@indzman: Aliennation looks sweet but will probably end up on pc like helldivers.
I think it's fair to say Xbox isn't about platform exclusives anymore. I think MS want to split their gamers between Xbox and PC as one or the other.
So I guess Xbox is just for console only gamers now.
The cows did say the PC doesn't count when they were called out on 'console exclusives' such as SFV and FF7. That reminds me lol, called it. Early in the gen when the cows were counting every game and it's dog, 'multiplats are still games', 'console exclusives count' (in stark contrast to what they were saying last gen), I said they'd drop that shit like a brick when exclusives finally started to drop. So predictable, whatever suits them at the time I guess.
A one sided console race for sure. Couldn't be worse for gaming.
Where even the "winner's" lineup sucked. Worst gen since the crash.
Yeah. When the competition is really bad, the "best" console doesn't have to try hard either.
It's not the PS2 generation anymore, and for that, I am sad.
If you guys really think that the PS4 lineup sucks, then quit gaming. Im serious.
@indzman: Aliennation looks sweet but will probably end up on pc like helldivers.
It's up to Sony since they own the IP. Playstation Mobile division might bring it over. It's from the Resogun devs which I don't think have made a PC game in over a decade, and have another PS4 exclusive, Matterfall, in the works.
A one sided console race for sure. Couldn't be worse for gaming.
Where even the "winner's" lineup sucked. Worst gen since the crash.
Yeah. When the competition is really bad, the "best" console doesn't have to try hard either.
It's not the PS2 generation anymore, and for that, I am sad.
If you guys really think that the PS4 lineup sucks, then quit gaming. Im serious.
Take away the remasters, and remakes. You're left with sports games, a couple 3rd party multiplats (Batman, Witcher, Fallout 4), Bloodborne and Metal Gear. This year we will get Uncharted 4 (which I am very excited about), Horizon and No Man's Sky presuming they live up to their hype.
The lineup is not good. It'll be what, 3 years into the cycle, and that's what we have. It's at best, mediocre. In comparison to Sony's own standard, PS1/PS2/PS3 had far better libraries by this point.
My Xbox One is fine and dandy, and I know lots of people who own or want to/are soon to own one, Quantum Break looks to be an amazing game, millions of preorders (I can't wait to get it, and I get a free version for the PC which hopefully my PC will run even though it appears marginally under min spec) , I really can't wait until all new games are crossover with the PC, this will give me more reason to buy games, because I can run them where ever I am on whichever device I want, the Windows 10 store will run all compatible Windows 10 apps soon, not everyone wants or can afford a top spec gaming PC, or wants the hassle of building one, working out compatibility issues, learning to WASD + Mouse or trying to configure controllers or buying peripherals to make console controllers work with it etc etc etc, and some people are very happy that both cross over. PS4 is just a standalone console which has more power but extremely inferior firmware, some great exclusive games, but also lacks some Microsoft exclusives. I have no issues with PS, my last-gen console that I still enjoy is a PS3 and it still has life in it, but it's as stupid to say "your ekzboks sux and iz ded" as it is to say that someone else's phone sucks because it isn't Android or iOS oir whatever, or someone's car sucks because it's not a Lambo. These baiting/trolling threads are dumb, if you own one console, enjoy that console, don't verbally poo all over the console that other people spent their hard-earned on and really enjoy using. Imagine I said "your wife sux cos she's anyone other than my wife!", it's just stupid.
Lots of people love the Xbox, lots of people will continue to buy the Xbox, lots of people will continue to buy gaming PCs and upgrade existing PCs, lots of people will continue to buy PS4s and that's that. None of the consoles of this generation are the Dreamcast, or the Saturn, or the GX400, all of which were decent for their time but failed due to circumstance, none of them are bad, the WiiU is probably the closest to failure but is still a success, makes a profit, has fans, and looks fun although I couldn't see myself owning one, and it would bring me no pleasure to sit here making derogatory comments about any of them. If I could afford every console, damn, I'd love to play the hell out of them all!
Where even the "winner's" lineup sucked. Worst gen since the crash.
Yeah. When the competition is really bad, the "best" console doesn't have to try hard either.
It's not the PS2 generation anymore, and for that, I am sad.
If you guys really think that the PS4 lineup sucks, then quit gaming. Im serious.
