[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="odin2019"]I'm not saying that it isn't a great a game but it simply is not good enough thus sales reflect. Its just too bad they really didn't make more use of the money they made from Resistance becuase now they won't make near as much.
no, apparently it isn't a great game. I was JUST reading a thread over at Gaf about it. they feel like the SP was terrible and the MP only shines in co-op mode. standard MP is unpolished and auto-aim is offensive. I think I'm going to take this game back before I open it. very disappointing. Seriously Visions, stop listening to what other people say. There are obvious some very mixed opinion seeing as how gametrailers made R2 their FPS of the year. Play the game without any expectations and others' opinions floating in your head and try it. i hear you. and I did pick up Little Big Planet :P however: 1.) I wasn't a big fan of Resistance 1. I thought the story was mediocre and the gameplay was uninspired. I did enjoy the MP on ocassion...though the lack of people with mics was a big turn-off at the time.
2.) The *consensus* seems to be that the SP story is not as good as the R1 story. that doesn't bode well for me, as I'd only put the R1 story at a 7/10.
3.) Many people feel the gameplay experience in the R1 MP is better than R2. More polished and refined. This concerns me greatly, as I felt like there were several better MP shooters out there when R1 came out. Though its netcode was fantastic (almost always lag-free). Still it was not all that enjoyable to me.
4.) I did not enjoy the R2 Beta. I felt like the huge battles were just kill-festivals. hang back with a sniper rifle and just kill, kill, kill. little challenge from what I could find. and the god-awful auto-aim offended me. it just...locks on! lol, wth? but again, I appreciate the fantastic netcode that allows for it all to happen with very little lag. but in my time in the beta, I did not find it inspirational.
5.) The only place of consensus greatness is when playing co-op.
6.) With a lightly played CoD4, Bioshock, Halo 3 and now Left4Dead in my library, I'm pretty sure that a mediocre R2 won't get any play from me. Why would I put money into something I might not play? I can put that money towards Persona 4 or Valkyria Chronicles.
Idunno man. The masses are pretty disappointed with R2. I can't say I'm interested in joining them in their disappointment $60 later.
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