@Gatygun said:
I already explained to you why something happens. Your whole 1tb/2tb ssd and costs for you as consumer now have no meaning towards PS5.
And what has 500gb HDD to do with anything i said?
And if the bom is actually higher for the HDD PS4, that isn't helping your point, then a 480gb would already be doable for them at this point in time without much issue's. And that's probably what you get. Unless they get a better deal on 1tb solution. But only they know and if they wanna spend that cash on it is another question.
At the end of the day they only need a small amount of space to get a few games on it and call it a day.
You should stop this bullshit and i am well aware that sony will not pay the same price i do for millions of HDD because they buy in millions and get discounts that doesn't mean they are irrational discounts because after all the company making them need to make money to.
In 2013 you could get a 500GB HDD for like $50 yet sony was paying $37 dollars per drive as you can see on those parts the savings is not a HUGE as you want to make seen,the price most of the time remain the same while the storage capacity is what change.
In this case sony is going for SSD which is not in anyway or form close to how cheap mechanical drives are.
The 500 GB model has allot to do with the argument because it is YOU who claim the PS4 HDD BOM was $28 dollars when in reality is $37 that is a 9 dollar increase in fact those 9 dollars over 10 million units = 90 more millions than sony payed for those.
In this kind of process everything counts and everything eat into your profits.
I don't think the PS5 will come with a 500GB SSD,it is to freaking small for a console that will for SURE aim for 4k assets,hell games are over 100GB long already in some cases,in fact rumors were that sony plan to use BDXL as media which hold more than 100GB per disc.
So yeah i don't see how 500 will be use on PS5,the PS3 came with 20GB and 60GB and the jump to PS4 was in the case of 20GB 25 times bigger,in the case of the 60GB one 8 times bigger.
So i don't see the PS5 coming with a 500GB SSD at all,and is funny than on one size you seem so open to think that is was a given that SSD was doable but at the same time you think 500GB SSD is even acceptable for a new PS console with games now getting huge.
In fact RDR2 need 149GB on PS4 to install,after that you get 50GB back but still you need the extra space or the game will not install i know i have a 500GB model and i had to erase games to install it.
@ronvalencia said:
Xbox One's ability to run major 560 Xbox 360titles still makes Xbox One as another xbox 360 sold.
Where does it say that is 7200RPM? So it doesn't say and you are assuming so yeah you have no proof and MS never claimed its disk was 7200RPM by the way.
The xbox 360 had what 2000+ games and only 560 work and not MAJOR since most of those games are indies and arcade games,is a joke 25% of the games are supported,which make BC a joke.
And again if i had 20 games and non are BC on xbox one does the xbox one count as been BC to me?
Dude the xbox one is the xbox one,the xbox 360 is the xbox 360 which play all 360 games no fuss as it was intended,the fact alone that you like a BLIND moron in a pathetic attempt to defend MS and the xbox once again claim that one xbox one sold = another 360 sold is reason enough to brand you as a derange lemming,not even blackace would dare make such blind claim.
You are wrong period.
@tdkmillsy said:
1tb SSD have already halved in the last 8-9 months and price cuts will accelerate.
You really need some clarity in what you are saying.
Sony have said it will be SSD now your saying they have based that on current $100/$200 pricing, making the console stupidly expensive before we even look at CPU/GPU.
Just stop do some research, learn the development path of consoles and come back so we can have an adult conversation.
Just because they halved ONCE doesn't mean they will halve twice even less in damn 9 months,you don't get it by the end of this year the damn PS5 will probably enter production or early next year,there is no way in HELL that the contract is not secure now or close to you can't make a mass product product without securing COMPONENTS SUPPLY FIRST.
So trying to act like the PS5 will benefit on launch from a future slash in prices is a joke,in fact the price drops that SSD will experiment will not even benefit sony,they will probably change models and keep the same price,as i illustrate in the link i posted sony payed $39 dollars for the 60GB HDD on the PS3 launch,when the slim model arrived in 2009, 3 years latter sony was paying $38 dollars for the HDD basically 1 dollar less than on launch 2006,what changed was that the drive was now double in size.
That is what will most likely happen.
Actually i am concern with the price SSD 2TB is $200+ and SSD 1TB still is $100 depending on the model,so even if sony pay half the price that still is a $50 dollar SSD which is $13 dollar more expensive drive,that without taking into account stronger GPU and proper GOOD CPU.
Actually unlike you i know consoles are not manufacture with wishful thinking and wet dreams,they take money and every single thing you add is something that add to the cost,take the PS3 and how it started with a PS2 CPU and GPU inside it,a media card reader, 4 USB ports.
All of those things were gone by the time the Slim arrived.
So yeah you are the one who need to find info dude you are arguing like a 13 year old.
In the real world console take time and parts are secure a good year + in advance so you can have a successful launch,apple doesn't buy chips for their phones 6 months before launching them,no company does that.
Those deals are secure by now,and PS5 dev kist are even out according to rumors.
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