Take away the remasters, and remakes. You're left with sports games, a couple 3rd party multiplats (Batman, Witcher, Fallout 4), Bloodborne and Metal Gear. This year we will get Uncharted 4 (which I am very excited about), Horizon and No Man's Sky presuming they live up to their hype.
Thats not all the PS4 is getting. You can look up the PS4 games lineup if you dont know.
The lineup is not good. It'll be what, 3 years into the cycle, and that's what we have. It's at best, mediocre. In comparison to Sony's own standard, PS1/PS2/PS3 had far better libraries by this point.
You bring up the PS3? The console that was shitposted for straight up 3 years with the "no games" meme? Granted the PS4 is not at the PS1 and PS2 level and will most likely never be, but those were different times. For one many current multiplats were PS exclusive and japan took a way to the worse, but saying that the PS4 has to match PS1/PS2 or it sucks is just hyperbolic nonsense. So once again, if you truly believe the PS4 lineup sucks you will never be happy again with games and can save some pain by quiting now. The current PS4 games lineup is the best one in the past decade on any plattform.
My Xbox One is working just fine. I guess we're going to forget 2013, 2014 and 2015. You know when X1 got games like MCC, SO, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 2, Forza 5, Forza 6, Gears Ultimate Edition, KI, Rare Replay, Ori, Dead Rising 3, and Rise of the Tomb Raider. This year QB only got a few bad reviews but still has a 78 on metacritic which isn't a bad score. Also gears 4, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, and Scalebound is still coming. Every game I mentioned isn't on PS4 and almost every game i listed is well received by critics and users. Sorry to burst this cow circle jerk again. But because of all this the X1 is still better than PS4. By miles.
@misterpmedia: So how many good reviews vs. Bad reviews???
I'm sure a lem will give you that information, I cba'd to go back to the GAF thread and copyspasta, but it didn't get just one bad review.
Even before Quantum Break flopped here, I decided to sell my Xbox One. Just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I like Halo a lot, but it's not worth keeping an entire system for.
yeah, and I know quite a few people that have been trading in their PS4 because of no games on it so they can play games on the Xbox One. To each their own I guess. I will always own both.
Even before Quantum Break flopped here, I decided to sell my Xbox One. Just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I like Halo a lot, but it's not worth keeping an entire system for.
yeah, and I know quite a few people that have been trading in their PS4 because of no games on it so they can play games on the Xbox One. To each their own I guess. I will always own both.
because the xbone has a wealth of content
@misterpmedia: @misterpmedia: @misterpmedia: Looks like it has more good reviews then bad, so not understanding the whole flop aspect
Gamespot gave it a 6. No more needs to be said. Btw, I don't appear in your mirror if you type out my handle three times in a post. That's a myth.
Even before Quantum Break flopped here, I decided to sell my Xbox One. Just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I like Halo a lot, but it's not worth keeping an entire system for.
yeah, and I know quite a few people that have been trading in their PS4 because of no games on it so they can play games on the Xbox One. To each their own I guess. I will always own both.
because the xbone has a wealth of content
More so than the psbore.
The Ps4 has bloodbourne and not much else. Not exactly doing any better.
Then the xbox has nothing,i mean something is better than nothing don't you think.?
Ratchet and Clank - April 12
Alienation - April 26
Uncharted 4 - May 10
Shadow of the Beast - May 17
Not to mention MLB 2016 which is at 86% on meta now,and Salt and Sanctuary which is at 85%...
Yup, with the PS4 and Xbox One not releasing any good games, it is time to sell them off fast.
Hahahaa denial poor lemm.
Wait so one GS bad review means the game flopped???? The game is getting 8's everywhere. I knew this game wouldnt be UC4 level but its not a flop. The sales are more important to see if a game flops to me personally.
Also besides Gears 4 they do have Crackdown, Sea of Thieves and Recore which could potentially be a good game...
And didnt GS give TLOU an 8????
Is not getting 8 every where in fact it has 78% which mean it has got many reviews on the mixed and negative side..
Here is consider a flop anything that get a lower score than it was hyped for,i don't think there was a thread for it specially,but lemmings have 3 years hyping this game and it just got lower score than predicted every where.
@misterpmedia: Yes because gamespot has always been a trusted review site, I'm sorry Remedy doesn't write checks to game sites.
