No you are one, here watch I can prove it.
PS3 is better than Xbox
Uncharted is one of the best game this gen
XBL is a rip off, paying for cross game chat and online gaming is stupid.
Halo isn't as good as Killzone
MS only cares about Kinect
Now everything I said is opinion (except for the part about MS only caring about Kinect, XBL being a rip off, and PS3 being better than Xbox. All those are facts) and it's going to make your blood boil. It's going to make me you mad, because you are an Xbox fanboy. You are a lem.
You obviously spend far more time on your Xbox then PS3, that's fine, however you still think try to justify your purchase of the Xbox (easy to understand as it's your first system obviously, and the one you wasted most your time on) and that makes you a fanboy.
If I said PS3 sucks, you would be "hell ya brother, let's go party", if I say Xbox sucks your all "now you are marked on my list of SW enemies, you must be destroyed" and then you internet rage or whatever.
It's all true pal. Don't get mad at me, get mad at yourself. Oh and your Xbox, because that system is inferior to the PS3, and thus no logical reason to buy one over a PS3.
You're a moron. Your opinions are not facts. Get over yourself. Nothing makes my blood boil. This is a god damned gaming forum. I have nothing but laughter and pity to emote whenever i read anything you contribute here. All you did was prove the point for me. You even said it yourself; you spend more time with your 360 than with your PS3, that makes you a fanboy!
No it doesn't you whiney man child. It means that there are more games *currently* on the 360 that i find enjoyable than on the PS3. Mostly Halo. I love me some Halo. Play Halo Reach practically every other day, alongside whatever other games i happen to be playing - mostly Diablo 3 right now. Your interpretation of what makes a fanboy is anybody who doesn't think the way you do. Anybody who sees what you think is a fact as just some idiot on the internet's opinion MUST be a fanboy in your mind, when the hilarious thing is that 90% of the posters you encounter are totally normal, rational gamers and it is in fact *yourself* who is the ridiculous devotee to the cult of sony.
I made a massive thread just the other day about how weak Microsoft's first party has been this generation. I wrote two soap box articles about how xbox live had clearly been hacked somehow and they were lying about it saying people had given out their passwords. I wrote a blog post about how they've coasted through the generation and haven't really committed themselves to the platform anywhere near as much as they could have, either through sheer laziness or being distracted with other things due to the sheer size of the company.
It's called objectivity numnuts, and it's something you sorely lack. Any system's relative strenghts all comes down to the experiences it offers to the user that *that particular user* happens to like. Trying to convince yourself that the PS3 is the best console on the market and anyone else who doesn't agree is wrong is futile and dude.... a little pathetic.
Now that's not a very good love letter. If you want to take me home your going to have to do better then that (like you know, have a PS3).
Also, TL;DR. Though I assume it's just a bunch of angry personal attacks, something only a juvenile would do. Don't feel too bad though, I'm not into dudes anyway. Only girls, and you know what girls love? Platinum Trophies!
I told some girl today at the grocery store I had two of them, and she literally just jumped on me and took me back to her apartment. And I didn't even wear a condom! That's how cool I am! Unlike Acheivements, those just make you unattractive and non cool. Girls laugh at dudes with 360 achievements.
such a terrible comeback.
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