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This pleases me. :o
An expensive console means a powerful one. It sure as hell won't be $600 or even $500 though. $450 MAX.
Well they basically went and made a console with it's own handheld as a game controller along with the game console itself. Naturally it's going to be expensive. But I don't see how it being expensive makes it relevent to hardcore gamers, core gamers don't like paying huge ammounts of cash either.
It will be too unorthadox for many or labelled the next Jaguar controller. Remember the Wiimote was supposed to produce amazing FPS and point & click games but it never happened.[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="BlbecekBobecek"]
Why is that? The tablet design is brilliant for core games (RPGs, strategy games).
I disagree. The tablet is a ways around a lot of hurdles the current console control mechanism faces. It will be an interesting E3, thats for sure. MS and Sony will likely show their next consoles, and NIntendo will re-reveal the wii"u" if it is still called that. I'm a little worried. Part of me thinks the power of the system will be increased, and another part of me thinks it will be gimped, due to 3ds sales.
I think its much better than the Wwimote but still unnecessary and hardly a faultless concept.This is awesome news for me, BRING ON THE $800 SUPER CONSOLES!!! I'd pay for performance.Spartan070?? just buy a pc...
Please price it at 600 bucks so it will fail and every nintendo first party game goes multiplat for the following generation.... please!TheEroicaAnd down goes their reputation...
[QUOTE="TheEroica"]Please price it at 600 bucks so it will fail and every nintendo first party game goes multiplat for the following generation.... please!nintendoboy16And down goes their reputation...
And then other third party companies will go down because they can't compete with Nintendo.
These people who want them to go third-party are cracking me up! :lol:
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