Btw you wish you could be as epic as Candyman
I'm referring to the metagame that was on gamespot, which I miss as lems would be nursing such a sore wound from the epic floppage that would have been the 6/10 that they got instead of the 9 that would have been hyped. You're clearly very new here. Also, lol, Sonyspot? Amirite? Damn, this gen has been rough on you lems.
Where even the "winner's" lineup sucked. Worst gen since the crash.
Yeah. When the competition is really bad, the "best" console doesn't have to try hard either.
It's not the PS2 generation anymore, and for that, I am sad.
If you guys really think that the PS4 lineup sucks, then quit gaming. Im serious.
Take away the remasters, and remakes. You're left with sports games, a couple 3rd party multiplats (Batman, Witcher, Fallout 4), Bloodborne and Metal Gear. This year we will get Uncharted 4 (which I am very excited about), Horizon and No Man's Sky presuming they live up to their hype.
Thats not all the PS4 is getting. You can look up the PS4 games lineup if you dont know.
The lineup is not good. It'll be what, 3 years into the cycle, and that's what we have. It's at best, mediocre. In comparison to Sony's own standard, PS1/PS2/PS3 had far better libraries by this point.
You bring up the PS3? The console that was shitposted for straight up 3 years with the "no games" meme? Granted the PS4 is not at the PS1 and PS2 level and will most likely never be, but those were different times. For one many current multiplats were PS exclusive and japan took a way to the worse, but saying that the PS4 has to match PS1/PS2 or it sucks is just hyperbolic nonsense. So once again, if you truly believe the PS4 lineup sucks you will never be happy again with games and can save some pain by quiting now. The current PS4 games lineup is the best one in the past decade on any plattform.
"The current PS4 games lineup is the best one in the past decade on any platform."
The sad thing is you're serious. It's not... it's really not... Better than the last decade? No. Just no. And it's not like I'm sitting here bashing the PS4, the reality is the game selection across the board for all consoles is not good.
I only mentioned those games because those are the notable ones. If you want to sit here and list a bunch of games, be my guest. I'm happy that you're happy in your purchase.
The Ps4 has bloodbourne and not much else. Not exactly doing any better.
Then the xbox has nothing,i mean something is better than nothing don't you think.?
Ratchet and Clank - April 12
Alienation - April 26
Uncharted 4 - May 10
Shadow of the Beast - May 17
Not to mention MLB 2016 which is at 86% on meta now,and Salt and Sanctuary which is at 85%...
Yup, with the PS4 and Xbox One not releasing any good games, it is time to sell them off fast.
Hahahaa denial poor lemm.
Wait so one GS bad review means the game flopped???? The game is getting 8's everywhere. I knew this game wouldnt be UC4 level but its not a flop. The sales are more important to see if a game flops to me personally.
Also besides Gears 4 they do have Crackdown, Sea of Thieves and Recore which could potentially be a good game...
And didnt GS give TLOU an 8????
Is not getting 8 every where in fact it has 78% which mean it has got many reviews on the mixed and negative side..
Here is consider a flop anything that get a lower score than it was hyped for,i don't think there was a thread for it specially,but lemmings have 3 years hyping this game and it just got lower score than predicted every where.
It's okay cow, we still love you with all our hearts. Suck on your teats, may we?
PSVR is outselling the XBone, as well.
No it is not. It's ranked higher on amazon and being ranked higher on amazon does not mean it's selling better than the xbox one especially since it's not even released yet. It's probably generating more interest to amazon users on the site.
PSVR is outselling the XBone, as well.
A lot of those preorders are gonna get canceled when people discover their current PS4 can't really handle VR. Jeff Gertsmann at Giant Bomb has a PC that can't run Eve Valkyrie at playable frames. It's a i5 2500K and a GTX 980. I'm VERY curious to see what that looks like on current PS4 hardware and PSVR.
Just goes to show, you can's spell 'excuse' without the letter X.
MS family: Quantum Break, Star Citizen, Forza, Halo, Inner Chains, Escape from Tarkov, Fortnight, Recore, Cuphead, Halo Wars, Crack Down 3 , Gears of War, Dreadnaught, Unreal, Xcom 2, Torment, Total War: Warhammer, Legion, System Shock 3, and Tyranny.
Sony family: Uncharted 4, Horizon, and 2-3 Shitty PS Vita games I can't remember their name.
More so than the psbore.
The Plane boss the Plane..
