Its 30% difference not 40%
It's actually 28.5% difference (1,200,000 / 4,200,000 = 28.5%). Cows don't know how to do math. It's hilarious watching these kiddies argue over things they are completely wrong about.
It's 1,200,000 divided by 4,200,000 = 28.5%. Not sure why idiots are taking the % off of 3 million. That's not how you figure out the % difference when 4.2 million is 100%. The PS4 sold 28.5% more units. It's that simple. There's really no surprise with the cost, hype and being launched is 29 more countries. Now we have to wait for the games.
Ps4 has sold 40% more than X1. X1 has sold 71% of what the Ps4 has.
If your stock goes up by 10% and then down by 10% it has dropped 1% in total.
Percentages are funny :)!
Your math is wrong. lol!! If the X1 has sold 71% of the PS4, that means it has to sell 29% more to catch the PS4. Which obviously means the PS4 sold 29% more then the XB1. That pretty logical and obvious.
I rounded down his 41% and rounded up the 28.5 percent. Its the same thing. However, the TC math was awful and painful to look at his train of thought.
It's not the same when you're trying to get the % to make the whole. If you took 25 cents from a $1.00 and wanted to make it whole again, you don't divide 25cent into 75 cents., which would be 33% or 33.3cents. That's pretty much what Cows are doing. Instead of doing .25 / $100. 3 million is the 75cents, 4.2 million is the $1.00 and 1.2 million is the 25cents. In any case it's still 29% difference.
What I did is what journalist and reporters typically do with headlines and articles. They round to the nearest fraction using the term third, half, fourth. If it can't be said because its not close enough too then they use the percent system and round to the nearest (X)0%.
28.5% is nearly 30%. The difference is only 1.5%. The difference between 41% and 40% is only 1%.... It is still a pretty big difference between xboxone and ps4. But the TC was still over 10% OFF and he should feel bad.
I don't even think we should be seriously comparing numbers between ps4 and xboxone until at least July. There is too much issues with stockings and unit production at the start.
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