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[QUOTE="alfy13"]if this is true. i hope it cost more then 399.00, because if not. then i guess that is what i get for getting a launch version 360. Hopefully they will alllow us to upgrade our hard drives at least.[/QUOTE]
They will probably allow trade-ins. You send your Premium XBox360 to M$ manufacturing company and they send you the new version. I just hope we are able to copy our data from the 20GB to the 120GB drive without any problems.
[QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? MedjaiI would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys?
Now, it seems that MS doesnt really care about its gamers, if they just gon giive up on the first 360. Take a look at the original Xbox, after the 360's release. The Xbox was completely kicked to the curb after a short lifespan due to 360. If this happens again, then Version 2, would be more focused on...T-Zone
The games are going to play on both version with no problems, so I don't see that happening. I can see M$ discontinuing the XBox360 Core sometime this year and eventually the XBox360 v1 model over time. If they didn't care about gamers they wouldn't even have created a v2 of the system with the extra components and hard drive space that gamers have been screaming about.
[QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? target-renderedI would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys? omg no its not its 2x the lowest possible
If that's true then the ONLY reason to by the "updated" 360 (assuming you already bought a 360) is if you own a 1080p TV that only accepts native 1080p via HDMI and whose component inputs do not accept native 1080p (the 360 outputs full 1080p via component.)
There is no quality difference between HDMI and component.
EDIT: Didn't see the part about the larger HD. I guess that's another legit reason if you're having space issues with your regular HD.
[QUOTE="target-rendered"][QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? MedjaiI would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys? omg no its not its 2x the lowest possible Hey friend, little back up? When has a SONY format ever won out?
[QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"][QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? coreygamesI would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys? omg no its not its 2x the lowest possible Hey friend, little back up? When has a SONY format ever won out? thx Corey but Target-Rendered is one of those I don't listen to reason Sony fans...but thx
I do my research Target maybe you should
[QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"][QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? coreygamesI would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys? omg no its not its 2x the lowest possible Hey friend, little back up? When has a SONY format ever won out? CD
[QUOTE="coreygames"][QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"][QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? zenerikI would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys? omg no its not its 2x the lowest possible Hey friend, little back up? When has a SONY format ever won out? CD James Russell invented the compact disk in 1965. James Russell was granted a total of 22 patents for various elements of his compact disk system. However, the compact disk came into popularity when it was mass manufactured by Philips in 1980.
I think its about time we have a souped up version with some extra nooks and crannies such as Wi-Fi, HD-DVD drive built in for films, Blue-Tooth, DVI, HDMI and Infra Red and some other things.Oemeniaok mr cow. so you telling me i just got pwend with my current 360? if they add all this stuff for 399.00. and btw im not even a fanboy. but thanks for letting me know i just wtf pwned my self. along with friends who jsut bought there 360 at xmas. when they should of jsut waited for the summer rumor realease. tahnks man.
[QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? target-renderedI would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys?
Yes..yes, and that's why HD-DVD is currently beating it in both hardware and DVD sales. Even the demand for the PS3 has started to slow as well. I think you need to do some research.
I don't see the big deal with this upgrade. I'm sure they will sell the 120GB drive seperately and only people with 1080p HDTV really need an HDMI port as an option. Very few people will need to make this upgrade. New owners will benefit however.
Yes..yes, and that's why HD-DVD is currently beating it in both hardware and DVD sales. Even the demand for the PS3 has started to slow as well. I think you need to do some research. blackace
HDDVD isn't even close in beating DVD in sales.
DVD is still selling overwhelmingly more than HDDVD and Blu Ray.
I would rather have optional add ons then a manditory sub standard blu ray player Do some research before your talk BS. BluRay in PS3 is the best on the market. Where does MS find these guys?[QUOTE="target-rendered"][QUOTE="Medjai"][QUOTE="target-rendered"]How many time is this that MS is screwing its consumers with Add-Ons and "Updates" ? blackace
Yes..yes, and that's why HD-DVD is currently beating it in both hardware and DVD sales. Even the demand for the PS3 has started to slow as well. I think you need to do some research.
I don't see the big deal with this upgrade. I'm sure they will sell the 120GB drive seperately and only people with 1080p HDTV really need an HDMI port as an option. Very few people will need to make this upgrade. New owners will benefit however.
Actually , I'm excited. I know this is off-topic, but Toshiba is supposed to announce at least 1 under $200 stand alone hd-dvd player at CES next week. I'd be all over that like white on rice. THat'd murder blu-ray[QUOTE="blackace"]Yes..yes, and that's why HD-DVD is currently beating it in both hardware and DVD sales. Even the demand for the PS3 has started to slow as well. I think you need to do some research. Alucard-Shat
HDDVD isn't even close in beating DVD in sales.
