[QUOTE="faultline187"][QUOTE="Frozzik"]hey, i bet in 2005 or whenever that was the PS3's theoretical power was the best ever. Its now 2009, things have moved on, if you honestly think n vidia still haven't surpassed the RSX years later you are more stupid than i thought.
Really, they claimed the ps3 was more powerfull than 2x6800 in sli, back then this was, WOW, OMG, thats amazing. Now even budget cards beat that lol.
Here's the Problem with GPU based systems on PC's. First of all, GPU's (like G80) have moved to more general purpose scaler processors. They are good at crunching numbers in certain tasks faster than CPU Scalers though (Special Purpose) and now both of them being Scaler Processors makes it so any vector type calculations must be emulated. Scalers can do that, but not nearly as well as true Vector Processors like those in older GPU's and Cell BE SPU's.
So old systems with the GPU using vector chips and CPU's using Scalers, had a kind of symbiotic relationship! ....Now with both the same they aren't as efficient (more jobs have to be emulated). But the main problem, is the BANDWIDTH limits of PCI Express Bus! .....if it wasn't for the slow bandwidth, GPU's would be real Monsters!
That's the part that makes PS3 so very unique in it's design. It utilizes Rambus FLEX Bus Interface (fastest in the world) for highways. The potential to push out higher FLOPS is built into the system.
Now in the PS3, we have Cell BE (broadband engiine) and RSX GPU. The symbiotic relationship is returned, but they are reversed types now for the two purposes (wave of the future). The CPU is an Asymmetric Multi-core (GPU's are asymmetric by nature and highly Parallel). Meaning both types of chips are on the same core separated by the EIB Ring Bus. That RingBus is responsible for integrating the two different types of chips data flow with each other. It does this very well with bandwidth speeds ranging from 200GB/s to 380GB/s. Mating Vector core SPU's with the Scaler Core PPU and pushing DMA Memory to and from both chips and XDR Modules.
Across the road from Cell, we have the RSX GPU. Now Rambus designed the EIB for Cell and every part in that pipeline must have a Rambus designed interface. The thinking is that RSX has a some type of Ring Bus as well. Interconnects are then extremely fast and most likely faster than PC GPU's w/the same Scaler Processors(G80). *(remember this is rumor only, but is supported by Sony's extreme claim of 1.8 TFLOPS for RSX)
Which makes sense then, is PS3 has two Xtremely well matched (symbiotic) chips that have basically switched places from traditional PC structures (Vector CPU, Scaler GPU on PS3). Again mating up these two chips is the FLEXiO with the capability to push over 60GB/s of Total Bandwidth between the main processor (Cell) and the Co-Processor RSX. So PCI-Express with just 4GB/s to and from the GPU is really limiting these chip's power on PC's and is part of what makes up the FLOPS number people are quoting on PC/GPU.
Not only that, the new fuzzy logic (or Artificial Neural Network) on at least the Cell (possibly RSX too) makes it a Second Generation NoC (Network on Chip - Broadband Engine). The first generation NoC was PS2's Emotion Engine and Intel's 80 core chip will be a NoC as well (Broadband Core logic Interconnects are fast).
So as you see the Bandwidth between Cell BE and it's RSX GPU flat out kicks Butt!!
The best of this equation though, is both chips can really work together almost as if they were on the same chip substrate. If a job is done better on Cell BE's Vector Cores (like casting rays), that's where you can push that job. If the compute job is done better on a Scaler, that's where you can have it done.
The entire motherboard in PS3 was designed for Broadband it holds many secrets we have yet to uncover. But it is completely designed with Broadband in mind. This includes some compensation devices to keep the metal pathways and chips from literally vibrating to pieces (being eaten up) from EMI - ElectroMagnetic Interference. These devices on PS3 are newly designed NEC Proadlizers (located below main chips). Which are like capacitors that draw the EMI off the board, preventing any destruction of metal parts from EMI. This damage is caused from the extremely fast bandwidth speeds shutting on and off, changing frequency speeds, etc!
So there you have it the possible reason the best is yet to come for the PS3! ;)
One last thing. Remember when Kutaragi said PS3 was Upgradeable? .....it is! Cell BE can do 3.2GHz and 4GHz. The XDR Memory Modules can also do those two speeds along with XiO Memory Bus and the EIB can run speeds to match. The base frequency of the EIB is half that of PPU Core. But it's effective rate is then double data rate = same speed as the PPU core. The whole Motherboard and chips become an Extremely Fast Streamlined Communications Network!
RSX then has the potential to exceed the FLOPS that are normally there in a PC GPU and CPU!!!
Graphics and Computing Nirvana!!! ....and 1.8 TFLOPS becomes very possible indeed!!!
You stole this from google. Plagiarize more please.Actually ur wrong! send me the link from google then
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