I'm actually somewhat excited for a Nintendo console:o
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Trademarked or not, Nintendo really needs to make another dpad (they are terrible for fighting games imo).gamefan67
Fighting games are supposed to be played with the arcade stick.
[QUOTE="gamefan67"]Trademarked or not, Nintendo really needs to make another dpad (they are terrible for fighting games imo).nameless12345
Fighting games are supposed to be played with the arcade stick.
cant stand arcade sticks for fighters.. ive beat stick fighters with my mighty dualshock 2/3Looks good. Except the octagons around the analogue sticks. In the real picture it looks like a complete circle to me. That's what it looks like.Also, people are over exaggerating how big the thing will be. Objects may look larger in close up pic kkthx.[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]
That comparison GIF from GAF isn't accurate. Here's a better one I made using the Sizes from the patents:
[QUOTE="gamefan67"]Trademarked or not, Nintendo really needs to make another dpad (they are terrible for fighting games imo).nameless12345
Fighting games are supposed to be played with the arcade stick.
t So? Arcade sticks are just as uncomfortable as Nintendo's dpad, but at least they are optional.[QUOTE="Eponique"]Looks good. Except the octagons around the analogue sticks. In the real picture it looks like a complete circle to me. That's what it looks like.Also, people are over exaggerating how big the thing will be. Objects may look larger in close up pic kkthx.[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]
That comparison GIF from GAF isn't accurate. Here's a better one I made using the Sizes from the patents:
No it's a complete circle. The one D4W1L4H has in the pic is the Gamecube octagon analogue sticks.
Oh and I don't know what you mean by your last sentence. Were you talking to someone else? >_>
After further contemplation, I can see that everything will backfire with that... thing. Nintendo needs the mass market casuals to succeed. I love the E3 11' version, much more elegant. It's super clean and accessible, the other one is the result of listening to 3rd party devs... It's asymmetrical, uneven (sticks stick out way too much), its form/aspect ratio looks weird/off, one is inviting/simple and the other is more complex/off-putting, the analog sticks overall make the damn thing look hideous.. damn.
The Ubisoft leak still had the E3 build. I don't care how legit this rumour is and whatever patents back it up, I still believe. I'm calling this old/fake.
I just can't see casuals picking that thing up to play like this:
The analog stick doesn't have the octagon gate around it this time. This basically makes the Wii U controller analog sticks the first 'true' analog sticks Nintendo has ever had, with full 360 degrees movement, and L3/R3 functionality.charizard1605copying sony... cant nintendo think of anything original :P
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]The analog stick doesn't have the octagon gate around it this time. This basically makes the Wii U controller analog sticks the first 'true' analog sticks Nintendo has ever had, with full 360 degrees movement, and L3/R3 functionality.campzorcopying sony... cant nintendo think of anything original :P I know, right? Down with those copycats :x :P
[QUOTE="VERTIGO47"]2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all confirmed. Six would only be confirmed by third parties like Activision and Capcom. Nintendo won't do it after the Eternal Darkness and Geist fiasco.Well that's 1 good news and 6 more to go, to win me back to Nintendo:
- Proper Analog Sticks - CHECK
- Proper Analog Triggers - ?
- Proper HDD atleast 160GB space - ?
- Traditional Analog Controller option - ?
- Serious 3rd party support - ?
- More Mature rated games - ?
- Proper FREE Online Service - ?
[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="VERTIGO47"]2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all confirmed. Six would only be confirmed by third parties like Activision and Capcom. Nintendo won't do it after the Eternal Darkness and Geist fiasco. Which is why I said it's confirmed ;) And trust me, Nintendo will do it too.Well that's 1 good news and 6 more to go, to win me back to Nintendo:
- Proper Analog Sticks - CHECK
- Proper Analog Triggers - ?
- Proper HDD atleast 160GB space - ?
- Traditional Analog Controller option - ?
- Serious 3rd party support - ?
- More Mature rated games - ?
- Proper FREE Online Service - ?
[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="VERTIGO47"]Nintendo won't do it after the Eternal Darkness and Geist fiasco.what happen?Well that's 1 good news and 6 more to go, to win me back to Nintendo:
- Proper Analog Sticks - CHECK
- Proper Analog Triggers - ?
- Proper HDD atleast 160GB space - ?
- Traditional Analog Controller option - ?
- Serious 3rd party support - ?
- More Mature rated games - ?
- Proper FREE Online Service - ?
what happen?They bombed... horribly in sales. Which is sad because back when Nintendo had Rare, their only M rated success was Perfect Dark and that sold at 1.3 million (according to N-Sider). No numbers were given to Geist, but Eternal Darkness sold around 200,000+ units. Ouch![QUOTE="nintendoboy16"]Nintendo won't do it after the Eternal Darkness and Geist fiasco.TheShadowLord07
[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="nintendoboy16"]Doubtful. Nintendo knows that would be financial suicide for them.nintendoboy16Just because something didn't work once doesn't mean it won't work again. See Also: Virtual Boy and 3DSOnly Virtual Boy was a very flawed and bashed piece of hardware that deserved bad sales. Eternal Darkness and Geist were games that had positive reception but sold really badly.Eternal Darkness, yes. Geist? Not at all, it received horrible reviews everywhere. Eternal Darkness would have sold had Nintendo marketed it. That's Nintendo's problem: every time it invests in something new (which isn't all that often to begin with), it never markets it, and therefore the new product does not sell. We were having this discussion yesterday where I raised this point, but every time Nintendo markets a new IP, it sells. Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Nintendogs, Brain Age, Wii Series, Kid Icarus. When they don't market their IPs, they don't sell. No one is to blame for this but Nintendo. People won't buy anything except for Zelda and Mario if Nintendo doesn't market anything but Zelda and Mario. Back to Eternal Darkness: great review scores, horrible marketing that was pretty much non existent. This led to poor sales. See whose fault that was? Geist was a bad game. Period. Going by your Virtual Boy justification, it was a bad game that deserved to sell poorly. Nintendo can sell 'mature' products well. Look at something like Metroid Prime, which sold well enough simply because Nintendo marketed it so well. That's all they have to do the next time they make a mature game.
