An experience which you gave way too much credit for what it actually granted. I can go into details if you want me too on the game.
You're telling people that because you didn't personally utilize the scale of the environment in your play, that it is of no value. That game play such as the likes that edidili just posted isn't relevant, because you personally saw no use in it.
Who care if you find value in it? A man's garbage is another mans treasure. Yet you insist that expreince that you and other people recive that you approve are facts while the exprences that you don't approve are simply opionion. Slective bias much?
As I have repeatedly stated, a increased interactive range is simply a natural part of technological advancement. No different from the difference between current gen games and last gen games. Bigger worlds, better graphics, smarter game play. By questioning the point, you are questioning the point of technological advancement. Are you suggesting that we should just stand still? That the current gen interactive range is all we need?
What if they did this last gen? Or the gen before that? Or even in the SNES days?
There you go again with the shifting the attention of our dissicusiton.
I do not care nor said anything about console gamers and yet you trying to create a redherring about the console gamers, because your ridiculous beef with them.
A red herring is when you try to divert attention from one subject by bringing up something else. Console gamers are relevant to this particular discussion, because the discussion is current gen consoles impact on the Crysis experience, with console gamers in the thread downplaying that impact.
Explain how they are not relevant.
They are not relvant because I made no comment on them. And yet you think I some random console fanboy, because I critizise the first original crysis game.
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