@Cloud_imperium said:
Blizzard my ass. Blizzard take their time with games and announce release date once the game is ready to ship. They are PC developers. They trust their PC fanbase. Rockstar is delaying PC version to get more money from console versions because they trust their console community more. End of story. Stop making Rockstar something they aren't.
could the delay mean sony money was involved?
think about it, PC verison comes out could hurt ps4 sales if people can't get the game on pc they have to buy a ps4 or xb1 or something
this coulda been a SONY move to move more systems by paying rockstar to delay it
cuz rockstar loses nothing by putting it out for PC early only sony/microsoft lose from that happening i think
in fact im positive sony is behind this, they paid destiny to put the free trial on ps4 before xb1 and now they are paying rockstar to get more console sales, remember sony had made a deal with destiny for promotion, and gta5 for promotion
notice how both those games are now screwing over the competition and working more with the ps4
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