's" to give this one a whirl then get back to me.;)
Oh, I think they would most defintely enjoy it, that is PC gamers who dig deep, old school RPG's. Demon's Souls has a western flavor to be sure, but you still see asian influence as well. It really has more of a dark and brooding gothic sort of vibe to it overall though. The game is simply it's own kind of beast entirely.
I think this is one of those games PC gamers should enjoy to be quite honest. It looks like it would appeal to a WRPG loving audience. Ofourse im basing that statement based on videos, so enlighten me if im wrong with that statement.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="ironcreed"]
All of you who decided to wait are in for a treat, to say the least. One of the best games I have played this gen by far and easily the best console RPG in my estimation. Although I am sure there will be many cries from the roof tops regarding it's ultra punishing difficulty, lol. Yet the game will draw you in all the more because of this, regardless. You just have to play it to see what I mean.
Think old school pen and paper RPG's translated into a modern action/RPG video game and here you are. It is once in a blue moon you see an RPG with the complexity, depth, atmosphere, edge of your seat tension, challenge and addictiveness that this one has. I challenge any PC gamer who says that "consoles do not have any real RPG's" to give this one a whirl then get back to me.;)
Oh, I think they would most defintely enjoy it, that is PC gamers who dig deep, old school RPG's. Demon's Souls has a western flavor to be sure, but you still see asian influence as well. It really has more of a dark and brooding gothic sort of vibe to it overall though. The game is simply it's own kind of beast entirely.
Yeah definantly looks like it is going to be a blast when it finally gets her. I just wish it wasn't October, the final 3 months of the year are allready going to be stacked with big games.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="RedruM_I"] . Japan console gamers are generally more hardcore than western players and that's why a game like this is designed for that audience. I'm preordering the special edition.RedruM_IThat is such a flawed statement it isn't even funny :| Japanese people grew up with games like Pac-Man, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Zelda 2, Castlevania (with some versions being toned for western audiences), ghouls and ghosts series to name a few which are considered mercilessly difficult. I can't think right now of any game from western developers that would fall on the top ten list of most hadcore difficult games ever.heh saying Japanese people grew up with pac-man and the rest of those games is like saying americans grew up with coca cola and nobody in the rest of the world knows anything about it ...pac-man had a #1 hit record in the u.s. for cryin out loud. all those games you mentioned are video games 101 in the u.s.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="RedruM_I"] . Japan console gamers are generally more hardcore than western players and that's why a game like this is designed for that audience. I'm preordering the special edition.RedruM_IThat is such a flawed statement it isn't even funny :| Japanese people grew up with games like Pac-Man, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Zelda 2, Castlevania (with some versions being toned for western audiences), ghouls and ghosts series to name a few which are considered mercilessly difficult. I can't think right now of any game from western developers that would fall on the top ten list of most hadcore difficult games ever.You act like Western audiences didn't grow up on those games. And from what I remember games like Final Fantasy and some others that I can't remember were more difficult than the Japanese versions.
Yeah definantly looks like it is going to be a blast when it finally gets her. I just wish it wasn't October, the final 3 months of the year are allready going to be stacked with big games. jg4xchamp
Well, you could always just go ahead and get the asian version in full english. Why wait, when you can get it now for only a few more bucks? Japan Video games based in California has it in stock now for 63.00. That is where I got mine a couple months ago and it only took 2 days to receive it. Might as well go ahead and get it if you are here in the US. Check it out-
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] Yeah definantly looks like it is going to be a blast when it finally gets her. I just wish it wasn't October, the final 3 months of the year are allready going to be stacked with big games. ironcreed
Well, you could always just go ahead and get the asian version in full english. Why wait, when you can get it now for only a few more bucks? Japan Video games based in California has it in stock now for 63.00. That is where I got mine a couple months ago and it only took 2 days to receive it. Might as well go ahead and get it if you are here in the US. Check it out-
Nah, i'll just wait. Besides I still have a huge backlog to finish up still, plus I've been working alot this summer So I won't have much time for it. Fall/Winter All I will have is school/work which believe it or not is much easier to manage :P.Meh, I didn't hear about this game till now. Went to GT and watched a few videos of this game. Looks like something I would play 3-4 hours then never touch again.
The amount of damage you take is insane as well. 1 boss hit in the video took 75% or so of hit HP.
That's the point of the game, jesus. You can't expect to breeze through and beat every game. Some mini bosses in this game would probably constitute real bosses in some other games.Meh, I didn't hear about this game till now. Went to GT and watched a few videos of this game. Looks like something I would play 3-4 hours then never touch again.
The amount of damage you take is insane as well. 1 boss hit in the video took 75% or so of hit HP.
That's the point of the game, jesus. You can't expect to breeze through and beat every game. Some mini bosses in this game would probably constitute real bosses in some other games. _Verm
So your telling me the point of a game is to die in 1 hit? WoW... Glad you don't make games.
i'm soo glad i have this game imported. yea, it will bite you in the a** real bad when you start playing it. although as you get farther in the game, it will grow on you. you have to let yourself die in this game to appreciate its difficulty. it isn't a frustrating, it's just that it's no 'bust your way through' kund of game. it's a deep rpg. it's much better that fallout 3 and oblivion combined, i would dare say. the onlnie is really cool. you can go to other player's map and kill them to ge ttheir souls, or, you can even be a boss on their world and beat the hell out of 'em. lol. plus it's not region-locked.
