Come on ShadowMoses... just cut the crap. :P
My PC is much more powerful, does that mean it's a super super super super super super super super computer?
It is not crap, it is the truth. Just accept it.
PS3 even powers military jets, drones, and other super computers. No other system can do this.
U.S. Air Force Finishes PS3 Supercomputer of Epic Proportions
"A single PlayStation 3 performs like a cluster of 30 PCs at the price of only one"-Marc Stevens, Arjen K. Lenstra, and Benne de Weger (Tech Geniuses)
PlayStation 3 cluster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is also used to power high end medical tech. PS3 saves lives. No other system can do this.
Medical research
In 2010 They could have used GTX 480's which you would only need 370 of them.
So, what say you, how many 680 GTX's would you need to match those results?
I'm curious :P
If PS3 is indeed such a supercomputer, than why can't it pull off 1080p w/ 60 FPS in any game using a more complex 3D engine?
Why won't it allow for 64 player maps in BF3?
Also, about that medical research link, have you missed this part:
"On March 22, 2007, SCE and Stanford University expanded the Folding@home project to the PS3. Along with thousands of PCs already joined over the Internet, PS3 owners are able to lend the computing power of their game systems to the study of improper protein folding and associated diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, cystic fibrosis, and several forms of cancer"
PC has been "saving lives" with F@H for years, PS3 only joined up later :D
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