[QUOTE="nintendoboy16"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] Just because something didn't work once doesn't mean it won't work again. See Also: Virtual Boy and 3DScharizard1605Only Virtual Boy was a very flawed and bashed piece of hardware that deserved bad sales. Eternal Darkness and Geist were games that had positive reception but sold really badly.Eternal Darkness, yes. Geist? Not at all, it received horrible reviews everywhere.
A 7.8 from former Gamespot writer, Greg Kasavin is... terrible? I'll admit, the overall consensus wasn't as high as I thought, but a 66 from Metacritic and a 68-69 from Gamerankings isn't bad either.
Saying Geist did critically bad everywhere is just wrong. The only places it did bad were with Edge (no surprise) and Nintendo Power (I read that article, so I would know), not to mention one place dubbed it one of the worst horror games, but that was ONE place.
If Zelda ends up looking like the concept demo il be tempted to pick up a Wii U.
I highly doubt il pick one up at launch as the available games will all be party casual based.
still i like the tablet and the possibities it brings, just hope they make non casual games that use it well.
[QUOTE="R4gn4r0k"][QUOTE="Enforcedspot"] broken pic :PBrunoBRS
Lol it worked for 5 seconds.
Here is another one:
2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all confirmed.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="VERTIGO47"]
Well that's 1 good news and 6 more to go, to win me back to Nintendo:
- Proper Analog Sticks - CHECK
- Proper Analog Triggers - ?
- Proper HDD atleast 160GB space - ?
- Traditional Analog Controller option - ?
- Serious 3rd party support - ?
- More Mature rated games - ?
- Proper FREE Online Service - ?
Linky? would be much appreciated :)
Sorry, but I find it pathetic. All I care about are the games and thats itSorry to burst your bubble, but no. Aside from the tablet, Only the Wiimote with WM+ will be supported as well as the CC, Nunchuck and other accessories. There will be no rechargeable controllers. The Wiimote is already accurate enough. Look at MP 3, SMG and The conduit, for exampleI had no idea they were circle pads to begin with, so this news doesn't really phase me.
I'm more concerned with other controller news. I really really really really really really really really really really don't want them to keep the Wii Remote around as a "primary" controller for the console.
I would like to see either compatibility with four tablet controllers, or one tablet controller + three standalone wireless (with rechargeable battery pack) classic controller pros.
Unless of course they really enhance the Wii Remote, and actually make it accurate, and give it a rechargeable battery pack, and remove the need to tether it to the nunchuk or classic controller
[QUOTE="nameless12345"][QUOTE="gamefan67"]Trademarked or not, Nintendo really needs to make another dpad (they are terrible for fighting games imo).campzor
Fighting games are supposed to be played with the arcade stick.
cant stand arcade sticks for fighters.. ive beat stick fighters with my mighty dualshock 2/3 Dualshock Schmualshock >.>The analog stick doesn't have the octagon gate around it this time. This basically makes the Wii U controller analog sticks the first 'true' analog sticks Nintendo has ever had, with full 360 degrees movement, and L3/R3 functionality.charizard1605Lol "true sticks" :lol: Please Look at the classic controller
they moved the Dpad and the buttons closer to the screen :/[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="SuperFlakeman"]
If we assume the screen and button sizes are the same, it definitely is the same height but wider. Look at the space between the d-pad and the edge on both screenshots.
Edit: lol I just went through the gaf thread: "It's wider. See how much space there is between the d-pad and the edges in both pics?"great minds something something
Yeah but I still think it's slightly wider, wanna bet??
Looking at the patents it's maybe 1cm wider, but 5cm more narrow which probably make it look even wider.Not gonna lie, I actually prefer octogonal gates as it feels more steady in my opinion.They should have left the octogonal gate in the left stick, at least.
Oh well
Check the spoiler tag for the bigger image lol.
Well, that's one of the problems gone. I wonder if they'll be clickable too, would be nice.
Edit: They've also moved the button placement slightly.
You can see that the old controller had the start/select buttons on the bottom next to the home button -- now they're on the right side.
Check the spoiler tag for the bigger image lol.
Well, that's one of the problems gone. I wonder if they'll be clickable too, would be nice.
Edit: They've also moved the button placement slightly.
You can see that the old controller had the start/select buttons on the bottom next to the home button -- now they're on the right side.
Completely true LOL @ him saying, "casuals can go to hell"Bleh, the circle pads made it unique and differentiated from a typical gamepad. The texture of the circle pad was also nice and I was able to do stuff with it that the analogue stick sucks in.LastRambo341Analog seems more convenient and in line with appeasing the core audience though, the whole point is to bring back that audience to Nintendo platforms. Circle Pads aren't ideal for that, as much as I like the circle pad on my 3DS.
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