Japanese people grew up with games like Pac-Man, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Zelda 2, Castlevania (with some versions being toned for western audiences), ghouls and ghosts series to name a few which are considered mercilessly difficult. I can't think right now of any game from western developers that would fall on the top ten list of most hadcore difficult games ever.heh saying Japanese people grew up with pac-man and the rest of those games is like saying americans grew up with coca cola and nobody in the rest of the world knows anything about it ...pac-man had a #1 hit record in the u.s. for cryin out loud. all those games you mentioned are video games 101 in the u.s.[QUOTE="RedruM_I"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] That is such a flawed statement it isn't even funny :|Riverwolf007
ah no.....they originated over their, brought over to hear from their Superior developers....
[QUOTE="_Verm"]That's the point of the game, jesus. You can't expect to breeze through and beat every game. Some mini bosses in this game would probably constitute real bosses in some other games. Truth_Hurts_U
So your telling me the point of a game is to die in 1 hit? WoW... Glad you don't make games.
If they're going for a more realistic approach, then yes. There's lots of games that kills you in 1 hit. RE5 on professional for example is a OHK. Killzone 2 gives you 1 headshot or 3-4 body shots.
Too many games on NES to list as being OHK. If you can't handle it the too bad. leave it for us long as it's not cheap hard, like the COD series. COD simply just grenade spams you, artificially creating difficulty.
heh saying Japanese people grew up with pac-man and the rest of those games is like saying americans grew up with coca cola and nobody in the rest of the world knows anything about it ...pac-man had a #1 hit record in the u.s. for cryin out loud. all those games you mentioned are video games 101 in the u.s.[QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]
[QUOTE="RedruM_I"] Japanese people grew up with games like Pac-Man, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Zelda 2, Castlevania (with some versions being toned for western audiences), ghouls and ghosts series to name a few which are considered mercilessly difficult. I can't think right now of any game from western developers that would fall on the top ten list of most hadcore difficult games ever.CoreoVII
ah no.....they originated over their, brought over to hear from their Superior developers....
originated over THERE, brought over HERE...this is second grade stuff. seriously.
And As for the player being more "hardcore" this would be a compeltely different generation of gamers. If I play on japanese servers I usually mop the floor with them.
If they're going for a more realistic approach, then yes. There's lots of games that kills you in 1 hit. RE5 on professional for example is a OHK. Killzone 2 gives you 1 headshot or 3-4 body shots.
Too many games on NES to list as being OHK. If you can't handle it the too bad. leave it for us long as it's not cheap hard, like the COD series. COD simply just grenade spams you, artificially creating difficulty.
Good, you can have you 1 hit kill games. See how they do in this day and age. Just about every FPS is 1 hit kill to the head... So that's nothing new. As for the older games. Very few games back then were one hit kill. I always found my self cheating in them or playing something better that was more forgiving.
I'm not a person to sit there... Reloading a game over and over again to I get it perfect. That's for the hard core and as we all know... Casuals>>>>>>>>gamers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hard core.
If they're going for a more realistic approach, then yes. There's lots of games that kills you in 1 hit. RE5 on professional for example is a OHK. Killzone 2 gives you 1 headshot or 3-4 body shots.
Too many games on NES to list as being OHK. If you can't handle it the too bad. leave it for us long as it's not cheap hard, like the COD series. COD simply just grenade spams you, artificially creating difficulty.
Good, you can have you 1 hit kill games. See how they do in this day and age. Just about every FPS is 1 hit kill to the head... So that's nothing new. As for the older games. Very few games back then were one hit kill. I always found my self cheating in them or playing something better that was more forgiving.
I'm not a person to sit there... Reloading a game over and over again to I get it perfect. That's for the hard core and as we all know... Casuals>>>>>>>>gamers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hard core.
Sorry but any of the popular FPS still favor a 3-4 headshot kill. Killaone was one of the first BIG FPS to try to break this streak. Sure there's more doing it. but I guarantee you COD wil still be a 2-3 headshot kill.
As for reloading till you perfect, usually if you're smart about what you're doing, you don't need to do that. But just like most people you favor the run in guns blazing, oblivious to any danger approach.
Sure casuals dominate the market, but it's still nice to see games come out for the people that are still willing to accept the challenge.
I should imagine this game did not do to well in Japan.
Main reason being is the dislike for western settings and the fact they seem put off by more dark and serious games and media in general.
Anime is a good example of this. Over here shows like Hellsing and Berserk are popular while in Japan they tend to do poor in the charts. The humour and general outlook on media like games and films seems to be a lot different for them. I'm probably spouting bull but hey this certainly seems true for anime. Look at some anime shows, its all woman with big breasts and cat ears total load of bull but yet for some reason they lap it up.
Sorry but any of the popular FPS still favor a 3-4 headshot kill. Killaone was one of the first BIG FPS to try to break this streak. Sure there's more doing it. but I guarantee you COD wil still be a 2-3 headshot kill.
As for reloading till you perfect, usually if you're smart about what you're doing, you don't need to do that. But just like most people you favor the run in guns blazing, oblivious to any danger approach.
Sure casuals dominate the market, but it's still nice to see games come out for the people that are still willing to accept the challenge.
I don't know what FPS you've been playing over the years but lots of them have 1 shot head kills. People even make servers for 1 shot everything (any where on the body).
Even COD has 1 shot head kills....
Just like most people I don't see them pausing the game every 1 second and see whats happening on the screen then memorizing every single detail. I just play the game. I die... I die... Doesn't mean I'm not trying not to die.
Like I said... You can have your 1 hit kill games. It's all yours.
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