Ok these are the reasons tis likely no console will dominate the next generation...
1. The diffuse nature of video games, people play on tablets, phones, in addition to machines in the home, handheld devices which is a term that has to change... I prefer portable game s honestly... and so on and so forth.
2. The major players have been stagnant for awhile, no major new competitor has entered in the last 10-15 years to rejuvenate the markets and cycles... unless you count Apple which most people don't and
honestly I don't care where you put them but even they've been going for like 9-10 years without anyone entering.
3. Other forms of media and entertainment have gained a lot of ground, people want to watch people play video games or they just want to watch newly introduced media like anime and such based things.
However, I think these trends aren't inevitable... first of la all... I think #2 could be addressed because I think it's netirely possible Amazon could consider making a game console of some kind... they're already
dedicated to games development but I believe at some point they'd want to make like the most powerful hardware possible more or less.
and unlike others int he PC space my sense is they would want to do it with a regular console.
#1 is just a temporary state of affairs... at a certain point one machine could d easily take over particularly if they have amazing 3rd party support... which is currently apple still by a hair.
The video c game console that wins or domiantes is always the one that takes 10 steps back and lets everyone else contribute... so it's not clear who that would be but my sense is whichever big company or new
company has that it will change the game.
#3 isn't really related to video games just an observation on my part... one of the reasons though why "dominate" doesn't quite come into play..
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