Sony would benefit from the income of yearly fees. Really, XBLG provided $437 000 000 gross to MS. With that money, they've been able to purchase exclusives, keep live running with few problems (and when there is a major problem, they give free stuff to the community), and just better service in general. I know a lot of people wouldn't want to pay at first, but Sony could really benefit from the extra $.Wardemon50
Everyone benefits from extra cash, but I'm not here to pledge money to the poor destitute multinational corporations that make my gaming hardware. If giving Sony more cash were the whole point why not just ask everyone to write out a 20 dollar check for poor Sony?:P Asking me to pay for something that should always be free for a multibillion dollar multinational corporation's benefit is silly. Trust me, these companies wouldn't lift a finger to help you from much more serious problems than what they are facing.
PSN does not offer the same level of social networking as Live offers, and Live seems to be trying to augment that aspect with things like twitter and facebook integration, and the whole "movie party" thing. When it comes to games, they function identically... and in the case of Sony games often the PSN wins with dedicated servers. Now I'm older than many of you guys and gals on here and I'm married, got a kid, and such so maybe the social aspects of Live are important to you and therefore you can see the benefits of the extras and consider it a "better service in general", but they are absolutely Not important to me. I get on my PS3 to either play games or watch BluRays. I have phone, text messages, and email to keep in touch with my friends. The level of interaction I have with my friendslist on the PSN is about as far as I'm willing to go to deal with people that I enjoy playing games with from time to time, but aren't all even friends as much as people I go play baseball against or go shooting with from time to time.
Even still, I can appreciate that not everyone has my tastes in privacy or in social networking. So I'm all for Live style social networking applications and services if people want them. I'm all for them being charged for if people are willing to pay. But if all that stuff is truely "worth it" then MS would do the right thing and put online multiplayer on the free accounts where it belongs. The reason they don't? Most people are just like me and would gladly take a free functional online multiplayer system with few frills over paying for social networking applications. MS offers you several services that all seem nice and help sweeten the bitter pill that is paying to use things you already paid for, but let's be honest, if people were just allowed to play their games online for free the way the enitre rest of the industry allows, most people would ignore Live's Gold level perks, just the way I do.
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