@misterpmedia: Yes because gamespot has always been a trusted review site, I'm sorry Remedy doesn't write checks to game sites.
Btw you wish you could be as epic as Candyman
Hahahaah Lemmings already running to their alter accounts..hahahaahaa Epic..
Even before Quantum Break flopped here, I decided to sell my Xbox One. Just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I like Halo a lot, but it's not worth keeping an entire system for.
yeah, and I know quite a few people that have been trading in their PS4 because of no games on it so they can play games on the Xbox One. To each their own I guess. I will always own both.
because the xbone has a wealth of content
More so than the psbore.
If you want to believe that, in reality, neither consoles have a higher game count to justify a jump. And if anything people would jump to ps4 because xbone titles are on pc now
"The current PS4 games lineup is the best one in the past decade on any platform."
The sad thing is you're serious. It's not... it's really not... Better than the last decade? No. Just no. And it's not like I'm sitting here bashing the PS4, the reality is the game selection across the board for all consoles is not good.
If most of the announced games deliver what they promise I would rank the PS4 already a little higher than the PS3 and the PS3 has a better library than Wii/Xbox 360 and there will be many more games unveiled this year. DMC5/RE7 get HYPE!
I only mentioned those games because those are the notable ones. If you want to sit here and list a bunch of games, be my guest.
Not even close, but nah I am not trying to change anyones mind so I wont list anything. Im just saying that the PS4 lineup is amazing and if you think its sucks its time to drop gaming because it would be hard as **** to top it.
I'm happy that you're happy in your purchase.
I am happy and I feel pity that you dont feel the same when there are so many great games to look forward to.
Man these forums are really starting to go downhill... I know this is System Wars, but can we at least have only a couple of these dumb threads running and not a couple a day?! Or if the thread makers could gather a few of their very limited brain cells, and at least make the threads a little different to one another.
Anyway, most of the reviews I'm seeing for QB are 8-9s. So if that's a 'flop', then there must be a lot of 'flops' out there.
@charizard1605: What new IP did bungie make while under MS?
None, that's the point- Microsoft allowed them to launch new ones at least twice, and Bungie failed both times.
Yeah. When the competition is really bad, the "best" console doesn't have to try hard either.
It's not the PS2 generation anymore, and for that, I am sad.
If you guys really think that the PS4 lineup sucks, then quit gaming. Im serious.
Take away the remasters, and remakes. You're left with sports games, a couple 3rd party multiplats (Batman, Witcher, Fallout 4), Bloodborne and Metal Gear. This year we will get Uncharted 4 (which I am very excited about), Horizon and No Man's Sky presuming they live up to their hype.
The lineup is not good. It'll be what, 3 years into the cycle, and that's what we have. It's at best, mediocre. In comparison to Sony's own standard, PS1/PS2/PS3 had far better libraries by this point.
It's bad compared to the x1 as well, which is getting way more games, and then I'm not talking about flopped indies.
X1 was dead on arrival but it's still funny to make fun of it and watch the xbots have meltdowns over it. Those of us who aren't employed by M$ knew it would bomb the moment the cable box was revealed.
Yeah. When the competition is really bad, the "best" console doesn't have to try hard either.
It's not the PS2 generation anymore, and for that, I am sad.
If you guys really think that the PS4 lineup sucks, then quit gaming. Im serious.
Take away the remasters, and remakes. You're left with sports games, a couple 3rd party multiplats (Batman, Witcher, Fallout 4), Bloodborne and Metal Gear. This year we will get Uncharted 4 (which I am very excited about), Horizon and No Man's Sky presuming they live up to their hype.
The lineup is not good. It'll be what, 3 years into the cycle, and that's what we have. It's at best, mediocre. In comparison to Sony's own standard, PS1/PS2/PS3 had far better libraries by this point.
It's bad compared to the x1 as well, which is getting way more games, and then I'm not talking about flopped indies.
pretty sure the x1 still loses in games count
Agreed, well SW has been on life support for years.
By year I suppose you mean since it started? System Wars has never been a place for quality posts.
It used to be fun back in the day. I think I started near the beginning of the the 7th gen when Cows were on the back foot thanks to Sony's arrogance. It was a rough few years for Cows who whined and complained about the rules.
Sure this place was never about the quality of the posts as most were downright worrying but it least you could have a laugh at someone elses expense because people put so much effort into their posts. These days there is no effort what so ever.
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