@ronvalencia said:
You argued
Red-Herring. I said the current administration. You linked a 6 year old and 15 year old articles. And I agree with you, both sides were anti Video Game in the PAST. But CURRENTLY, it's the TRUMP administration and the GOP
1. You are low IQ. You keep using hypocrite incorrectly. I agree with you both sides do this and I never stated otherwise.
Please explain what I stated which was contradictory. I agreed both sides are anti-video game. I'm merely stating politicians are a bigger threat than SJWs, and the top politician - Trump - happens to be anti video game. It is currently a Republican Administration in the White House. As well as other GOP members, and the all powerful NRA. What I stated is still a fact.
This comment
Red-Herring. I said the current administration. You linked a 6 year old and 15 year old articles. And I agree with you, both sides were anti Video Game in the PAST. But CURRENTLY, it's the TRUMP administration and the GOP
Is 100% correct,
2. Trump's comments are my biggest evidence, which you conveniently keep ignoring, because they proved me correct.
3. NRA's comments, because they proved me correct. Which you keep ignoring.
4. Quinn's comments, because they proved me correct. GOP members are also currently anti-video game, along with the Trump, The Trump Administration, and the NRA.
Quinn also pointed to a recent National Center for Health Research article that stated “studies have shown that playing violent video games can increase aggressive thoughts, behaviors, and feelings in both the short-term and long-term. Violent video games can also desensitize people to seeing aggressive behavior and decrease prosocial behaviors such as helping another person and feeling empathy (the ability to understand others). The longer that individuals are exposed to violent video games, the more likely they are to have aggressive behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.”
Of course, Quinn’s memo conveniently leaves out another section of the same article that makes a distinction between aggression and violence, and notes that there’s no clear evidence to support the assumption that increased aggression results in more acts of lethal violence or criminal behavior.
5. I never said only the GOP has been anti-video game. The Variety article left out the Dems because they apparently didn't have a silly memo to quote.
My point is SJWs shouldn't be the only or even biggest concern. And it looks like you agree, especially hearing Trump's, Quinn's, and the NRA's dumbfuck comments on video games. That's not hypocritical. That's a fact.
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