DVD is still selling overwhelmingly more than HDDVD and Blu Ray.
I think he meant hardware as in "players", and dvd's as in "software" (meaning hd-dvd software vs. blu-ray software)Makes me think that MS is adding HDMI because of p3. if taht is the case th ey should of added it , instead of coming later with it. Is this their True 1080 p fix?alfy13
They should have added in the beginning not two years later. If these rumors are the lemmings have been pwned big time!
[QUOTE="Alucard-Shat"][QUOTE="blackace"]Yes..yes, and that's why HD-DVD is currently beating it in both hardware and DVD sales. Even the demand for the PS3 has started to slow as well. I think you need to do some research. osusfaith
HDDVD isn't even close in beating DVD in sales.
DVD is still selling overwhelmingly more than HDDVD and Blu Ray.
I think he meant hardware as in "players", and dvd's as in "software" (meaning hd-dvd software vs. blu-ray software)He said DVD's.
Blu Ray discs aren't DVD's. They are completely different media. They look the same, but they're not... just like how CD's and DVD's look the same but are different forms of optical disc media.
if this is true. i hope it cost more then 399.00, because if not. then i guess that is what i get for getting a launch version 360. Hopefully they will alllow us to upgrade our hard drives at least.
Is MS afraid of Sony in terms of Graphics-ish? That they have to release a Re-Hash 360?T-Zonewhat? it will still have the same superior GPU :|
This isn't a rumor. The updated system was announced previously.
For those of you who are panicing about whether you'll have to buy the new system, relax, the hardware isn't any more powerful, so it won't run the games any better. It's less of an upgrade, and more of an update, think like the slim PS2 and the DS Lite.
The main advantages are:
1. The new processor was developed to lessen the chance of overheating (which is less of an issue than it was at launch), and mainly, to address the complaints of gamers who compared their fan to a blackhawk helicopter. The system will run much quiter and cooler.
2. The HDMI cables will allow for true 1080p, which should only matter to you if you have a 1080p TV with HDMI support.
The (uncomfirmed) larger hard drive really isn't a reason to upgrade. If you want a 120 GB hard drive, you can buy it separately.
"True" 1080p?
Dude, component passes "true" 1080p with ease.
[QUOTE="alfy13"]if this is true. i hope it cost more then 399.00, because if not. then i guess that is what i get for getting a launch version 360. Hopefully they will alllow us to upgrade our hard drives at least.
Man, people are overreacting for no reason at all. This new Xbox 360 will do the exact same thing that the last one can - play Xbox 360 games. The inclusion of HDMI is nice, but Microsoft is doing it for one reason alone - in order to stay competitive with Sony. There are a lot of potential buyers who don't own a PS3 and Xbox 360 that can be persuaded to buy the 360 just because it has HDMI, but the fact of the matter is you don't need it to play games and you know that's the honest truth. Microsoft is not going to rest with the current design of the 360 when they have the opportunity to make it better than before. It's going to be a long console war, and one of the closest and most bitter yet and the 360 has not yet reached even close to 1/4th it's potential install base world wide and Microsoft is going to do whatever it takes to revamp and improve the 360 so that it can win. Think about that.
I swear, some fanboys get so bitter over small and paltry things that just don't freaking matter. You're punishing yourself for no reason - this is what happens when you adopt a console early. You think the PS3 isn't going to see revisions and improvements as well?
I wonder how many people are going to deliberately overheat and break their consoles just so that they can get one of the new ones.
It's not like Microsoft is updating it with the HD DVD drive so that you have to buy that in order to play games on HD DVD.
ppl are mad because Ususally when a console company revise a console its 3-4yrs later, not 1 yr later . taht is why i think MS just screwed is early adopters like my self. if i would of known that MS would have a better 360 one year later i would of waited. now you guys are saying its ok for MS for doing this 1year later? i would understand 2 -3yrs later becasue its console has aged. but 1yrs later. think this is my last time buying a console from ms. i felt cheated wtih first xbox . friends talked me into buying the 360 , now i feel cheated again. but sad thing is its 1yr later vs 4yrs later.
[QUOTE="blackace"]Yes..yes, and that's why HD-DVD is currently beating it in both hardware and DVD sales. Even the demand for the PS3 has started to slow as well. I think you need to do some research. Alucard-Shat
HDDVD isn't even close in beating DVD in sales.
DVD is still selling overwhelmingly more than HDDVD and Blu Ray.
Go back and read the post. I was responding to a comment about Blu-Ray, not DVD. HD-DVD is out selling Blu-Ray. You read my post wrong.
yes, because when consoles are revised its 3-4yrs later, not 1 year later we bring a better version of our 1yr old console. alfy13
Good thing I didn't buy a 360 yet. HDMI will be great. No need to buy some proprietary $40 component AV cable.Einhanderkiller
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