A 16:9 ratio 1080p resolution is 1920 by 1080 which is 2,073,600 pixels.
A 16:9 ratio 4K resolution is 4096 by 2304 which is 9,437,184 pixels.
That is a lot more than double the current resolution. :O
If Sony wants to launch the PS4 to be 4K capable at 60FPS priced at $399 USD selling for a large loss, they would still have to wait till about 2016 for component costs to come down.
I know technology gets cheap quick now days, but I think a full system with such specs 4 years from now would still be selling at a significant loss at a $399 USD price point.
I am going to chalk this one up to rumor and/or undeliverable hype.
The PS4 should launch at $399 USD price point at or before 2015 selling between at a $0 to $50 loss per unit. To do so, Sony is going to have to use cheaper components.
Though given all of that, such a system by then should be capable of running every game at a native 1080p 60FPS, a smooth multitasking OS, fast load times, time saving features (sleep mode, instant on, temporary save state, etc.), and just maybe a second A symmetric display.
The future is bright for the PS4, as long as they don't screw up and block used games/DRM the system to death.
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