I see a lot of 360 hating threads tonight so now it's time to counter.
You failed at it.
People say the RROD is affecting like 70% of consoles . That is false . It's much lower than 30 for the earlier models. Now,,,
RROD :if your 360 breaks warranty most likely covers it , you send it for repairs and get it back in 2-4 weeks . You pay nothing.
Many people have done this and the fact is Microsoft knows how to deal with this.
Link? Proof?
Here you go: RROD=3 year warrenty.
Though anything else other than RROD, is only a 1 year warrenty. When that runs out, you have to pay about $100-120.
PS3 problems : your PS3 is less likely to brick but if it does after 30 or 60 days ( some stores have 90 unless you got extended warranty) your screwed. You have to pay sony to repair it.
From my personal experience, my PS3 bricked from the 2.40 update and I sent it in to Sony. For free. All Ps3s get a 1 year warranty not just a store warranty.
RROD : In the future more RROD proof models are released . Better prevention devices are present ( new intercooler ).I expect
RROD proof consoles to be out by x-mas . The ones now have a reduced chance.
Link? Proof?
He is a bit wrong on that part. The Jasper motherboard will only reduce the chances of RROD to an eligible failure rate below the one that we know of right now. The failure rate is 16% for RROD alone and that's still too high for an electronic.
PS3 problems : since teh tray doesn't have a disc dust can get in affecting the console.
Um no, theres a slit only a cd can fit in and I doubt dust can just squeeze itself inside the console.
Dust particles can go inside. But it won't really affect the PS3, seeing as it blows out alot of air, but you can barely here it.
RROD : There are many tech experts who can fix it for you for cheap .
Link? Proof?
I couldn't find anything for that. I wouldn't let anyone besides Microsoft touch my 360.
PS3 : Again , Sony is probably the only one who can do that.
Having a Sony employee fix it for you and noyt voiding your warranty is better than having an uncertified person opening your console and fixing it and surely voiding your warranty for future problems..
Yeah, I'd rather have Sony fix it then some random person.
So in concolusion although teh RROD is more common it's not so bad since people can easily deal with it , but if PS3 gets busted your screwed.
Your only screwed if your warranty is void.
There are some facts in there, but mostly everything he said are utter crap as well.
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